The Lord's speaking to me personally in a very intimate and subjective way is what makes me grow in the divine life. His speaking is His presence, His dispensing, and His blessing. Without His speaking, life will be without any direction. His speaking proves my intimacy with Him. And I treasure His speaking. Therefore, my heart's cry daily is, "Lord, speak to me today!"
The Lord has His own way of speaking to His children. To me, he speaks mostly through the word of God. That's why I make sure that I read my Bible every day. In fact, I have my own schedule of Bible reading every day. I dare not say that He speaks to me every time I read the Bible. But I do say that He speaks to me in the midst of my Bible reading by using the word that I am reading. Out of the many verses and chapters I read every day, often He will lighten up some of the Bible verses and turn the logos into rhema. That's how I know that God speaks to me. And He does it in a very timely manner according to my needs and situation.
The Lord also speaks to me during my prayer time. Be it in the morning when I kneel before Him in my bedroom. Or when I go out to the park to take a prayer-walk. In fact, I make it a point to take at least an hour of prayer-walk every night when I finish all my daily work. The Lord has given me a beautiful park near my house where I can just go and walk and pray for hours at any time of the day or night. I call that park, my "prayer park." While reading the word of God, the Lord speaks often using the word even without me specifically asking for the Lord's speaking. But when I go to pray, I specifically seek His speaking and His presence. I come before Him with my burdens and queries. Many times, I was not able to make decisions concerning practical things related to my life, family life, official life, or church life. So during my time spent with the Lord in prayer, I bring all my burdens and pour it out to him. Then, He speaks to me. Sometimes, immediately, at other times, I had to wait for a period of time. But, He ultimately let me know His feelings concerning the burdens I poured out to Him. In that way, I have made many decisions only after praying the matter thoroughly over and getting to know the Lord's mind, feelings, and decisions.
The Lord also speaks to me in dreams as He did to many saints in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Recently, I had a couple of dreams and I could discern what the Lord intended to let me know. The dreams pertain to something the Lord wanted me to know and be prepared for it. The dream did not specify when that thing He made known would transpire. But having known, I simply prepared myself to handle the situation when it will be fulfilled.
The Lord also speaks to me in the fellowship of the Body of Christ. Many times I am not aware of certain things that I intend to neglect. But the Lord let me know that I should take action through the fellowship of the Body; through a brother's direct speaking to me or through a general fellowship. Then I take action realizing it is the will of the Lord.
And oftentimes too, the Lord speaks through circumstances. The happening around people, matters, and things, also gives me a clear direction concerning the Lord's will. I must open myself to the Lord to discern what He is speaking through the circumstances. In addition, He also speaks through songs, hymns, prophesies, messages, fellowship, etc.
I do believe there are other ways in which God speaks to His children. Whatever way the Lord takes to speak, the important point is that I must hear the Lord's speaking, the more the better. Even as a friend communes with a friend. Or even better, by just being one with the Lord when my livng becomes His living, my speaking His peaking, my feeling His feeling, and be one with God in every matter great or small.
Above all, what I need is the Lord's speaking, today.
Lord, speak to me today and every day.