Lesson on building are not easily learned. Though the vision and revelation of the building up of the Body of Christ may be crystal clear, but the reality and practicality of the heavenly lights from the Lord are to be learned. Else, it may just end up being a "good doctrine on building."
By the Lord's mercy, I have been learning the teaching concerning the building work of God, and by His mercy again, I have seen some light, vision and revelation on the building. Yet, I humbly confess that I am still learning to really be built up for the building work of God. The Lord has been faithfully speaking to me again and again on this matter of building up. Thank God for all the training, conferences and fellowship that helps me see the importance and urgency of the building work of God and my own urgent need to be built up with my fellow members in the Body of Christ.
Thus far, I dare not say that I have been built up, but I do say, I am learning to be built up with my fellows co-workers and coordinators in the Lord's service. Frankly speaking, to be built up really needs the Lord's mercy and grace; especially when it comes to being practically crossed-out of all things "non-blendable" and crossed-in in the spirit of coordination-to be fitly framed and joined in the Body.
Two very recent incidents help me a lot in the matter of building. Though I have an official and specific responsibility related to the literature service where the Lord has sovereignly placed me in, the fellowship from the Body on two important matters that never dawned on me, gave me light to listen to and follow up on the concerned fellowship. I took to heart and followed it up, and discovered that these proposals are very good for my official responsibility and also for me personally as serving ones. Save for the Body's fellowship, I would have been blinded regarding these two crucial matters. Thank God for this small instances of receiving fellowship and learning to be built up with the Body.
As I made plans for the two: one is a distribution trip in North India (Uttrakhand) in coordination with free Rhema Literature Distribution, and the other is a matter of starting a new literature office in New Delhi in coordination with the church in New Delhi and the serving brothers, I learned that these were truly of the Lord revealed through the members of His Body. And in pursuing the fellowship of the brothers I could see and experience the Lord's anointing and blessing. These are how I am learning to build up for the building work of God.
Even in the church in Gurgaon, these days our Saturday brothers' fellowship is all focused on being built up with one another to build into the Body of Christ. Our pray-reading of the word, the ministry of the word, and prayer have all been with this one goal of "build in to build up."
Excerpts from the ministry that I enjoyed so much on "building":
In the perfecting training messages we dealt with the problems of opinion and peculiarity. But no matter how much you may exercise yourself to solve the problems of opinion and peculiarity, if you are not built up, none of those messages will be of any help to you. Only as we are built up together can the matters of opinion and peculiarity be dealt with. As long as you are willing to be built into God’s building and actually are built in, the problems of opinion and peculiarity will disappear.…Our unique need is to be built in.
True spirituality is a matter of the building. Without the building, the spiritual house, there is no sanctification, spirituality, or spiritual power. A certain brother may seem to be kind, holy, and spiritual. But if this brother is not built into God’s building, his apparent spiritual wealth will become spiritual bankruptcy. The reason for such a condition is that without the building there is no protection or covering.
The principle is the same with God’s spiritual building. If we want to be protected, we need to be built into God’s building. Our protection is not our spirituality; our protection is the building.
The shortcomings in the lives of even the most spiritual Christians are due to the lack of building up. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 1336, 1335, 1337)
Perhaps, there may be many more lessons to learn in the matter of building up. May the Lord grace me in His time to really be built up and built in the Body.
Lord, build me up with others saints by being built-in in coordination, that I may be built in to build up.