Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore, Tamilnadu
The Christian Medical College Vellore is one of the top-ranked educational, healthcare, and research institutes in India. It was established in the year 1900 and started as a single-bedded clinic, under the leadership of Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder, the only daughter of second-generation American missionaries. Now, it is a 3675-bedded multi-specialty medical institution of international repute. CMC Vellore is ranked as the second-best medical institute in India, attracting many brilliant doctors and students from across the country. It also serves as a significant destination for medical tourism.
As the Lord opens up this college for the spread of the ministry of the word over the past few months, I visited this college for the first time in my life to fellowship with the local brothers concerning the opening of a ministry books store in coordination with the local saints to cater to the needs of the many seekers among medical doctors, nurses, medical students, and patients from different parts of India. I was overwhelmed to hear of the wonderful deeds the Lord has been doing among the faculty members here. Despite the many years of struggling in the propagation of the truth in this city, the local church was yet to see the increase in numbers until recently when the Lord opened the door to this college through the introduction and distribution of the ministry books especially the Holy Bible Recovery Version. The brothers then discovered this new way! There were testimonies of many doctors and nurses being shephered by the truth through the regular weekly pursuing meeting. Therefore, the burden to make the ministry literature available to all the doctors, nurses, students, and staffs was conceived.
During my one day stay, the brother who himself and his wife are doctors serving in the hospital in different campuses gave me a tour of the two campuses while testifying how the Lord opened up the campuses for the gospel move. People from all parts of India were either working, studying, or under medical treatment. This makes the campus a gospel hub where many people can receive the real divine inward healing as they were being treated for the physical outward healing.
In the afternoon, I had a time of fellowship with some saints and new ones on the need to be watchful in life and faithful in service. One new Pastor joined the fellowship and was so touched by the Lord’s timely speaking. He even testified that though he had been to many Christian denominations and even became one of the preachers, he found the purity of the Christian life, proper practice of the church life, and the real church in the Lord’s recovery of the local churches through the help of the ministry of Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Theses are his words I paraphrased. He was so joyful when I ministered the word. Therefore, he offered praises and thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ thereafter!
In the evening, a time of fellowship with MBBS students was held at the campus' chapel. The meeting began by singing "Shine Jesus Shine!" which set the tone for my ministering. So, I began ministering by emphasizing the need for the word of God to shine using 2 Timothy 3:16 and shared my experiences of the Lord shining in me through the word.
I testified of how the Lord saved me. Then I ministered the word on being born anew, followed by the need and way to grow in the Christian life along with introducing the Holy Bible Recovery Version. The students received the ministry quite well with much seeking heart and concluded with prayer.
Later, I attended a group meeting where I shared the need for household salvation even as our host opened up to share his testimony of salvation and how he was shepherded into the church life. There, we had lovefeast and on our way back home, we visited a family whose mother missed my afternoon fellowship due to her mother's health condition. We encouraged them and prayed for them.
The next day morning, the brother drove me to Palamaner. On the way, I was requested to share on how "Bible interprets Bible" using the Recovery Version footnotes as examples. The two leading brothers were so encouraged and strengthened by this one day visit with all the fellowship sessions we enjoyed together. Praise the Lord!
May the Lord continue to bless the church in Vellore and His move in the medical college campuses to gain many for Himself and His interest all over India.