The Sovereign God in His infinite wisdom does what He deems best for His testimony. I have been graced and blessed to be an unworthy witness to His move recently too and participated in it. While India was struck by the second wave of Covid, the Spirit of God was also moving in the hearts of His lovers and seekers, seeking them out for His testimony in new localities in North India. The chronological record of the Lord's move in Mathur and Gatholi in Uttar Pradesh and Bharatpur in Rajasthan is below as I reported it to the coworkers serving in India.
2014 Salvation
•A family of three brothers was saved from an idolatrous background in Mathura
•They became very jealous for the gospel and preached the gospel in the nearby cities almost everyday
•They brought many new believers to Christ and also raised up new churches
2017 Came out of the Camp
•Due to conflict of spiritual interest, they came out of the denomination
•Out of much spiritual hunger, the key brother visited New Delhi to purchase the Holy Bible in Hindi and other Christian literature in Hindi
•They began to pursue the books of a famous Christian author in India and listened to some selected TV preachers
•They started meeting as a local church according to their understanding
2020 Discovered the Ministry Books!
- In July 2020 after the first wave of Covid, the key brother visited a Christian bookstore in New Delhi where he found the ministry books! He purchased 14 titles of Hindi ministry books and started pursuing the truths.
- Once he read the ministry books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, he lost the taste of all other Christian writings and TV preachers’ messages.
- He could now discern between the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
•In July 2021, the key brother searched for “Living Stream Ministry” online looking for more ministry books. But the address is of USA. Then he searched for “Amana Literature” as mentioned in the printed books; his search landed on a webpage that has the office phone number of Amana Literature, Gurugram.
•He got connected with the serving ones over the phone and requested for books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. He was then sent a Hindi catalogue via WhatsApp that has 50 titles of the ministry books in Hindi with office address.
•The next day, on the 21 of July 2021, without any prior information, he visited Amana Literature office to purchase more ministry books.
•He was given hospitality at the office guest room and spent the whole day fellowshipping with the serving ones.
•He also attended the meeting of the Church in Gurugram in the evening.
•Rhema books were introduced to him for his reading and distribution. He later distributed to his coworkers in Rajasthan who also read the books.
•He was introduced to a Hindi speaking brother in the church in New Delhi for the follow-up shepherding morning revival.
2021 September Fellowship in the Body
•Having read the ministry books and having enjoyed the fellowship over the phone, they invited the serving ones to visit them in Mathura.
•In fellowship with the coworkers, from 11 to 13 September, serving ones from the church in New Delhi and Gurugram visited them.
•They were so open to the ministry and to the brothers. Several rounds of fellowship were held. They were helped to enjoy some basic life practices of calling upon the Lord’s name, pray-reading the word, morning revival, prophesying, and hymns singing.
•On the Lord’s day, about 70 believers came together for the meeting where brothers ministered the truth concerning God’s plan, Christ’s redemption, the Spirit’s application, the believers, household salvation, and the need for growth in life for the building up of the Body of Christ.
•These believers are from Mathura and Gatholi in UP, and Bharatpur in Rajasthan, from three localities.
•The 5 leading brothers who attended all the sessions of fellowship testified that they have been so supplied with life and have been transferred to a new realm. They expressed their desire to be visited regularly and also planned to visit the churches in New Delhi and Gurugram for more fellowship and blending.
•In all the fellowship, the brothers testified of the presence of the Lord and the rich supply of life through the ministry of the word. The words of the Lord are spirit and life; the Spirit gives life!