Tapping the power of modern technology I have been using phone as a means of shepherding people whom the Lord has brought under my care. This month was kind-of intensive in this shepherding care. Three particular cases are worth mentioning as there has been God's hand behind the scenes.
Case #1
A brother called me up when I was in Allahabad concerning his mother-in-law who had serious health issue and was hospitalized. Though it was surprising, to me it was God's sovereignty. Not that I rejoiced in her illness, but that it was a channel for good. As far as I know, this was the Lord's doing; and I encouraged my brother to visit and pray for her. Perhaps, this might be a time of reconciliation and beginning a new chapter in their relationship as it was somewhat strained by misunderstanding. This was also related to his family life, and decision made by his wife and in-laws did not seem to go in line with the word of God, concerning the choice of work place and caring for children. I just prayed over the phone and encouraged my brother of what would be best to do in this situation; to first of all pray and then visit the ailing mother-in-law, and take care of the family as an exhorting father.
Case #2
Another brother had called me up again and again with a question on assurance and security of salvation as he had fallen into a grave sin of adultery. He had repented and confessed his sins to the Lord but the guilt within him did not die so soon; he had become a victim of Satan's accusation again and again. I had to spend time with him over the phone explaining the preciousness and effectiveness of the blood of Jesus Christ, and to pay heed to the word of God and not on the enemy's accusation. I later discovered that he had not be praying personally nor reading the Bible regularly. Every time he called I encouraged him to spend enough time in prayer, even quantify with at least an hour a day, and also read the word of God daily, at least a chapter a day. I appreciated his genuineness, but I need to lead him to pray and come to the word regularly. Many believers have fallen to become a victim of Satan's subtle accusation based on past sins, and perhaps, even present weaknesses. Every time he called, after fellowshipping we prayed over the phone and he testified of how much he has been encouraged.
Case #3
Another brother too called to confirm to me last week that he wanted to meet me as he has been convicted by the Lord for his straying away from the proper practice of the church-life. He expressed his deep longing to come back and be recovered for the Lord's testimony. It seemed he has been deeply convicted by the Holy Spirit that he wept before the Lord and prayed to be recovered back. He even wanted a proper baptism as he felt his life, all this while, has not been as it should have been. To me, all that who called for fellowship, I considered dear and would do my best to help in all possible ways.
By all means, at all times, shepherding has to be carried out. There are many sheep in need of proper shepherd. Though the Lord is the only proper Shepherd, He shepherds through his shepherds whom He has been shepherding. I believe, I am one of the sheep the Lord has been shepherding so that I could in turn shepherd other sheep in need.
Praise the Lord for the good Shepherd who has been shepherding me and others, even gracefully through me.
Lord, Thou art the good Shepherd, shepherd me to shepherd others as Thou would.