Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Blending, Blending...

Last Lord's Day, the 8th of December, we had our first combined Lord's Table meeting of the churches in NCR. In fact, this was also the first big meeting after the prosecution of the churches in North India took place in Mathura and affected the churches in North India very much. Till date, some saints are still in an anxious and depressed mode, especially the family members of the brothers in confinement. Despite all the circumstances sovereignly allowed by the lord, the Lord also led us deeper and higher to walk with Him carrying our cross and following Him faithfully denying our self. 

The burden for such a meeting is for blending, blended with shepherding, for our growth in life for the building up of the Body of Christ. The Lord also released His heart's desire for all of us, giving us the way to grow in life in the midst of persecution, suffering, and afflictions. On top of all these, enjoying the Triune God to the fullest extent possible is the main goal of God. 

The recent up-to-date speaking of the Lord also matched the burden we bear today. The epistles of Peter speak about judging, trials, and grace under the government of God. But the focus is not on judgment, trials, or grace per se, but the enjoyment of the Tirune God in the midst of all sufferings and persecution for the growth in life that issues in the building up of the Body of Christ and will ultimately consummate the New Jeruslaem.

For what glory is it if, while sinning and being buffeted, you endure? But if, while doing good and suffering, you endure, this is grace with God. (1 Peter 2:20, RecVer)

Some crucial Bible verses of fellowship in the meeting were on endurance. We all can endure whatever the Lord allows us to go through. For, the source of real endurance is not from ourselves but from the Lord.

Endurance In Jesus: I John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and endurance in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. (Revelation of John 1:9, RecVer)

Endurance  In the Word: Because you have kept the word of My endurance, I also will keep you out of the hour of trial, which is about to come on the whole inhabited earth, to try them who dwell on the earth. (Revelation of John 3:10, RecVer)

Endurance In the Love of Christ: And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the endurance of Christ. (2 Thessalonians 3:5, RecVer)

Endurance In the Body of Christ: Rejoice in hope; endure in tribulation; persevere in prayer. (Romans 12:12, RecVer)

As Christians, we have been called to suffer.  For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered on your behalf, leaving you a model so that you may follow in His steps; (1 Peter 2:21, RecVer). But, we are also being shepherded by our Shepherd. For you were like sheep being led astray, but you have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. (1 Peter 2:25, RecVer). Therefore, we endure our sufferings and are shepherded by the Lord causing us to grow in life to full maturity!

By the way, this day, the 8th of December, also is our youngest daughter's eleventh birthday. After the blending meeting, we had a family time together at our children's favorite restaurant. This was a good way of shepherding our children once in a while. While we had the churches blending, we also enjoyed our own family blending. 

Blending, blending, is the way to shepherd one another.

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