Sunday, 9 March 2025

Marriage Fellowship

These days, there has been fellowship after fellowship related to the marriages of the saints. It is indeed a good sign that marriages are happening among the saints. We have been barren for many years concerning our saints getting married. We have made a couple of proposals in the past and most of them did not work out. But, this year we got one marriage done, and now three more couples are in the process of fellowship. 

Yes, this definitely is a good news that young saints are getting married. But at the same time, these fellowships are not without complications. The past few weeks and still ongoing, I have been involving in a couple of fellowships on the upcoming marriages of three couples. Some are smooth and sweet, while others are complicated and confused. But I am sure about one thing, God's perfect will will be accomplished and in the process we are being perfected. 

Sometimes, I wonder why things are not so easy as it would seem to be. In referring to my own marriage, to me, it should be very simple once it is clear that it is from the Lord. But the cases I am involved in right now, seems to go through tough water. I do not doubt the will of God, but the timing and the way some of these couples have taken are questionable. I only pray that the will of the Lord be done even in the timing and the way the marriages will be carried out. 

As for me, though I personally did not voluntarily get involved in these upcoming marriages, I have no choice but to be with the brothers and be one with them in the fellowship. While attending the fellowships, my best contribution was, to keep praying silently and inwardly while the matters were being fellowshipped. Only when asked to speak, I just spoke what I felt I should speak. But I made it always clear that, despite all the fellowships, the perfect will of the Lord be done.

I am being trained and perfected to serve the saints in this regard. And I am learning this lesson through all the fellowships. One day, my own children will have to face the same situation. I pray that the Lord will preserve all of us just to be one with Him without any opinion other than the perfect will of the Lord. Now, I am in the process of learning to serve in shepherding the saints in leading them to do the perfect will of the Lord.

Lord, head up all the fellowships. Lord, let Your perfect will be done in the lives of all these young couples!

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