On the 26th of Dec, along with the saints in the church in Gurugram, we visited the brothers in the prison in Mathura. This was my fourth visit to the brothers. This visit was with an important update for the recent fellowship we had in Chennai. I could not go ahead and execute the fellowship unless I first fellowshipped with my coordinating brother.
This time, I personally came to fellowship and update important matters related to the official literature service as I fellowshipped with the brothers serving in the work in India last week. This time I updated my brother on the new directors proposed from India. This matter needs to be fellowshipped first for implementing it. Except for the prison wall, I am still serving in oneness with my brother. As usual, I brought whatever important official matters to him and only if we both feel good in oneness and one accord, then only I will take the further step.
This time, I brought along three saints who came to visit the brothers in the prison for the first time. Since it was my foruth time, I became familiar with the people in the token counter and the street vendors from whom we purchased fruits and drank tea. The imprisonment has almost reached a hundred days now. By now, the saints have accepted the fact and could cope up with the unprecedented situation. The mother and wife of the brothers in the prison were no longer emotionally depressed as before. Gradually, the Lord has been perfecting us to accept His sovereign arrangement.
Through this situation, the Lord also blended the saints together in maNy practical aspect of the church life. In caring for one another, in physical visits and spiritual prayers, and in bearing the burden for the Lord's testiomny together in North India. Everywhichway, the Lord is gaining us and building us up together in Him, unto His glory.
We still continue to pray for the brothers' release and for the strengthening of His move in North India.