Luke 10:16 - He who hears you hears Me, and he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.
Amidst the multitude of seekers there are some who are not simply open for fellowship. Some are of the gentiles and some even from the among the children of God. Though I generally have burdens for all people alike, especially those on my list of prayer, I dare not force myself to meet them if they are not open nor are willing to meet.
Rejection among believers who were once very close to me was saddening. But what can be done, except pray for them? The burden the Lord imparted into me did not die down just because they have differing attitude towards me or the ministry I am in. Instead, it burdened me more to pray for them that the Lord would shower more grace and blessing upon them. I am not important, only the Lord is. So long as they do not reject the Lord, I am at peace. Still there is hope as their faith and love toward the Lord is still alive.
The past few weeks I have been experiencing some kind of rejection. In fact one brother informed me that he has nothing against me personally but was not in favor of the ministry I am involved in. So he politely turned down my request for meeting and fellowship as Christian brothers. Well, to me, I am nothing, whether liked or disliked, it really doesn't matter. But having a problem with the ministry of the word of God that I am in, it's better not to be a accepted as well. For, I am for the Lord and His ministry. The Lord and the Lord's ministry are much more important than me. Acceptance of me as an individual without accepting the ministry of the word I enjoiy is not very pleasing. But I have to bear the victim card of "ministry discrimination." Though that brother is not accepting the ministry I am in, his acceptance of me as a person is actually a rejection of me. To me, I and the ministry I am in, are one. Either I face acceptance for both, or else I count it rejection for both too.
There are other kind of rejection too. Some, due to their conscience being pricked for the unrighteousness deeds that they have done, of which I pointed out. Though I did with a good intention to help them take the righteous path, they could not cope up with the righteous stand I put forward. Such people, I can only pray for, that the Lord would have mercy on them to come clean, righteous, and pure in all their undertaking. I have been experiencing this matter with one such brother. Though he respected me, something improper have just marred the relationship we used to enjoy as Christian brothers. I would rather wait until he come clean or apologise and restore the fellowship. I still pray for him as Christian brother.
Yet there is also a case of one brother who simply turned a deaf ear to my call for fellowship. He simply is not willing to meet at all, for reasons known only to him. For whatever reason, he always has an excuse whenever I proposed for meeting. To such, the Lord's leading is to wait until the proper time comes when he himself would request and beg for fellowship.
In all the above cases, the Lord taught me one lesson: Never to force my self into meeting people if they are not willing to meet. I had to subdue my own burden to meet them. And I must learn this lesson thoroughly well.
Though I have ways to still meet them if I had to force myself to, the Lord taught me never to go ahead until they willingly invite. Until they opened up to peacefully and joyfully invite me to meet and fellowship with them, I must wait and wait, as long as it takes. I have to simply leave the matter to the Lord.
The Lord knows the best. Perhaps, my burden to meet them may just be natural which the Lord hates. Or perhaps, the timing is just not ripe. Or perhaps, I am not ready as yet to be a blessing to them, and the Lord is waiting and working on me to prepare me as His useful vessel. Whatever the case, he who rejects Me rejects the Lord, as long as I am one with the Lord.
Such experiences of rejection is also a blessing in disguise. It very much help in self-denial and nullify the "I" factor, and trust the Lord fully. Amen.
Rejection can also be a blessing in disguise.