This was my second time attending the Chattisgarh Christian Book Fair. contrary to what was generally perceived, the book fair drew a lot of crowds despite the pandemic still around the corner. On the first day of the exhibition, my experience was something of joy.
The moment we set up our bookstall, two brothers came and purchased all the ministry books in Hindi that were newly released. I was surprised initially at why these brothers were so hungry for the ministry of the word. This thought caught my attention. When I talked to the brother I discovered that he has been reading the ministry books and was, in fact, taking the stand as the local church in his locality, Champa. He further told me that there were a good number of believers who took the stand as the local church in the nearby villages, about five of them.
Once the fellowship was done, they left. Then, another group came to our bookstall, the brothers from the city itself, Bilaspur. We also enjoyed a good time of fellowship with them. With this group we had sweeter fellowship; they invited us to their online meeting, and for the Saturday night meeting, and also for the Lord's day meeting. In fact, we attended all of the meetings they invited us to and ministered the word of God.
After, this group, another couple came and collected all the books we displayed, the new title books in Hindi. These brothers also stood as the local church in his village and there were few others who took the same stand, all based on what they have learned and understood from the ministry books concerning the church.
Besides, there were few other Christian leaders and pastors who came to visit us, fellowshipped with us, and received the ministry books. Overall, the book exhibition was worth the price we paid for it. The Lord brought many of His chosen ones to taste and enjoy the ministry of the age!
Overall, I could perceive that the Lord has been moving in the state of Chattisgarh. This Chattisgarh Christian Book Fair has become a pivotal point to display and spread the ministry of the word! Many seeking believers who have received the ministry books are now ready to take the stand for the Lord's testimony. I believe, in fact, I see in my eyes of faith, many many golden lampstands shining brightly all over Chattisgarh, brightening up the dark northern part of India.
Gain North India Lord!