The Lord has been teaching me how to have an ear to listen to what the saints have to say, and even keenly, listen to what they did not say by discerning in the spirit, the real intent for what they said. This is one of the characteristics required of the servant of the Lord. Time and again, I have been receiving calls or fellowship from the saints and new ones of their situation. It was a true test for me not to react in my natural man; especiallty the danger is partaking of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Generally, whoever presents a matter will present it according to his or her point of view, often self-vindicating and self-justifying. This is just fallen human nature. Therefore, I have learned not to fully believe in a one-sided story; it is always best to listen from both parties and even better, in the same call or conversation where the two present their cases at the same time. But I must be careful, I am not the judge. I am only listening because they wanted to speak to me. Given a choice, I would opt out.
A week ago, I was in the middle of repairing my wall clock when a brother called me on a conference call with his wife. They have been through tough times in their marriage life. Though I sincerely did not like to get involved in their marital affair, they both chose to call me again and again for fellowship and prayer. I have been on the receiving end of both their calls often since they came to know me as a brother in the Lord. Every time they called, I ended up praying with them, referring their matter to the Lord. I am hundred percent sure, I can do nothing and I wanted to do nothing. As a brother, I simply offered my listening ear and prayed with them.
As I listened to both of them presenting their viewpoints, I literally had nothing to say. As I listeneed I could only turn to my spirit and called upon the Lord's name inwardly, over and over again. When they both spoke and asked me to speak, I was in complete silence as I did not know what to say. Finally, I had the anointing from the Lord to speak a word based on the scripture. I simply fellowshipped with them to turn to the Lord, forgive one another and love the Lord to love another with the divine love, and not to give room to the enemy in their marital affair. After my short word of fellowship, we all prayed one by one and I asked both of them to carefully pray and consider before the Lord whatever decision they have to make.
I believe the Lord has been teaching and training me to learn how to shepherd the saints. He has been bringing complicated cases to let me know that I need Him to be my wisdom, understanding, and discernment. The more I face a situation like this, the more I realize my helplessness and uselessness in handling such a complicated marital issue. Thank the Lord, I personally have not faced such an issue that was brought to me. I need the Lord's covering and preservation that having listened to others of their problems I should not end up in the same.
I do trust the Lord's leading and speaking that this couple will be recovered! I know not when and how, but I do trust the living Spirit who lives in me and in them, and in His living word through which this couple can be fully reconciled and recovered. This couple's call of complaints and complications should be a call of corporate care and concern for the couple even to become the Lord's testimony bearer one day.
Lord, save the couple's marriage and bless them!