The Lord indeed blessed His move in Gurgaon by blessing the saints with our own participation in the propagation itself. To me, this is the greatest blessing; the saints' participation. The very fact that we all could go out in one accord as the church itself is the blessing. Though this itself is great enough the Lord also poured out even more blessings; the bearing of spiritual children. Through the entire propagation of two weeks, a total of eighteen new believers took baptism. And 273 new ones were contacted and preached the gospel to, face to face. Besides, the Lord also gave us five local families that could be followed up for shepherding. And out of these many who have received the gospel, we have filtered out some 42 solid contacts besides the families and the baptised ones for follow up.
Last Lord's day, we fellowshipped on how to shepherd all these ones. The saints' themselves picked up the burden to shepherd these new ones. Now, as the church, we are learning to maintain a regular record of all these new ones and do the statistical record of the church. The ministry helped us in the practical steps of caring for all these ones; everyone functioning.
We always have been of the assumption that the church is very small and weak. Ignorantly we have been holding on to this lies for many years. But as I personally did the statistical work of the church, I was surprised to discover that we have 120 on our list of solid contacts. Now for this year, 21 baptisms have been gained, 42 solid contacts, 5 new open families, and 272 contacts in all. The church is no longer "small" as we used to think.
Besides, as I consider all the new ones, the Lord enlightened me to see that the contacts He blessed us also good ones. They are all local people owning their own homes and lands. For many of us all are natively from places other than Gurugram. And all these solid contacts are all well placed in their jobs and businesses. They are mostly business owners, corporate GM, pilot, officers etc. And the list is growing as more and more new ones are being introduced to the church.
Lord, continue to bless Your church!