Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Brothers Fellowship in Chennai

Our God is the moving Triune God! He moves in the midst of the world's chaotic situation, often clubbed with persecution, especially in North India these days. His move can neither stop nor be hindered. Our responsibility on the earth is to be one with Him in His move. In fact, the stronger the opposition to His move, the stronger and swifter His move becomes. For He is God, and He is good at being God. Hallelujah!

From the 17th of Dec tilt the 19th, the brothers serving in coordination in India came together for a three-day fellowship on the Lord's move in India specifically. Day by day for three days we came together for prayers and then fellowship on some practical points. In between, a senior brother fellowshipped on the burden the Lord has imparted to him for all of us. So for three days, we had a bl; blessed time of prayers, fellowship, and blending. What a joy and blessing indeed for brothers to be oneness! The outward situation in India just proved the inward move of the Lord in, among, and through all of us brothers. Praise the Lord!

In this fellowship, I also brought the point for the new directors from India. Though I proposed two young brothers who have been in my consideration for years now, they are still to go through many learning and lessons in life until they are fully prepared by the Lord to bear the responsibility of shouldering the publication work together with me and the brothers serving in coordination. In fellowship, two new brothers from India who also have been coordinating in the Lord's move were proposed to be the new directors from India. 

Following this fellowship, I updated the brothers on the publication work in the USA, and also my coordinating brother who is still in prison at the present time. I confirmed the directorship to the brothers and will further proceed with the formal registration of their directorships. 

Other practical needs of the present time were also fellowshipped in responses to the current political situation in India. All that I can testify is that God is still on the throne and He is executing His work through us on the earth.

Lord, bless Your move in India!

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