The translation of the ministry books into Telugu has passed through about two decades. A number of serving ones have come and gone. The literature service in this language has come to a level of maturity with the serving ones able to bring out a good quality translation. Four of the serving ones in this language passed through the Greek class, and two of them were selected to do the text translation of the New Testament.
A brother who is the lead translator for the text was gained by the Lord into the church life and had also attended the full-time training. As a young ambitious student, he used to prepare for the civil services exam in India, the highest competitive exams which only competent students dare attempt. But when the Lord touched and gained him, he consecrated his life to serve the Lord full time. Though he never was a translator before, his gift and function were manifested toward the end of his full-time training. He was gradually brought in to translate the Bible.
The sister who did the checking of the text has such a burden to learn Greek that she even was one of the top scorers in the Greek exam. She, though married and with a daughter, out of her burden, decided to serve full time in the Bible translation. Her husband supported her fully for this great commission. Her testimony of how her husband made every practical arrangement to enable her to serve was very encouraging. To relieve her time from household chores, her husband prepared a room for translation, purchased household electronic gadgets to save her time, and supported her in every possible way. Such testimony is truly exemplary.
The other two brothers who are translating the footnotes are good translators too. They have been translating since the time they came into the church life. They both have the gift and the skill to translate. This team as a whole has a good combination.