Sunday, 9 March 2025

Marital Fellowship

One burden I have been praying for is for all the married couples to be one with God and one with one another, to love God and to love one another by the divine love of God in Christ. I have learned this lesson from my marriage life. And I believe, this is the lesson every married couple should learn. Otherwise, there is a grave danger of turning away from the grace of God. Of course, for such a marriage testimony, the source of marriage and the foundation of marriage must also be God Himself. With God as the source of marriage with the grace of God to keep the marriage enjoyable, brothers and sisters must take grace day by day, honoring the Headship of Christ and honoring one another as co-heirs of the grace of life.

Husbands, in like manner dwell together with them according to knowledge, as with the weaker, female vessel, assigning honor to them as also to fellow heirs of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7, RecVer)
Recently, a brother and I have been through a couple of times of fellowship related to two couples. One case has been so serious that we know not what to do except to cry out to God for mercy. We cannot act in the flesh as it will only lead to destruction. We can only pray and pray for God to deal with the couples involved. The cases are so complicated that it cannot be even discussed with any other saints nor can we speak to the couples involved directly. These cases are fit only to commit them to the Lord, cry out to God, plead for the Lord’s mercy, and pray and pray. No physical action can be taken in the flesh. Only should the Lord lead, then can we consider to take action according to the Spirit. 

Sometimes, I wonder why I have to face all these complicated situations among the saints, especially among the married couples in the church life. I now expect all these couples to grow in life to the extend of shepehrding other needy couples. Yet now, their marriages are in a complicated situation, I hope not in a limbo. May God be merciful to us. This is a sure sign that we have been very much lacking in the enjoyment of Christ as our life and life supply. This is also a reminder to not take the church life for granted but to exercise daily to enjoy Christ as life. Spiritual exercise is a daily matter. 

Inspite of all the complicated marriages, I have a strong and confirmed feeling within me that Christ is still the Victor in the church and in the lives of the couples in complication. Deep within, I have the assurance that these marriages will be preserved and the Lord will heal the situations among the saints. Though outwardly I am concerned, but inwardly, the Lord’s peace confirmed to me that He will shepherd His children and recover all of them.

I also believe that the Lord allows these complicated couples to come to our lives as serving brothers for us to turn to the Lord and take Christ as our wisdom and discernment in dealing with problems to find the solution in Christ. Praise the Lord!

Lord, preserve all the married couples in the church for Your testimony. 

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