Today is a very rare day in many years as the date 02/02/2020 is a palindrome date which can be read forward and backward with the same sound. The previous eight-digit palindrome was 11/11/1111, 909 years ago and the next palindrome date will happen on 12/12/2121, after 101 years.
Well, this is not the real reason for today's specialty. What I heard my daughter prophesy today concerning her testimony at school was what made me thank the Lord for His mercy.
As usual, the children prophesied first every Lord's day. All the children prophesied one by one, and their prophesies were so genuine that it touched my heart so much, I believe the same holds true for all the saints. Especially the prophesy of my daughter Bliss was very very touching.
Bliss prophesied that last week one day the students were lined up to enter a room which she was not aware then. As she approached the room, she smelt some pungent smell, which perhaps could have been the smell of a smoking aggarbatti, an Indian incense stick, burned for "pooja," idol worship. As she approached nearer to the hotspot of that religious worship, she realised it was a worship to an idol. She felt very nervous about doing the same despite other students worshipping the idol as she has been taught and constitution with the word of God that idol worship is a sin and is prohibited by the true and living God as revealed through the word of God, the Holy Bible. She prayed to the Lord and mustered up her courage and politely told the teacher in charge that she is a Christian and that she did not feel comfortable to bow down or worship idol. The teacher acknowledged her request and permitted her not to worship idol if she did not feel comfortable. Therefore, she was delivered from the worship of idol at school.
This prophesy was so touching a testimony for a young girl of 12 years, still in standard VI. The whole church in one accord amened the prophesy. What a joy to hear such a testimony from a young church kid. She happens to be my daughter, even otherwise I would still feel the same. This testimony encouraged the whole church and even uplifted the atmosphere of the meeting and testified of the Lord's work among all the saints in the church, even among the children. What a blessing the Lord has bestowed upon His church! May all the saints be preserved by the Lord for His pure testimony.
I was so thankful to the Lord for gracing our children. The Lord has been answering the prayers we have been praying to make our family a God-man family and our children, God-man children. Though sometimes, as living under the same roof, we see all the shortcomings, yet the Lord has been doing a marvelous works in each one of them. At home, sometimes, children seems to be hard to handle, yet at school they have well been disciplined academically, morally, ethically, and even spiritually. Praise the Lord for His mercy.
Later, I fellowshipped with my wife about my feeling and even thanked the Lord for His mercy upon our children. I also came to learn that my youngest daughter, Christy, too had similar testimony at school. She had been asked to chant some religious words while doing "yoga", but she knew well that it was not proper and right for her to do so, so she silently chanted "Lord Jesus" in lieu of the other religious words she was required to chant.
Unconsciously, the seed of the word of God sown into the children's being are bearing fruit. We live in a society and community filled with and surrounded by unbelievers, and such incidents will occur now and then as it had and has been so. The only way is to inoculate our children with the word of God, spiritually educate them, and pray for them that they would not succumb to the environment but stand up for the truth. May the Lord preserve all our children and bless them to bear the Lord's testimony. They are our next generation to carry on the Lord's work and bear His testimony.
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