On 15 January 2025, I spent the whole day with a brother in Vellore and also visited the Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore. This was recorded in the January blog. https://palmeichung.blogspot.com/2025/01/ministry-of-word-in-vellore.html
The Christian Medical College Vellore was established in the year 1900 and started as a single-bedded clinic, under the leadership of Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder. It is now ranked as the second-best medical institute in India, attracting many brilliant doctors and students from across the country.
Despite the opposition and persecution in the North, the Lord has opened up this campus in the South where many people from the North who either serve or come for medical treatments were very open to the gospel and to the ministry. What could not possibly be done in the North any longer, can now be freely done in the South for the North!
As the Lord opened up this college for the spread of the ministry of the word over the past few months, a ministry books store has been opened in coordination with the local saints to meet the spiritual needs of the many seekers among medical doctors, nurses, students, and patients from different parts of India! Besides, we also had a time of fellowship with the medical students, seekers, and saints. The Lord has specially burdened a Doctor-couple who both serve in the hospital to take the initiative for the spread of the ministry among the doctors, nurses, patients, and medical students in the campus. Weekly Recovery Version Study groups are going on, and a simple read-through of a few verses along with the footnotes was found to be an effective way of shepherding the seekers.
On the 19th of February, I received some photos from a brother proving that the ministry bookstore had been opened! Therefore, the following day, I posted the following to the literature group as an announcement to the serving ones to pray for this bookstore.
Ministry Bookstore in VelloreOpposite CMC****************************And when the famine was over all the face of the earth, Joseph *opened all the storehouses of grain and sold grain* to the Egyptians; and the famine became severe in the land of Egypt. (Genesis 41:56, RecVer)--------------------------------------------- In coordination of Amana Literature and the church in Vellore in fellowship with the brothers in Tamilnadu, a ministry bookstore has been opened!This will also serve as a place for seekers to come for fellowship, prayer, pursue the truth, and receive the ministry of the word.--------------------------------------------- Prayer BurdensPray thay this storehouse of grain be a channel of spiritual life supply to the lovers and seekers of the Lord Jesus Christ.Pray that the faithful word and healthy teaching be made available to all God’s children and grant to all the taste of the ministry.Holding to the *faithful word*, which is according to the teaching of the apostles, that he may be able both to exhort by the *healthy teaching* and to convict those who oppose. (Titus 1:9, RecVer)Pray that through the ministry of the word, the Lord’s sheep be shepherded into one flock, into the church life.And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must lead them also, and they shall hear My voice, and there shall be *one flock, one Shepherd*. (John 10:16, RecVer)Pray that many seekers from the North be gained through this open door in the South.Pray for the serving ones to be good and faithful stewards to give food at the proper time to God’s children.Each one, as he has received a gift, ministering it among yourselves as *good stewards of the varied grace of God*. (1 Peter 4:10, RecVer)A man should account us in this way, as *servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God*. Here, furthermore, it is sought in stewards that one be *found faithful*. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2, RecVer)Who then is the *faithful and prudent slave*, whom the master has set over his household to *give them food at the proper time*? (Matthew 24:45, RecVer)
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