These days I have been learning and experiencing "fellowshipping in coordination" with few responsible brothers related to my official service. It has been a great deal of lesson that I have been learning in the matter of coordination. As event after event were unfolded, the lesson of fellowship was very precious to me. With each turn of event I could fellowship with my coordinator and then with brothers serving in the work in India. Then further fellowship followed suit, each time the leading of the Lord was "a step at a time." Thereby, step by step, the Lord showed me the way to take as we sail forward in our literature service in India.
One precious experience in each fellowship was "adjustment." My proposal and view were adjusted to be in tune with the brothers' suggestion. My only response was to "amen" the brothers' fellowship and learn to be adjusted. Right or wrong is the not the realm to be in, it is the fellowship of the brothers in one accord in life, that matter most. And as I simply obeyed the brothers' fellowship and move forward to the next step, I could experience the life-supply and peace as an incentive from the Head of the Body. It was not a matter of "success" as far as the point of fellowship was concerned, but the oneness and the Lord's blessing that matters.
In this matter of adjustment there definitely was a part of "cutting" by the cross through the Spirit. My "ideal ideas" or "opinions" were "cut" and dealt with. I thank God for that. It is a blessing to be with the brothers whose fellowship is my guidance and the Lord's leading. Gone are the days when I would simply cling to the age old dictum "thus spake the Lord" in a very individualistic way. Now is, "thus speaks the Lord in and through the Body" for the building up of His Body.
In "amening" to the brothers' fellowship I had to coordinate with my coordinator to write important mails to certain co-workers, fellowship with certain brothers for certain matters, most of which were never in my consideration. But in carrying out the fellowship, I learn coordination, I learn to fellowship, I learn blending, I learn building up with one another, and I learn the Body life, all in real life.
What transpires after all these fellowship is not too much of my concern now, but what I have learned and gained in the process is very precious and dear. To me, it is the gaining of Christ, and the growth in life that is worth all these fellowships. Definitely, the Lord will carny out what is in His heart related to what we have been fellowshipped, and above all, He is gaining all of us in the process. This indeed is a win-win situation. Praise the Lord for the Body! Praise the Lord for the coordination!
Recently I was graced to experience five such serious fellowships with different co-workers, besides the regular fellowship with my coordinator on all important matters in our service.
In addition to the personal lessons on life and building, the Lord is also carrying out the matter we were fellowshipping in a very practical way. Things that could not have been accomplished by myself have now all become possibilities; all in fellowship in coordination. This is the age of the Body indeed, when the Lord does things in the way of fellowship and coordination. And I am blessed to be able to learn this lesson.
Lord, preserve me in Your Body; in sweet fellowship in coordination with the Body in one accord.
Lord, preserve me in Your Body; in sweet fellowship in coordination with the Body in one accord.