Today, February 23, the Lord brought the churches in Punjab together at the meeting hall of the church in Jalandhar. The church in New Delhi and Gurugram coordinated to serve in fellowshipping the burden of participating in the Lord’s move in India in the matter of prayer and material offerings for the building of the blending center in Chennai. The Lord gave us this opportunity to blend and fellowship with the churches in Punjab.
When the burden was released in New Delhi for the churches in North India, mainly NCR, the Lord gave us the opportunity to participate and we seized the opportunity to offer. What a blessing it was to be able to participate in the Lord’s move on the same day itself in a way of consecration trusting in the Lord and in His blessing! About a week later, the Lord burdened me and in fellowship with my family members, especially my wife and my son, we offered our portion. What a blessing! What a grace! What an opportunity!
Then, the brothers also fellowshipped about the need to bring the same burden to the churches in Punjab by gathering the saints together in Jalandhar. Initially, I considered some practical considerations mostly related to about 7 hours of travel. I had my preference for the mode of transportation. I thought it would be better to travel by train so that I could rest and also spend time in Bible reading and prayer during the travel hours. But I opened myself to the brothers and followed the fellowship. And the fellowship was, to travel by road in an SUV. Though I preferred the train, I denied my choice and took the brothers' fellowship.
On the 22 February we travelled by road in an SUV starting at about 7:10 AM, and we reached our destination at 5:00 PM. It took about 10 hours, as we also stopped in between for breakfast, refueling, and also visited a sister in a hospital.
To my surprise, I did not feel it was a long journey as we fellowshipped among ourselves many matters concerning the church life, our experiences, and also the situation of the saints in North India. A brother even said that for the sake of fellowship and blending it was best to travel together by road. And that was indeed true. We enjoyed fellowshipping the whole time while traveling.
The moment we arrived at the meeting hall in Jalandhar, we had a time of fellowship with the brothers from the church in Ludhiana and enjoyed our lovefeast. Today, the following day, we enjoyed a time of fellowshipping with the churches in Punjab blending together in oneness. We, brothers from the church in New Delhi and Gurugram, coordinated together to release the Lord’s burden to the saints in Punjab which was also released in different parts of India which I had recorded in my blog The same burden was repeated and I also shared the same portion that I already shared in New Delhi. Besides, I was glad to witness some key saints being recovered into the fellowship and oneness of the Body of Christ, especially from the church in Ludhiana.
Though the journey was long, about 10 hours up and 10 hours down, the time we spent together on the journey was precious. We enjoyed a time of fellowship among ourselves and a sweet time of blending and building up with one another. Through this church trip together, the Lord also prevented me from handling some complicated situations if I had stayed back on Saturday. First, in the morning, I received a message from a brother texting me for fellowship as he had a "major" issue to discuss. But I know that I am nobody to solve any issue, minor or major. At most, what I could do was to direct the brother to turn to the Lord in prayer and pray with him. I am glad I need not deal with that complicated situation. If at all I still need to get involved in, I would rather do it with much prayer and in coordination with other brothers. Second, I received another message from a sister requesting a pick-up for the Lord's Day meeting. I simply mentioned my inability to help her. I informed her to take care of herself in a way of helping her pay the price and somehow come to attend the meeting. Later, I also learned that she had a health issue and contacted a sister who then took care of her. Had I been there, I would have had to take care of all these matters too. But the Lord arranged the situation in a way that other saints, especially younger saints can function. I was thankful to the Lord for leading me to Jalandhar so that the saints themselves could take care of the needy ones. In that way, more saints could be brought into function.
There is always a great benefit in amening the brothers' fellowship and coordinating in oneness with the Lord's move. Praise the Lord!
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