Thursday, 2 June 2016

An Accident or an Incident?

A family who were saved almost a decade ago and went through turmoil in their family life, and the son has just been recovered back to the fellowship after years of straying away from the church life has just went through the experience of admitting his mother in the hospital after she met with an accident yesterday, and I am here in the ICU visiting and praying for them. This is the family the church has been praying for, and personally I have the burden to visit them as much as I could. 

There may be a couple ways to interpret this case, but one thing for sure, the Lord has heard our prayer and this, perhaps, is a part of the answer. Not the accident per se, but the Lord's sovereignty in allowing things to happen so as to gain them for Himself, especially the sister who has gradually been trying to avoid the saints. Now it is a fellow member visiting visiting them whom she has been trying to avoid all these years. Sometimes, it takes a blow to be awakened from spiritual slumber. And the Lord is sovereign over all. 

Still considering and praying as to how to shepherd this family. I feel best to be with them for now and see in what ways practical help can be rendered. Words are not the remedy for this accident, just being with them in time of need is the best at the moment. As the need arises, helping them in the humanity of Jesus is the best way now. 

This accident I do not reckon it as one, but an incident to meet God face to face once again and be gained for Him completely. For there is no accident in life for the saints; even if there is one in reality, it is an incident to gain Christ. Come what may, in whatever circumstances, learn Christ, experience Christ and gain Christ. 

I only pray that this will turn out to their salvation and the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ be upon this family.

Lord, heal my sister and grace my brother to experience You deeply and richly. May this accident be an incident unto the gaining of Christ.

Friday, 27 May 2016

A Surprise Visit

Eight years ago when a brother and I visited Jharkhand for the first time, our translator was a pastor who boasted of his "prayer ministry" and conducted weeks of "fasting prayer" with visions and waging spiritual warfare against Satan who appeared in a physical form of a serpent. We simply listened to whatever he had to say, anyway, he was our translator. Before I left, I gifted him a small book, "The Prayer Ministry of the Church" and that was the only hope I had for him at that time, in case, he read it at all.

Few years later, he was our coordinator when we preached the gospel in Ranchi. And another year down the line, he came for the full time training, though only for a year. And then, he began to start meeting with people in his hometown. Many things have transpired in his life with almost everyone opposing him in his hometown. Even at times, out of my goodwill I wanted to propose a literature tour and brotherly visit, but nothing worked out. 

Actually, the Lord was simply trying to gain this brother, and it became clearer by the years. Many of his old habit and constitution have to be dealt with; and dealing takes a good number of years. Life training are slow, gradual but definite, until the lessons are learned and the person gained through breaking, transformation and maturity. I am glad at least for one reason, my brother is being gained. God is more interest in person and his works. God needs people for His divine work, but not works per se. He must gain person according to His heart's desire first before He can carry our His heart's desire.

This brother gave me a surprise call a few days back, and day before yesterday, he landed up in our place for hospitality. Praise the Lord! The brotherly bond is so string even after years of geographical separation. We enjoyed morning revival and prayer together, and the constitution of the word in him is solid and strong. Now he has a strong burden for his state Jharkhand, and especially his hometown.  

Though a surprise visit, I thank the Lord for His faithfulness in taking care of His children. Despite all the outward troubles and opposition against the truth even from among the believers, the seed of the ministry of the word sown into him is alive and growing. He was less bothered by the reaction of people around him including his own wife. He definitely wants to stand firm for the truth, for the testimony of Jesus in his home town.

May the Lord gain our brother and his family for His testimony!

Shepherding: A Brother in Need

It has been months since we last met at his residence when a brother hosted me when I visited him at Vizag. Our time spent together was mostly in fellowship on the truths of the word of God. With tears, he prayed and fellowshipped his desire to be recovered into the oneness and fellowship of the Body of Christ after he was wallowing in the mire of religious Christianity for a decade. Though we agreed for follow up fellowship, that did not work out well. There was a lot of resistance behind the scene; a spiritual warfare was waging against his come back to the healthy, normal and proper Christian life in a normal church-life.

Two days ago he texted me of his plan to come to visit me for a fellowship. I replied with a proposal for over the phone prayer. The next day, he called me for prayer and we prayed over the phone together, and today morning too. This is a potential brother for the Lord's move in Chattisgarh and Odisha; as he has consecrated his life to serve the Lord in these two states. 

With a burden for him primarily and also for the two states, I had fellowshipped with the brothers to invite him for a training, which did not work our from his side. Later, when he proposed a training, I just laid it aside until the burden is crystal clear. But now, he is the one initiating for fellowship. I prefer it this way for all the seeking believers; not to run after them, but they should run after us. And this is always the case once they see the heavenly vision of Christ and the church as Paul saw in Acts 9.

For decade, he has been doing "ministry" with different "ministers" only to discover the corruption within the system and the "ministers" themselves in regard to money and relationships. Though he faced a very difficult situation, the Lord meant it good for his recovery. Though a minister and speaker himself, he acknowledged that he had nothing to speak except the ministry of the word he learned from us. Despite the many teachings, doctrines and practices out there in the religious division of Christianity, this bother has tasted the truthfulness, reality, life-supply, depth and effectiveness of the ministry of the word we uphold in building up the Body of Christ. He has no where else to go, but to the fellow members of the Body of Christ. So is the shepherding.

This is a wonderful experience for me too; shepherding a brother in need, and I am being shepherded in return.

Lord, thank you for the ministry of the word; preserve us in this ministry of the Body, in the Body, for the building up the Body of Christ.


Shepherding: A Sister in Need

As a family we visited a sister's family for home meeting. My wife and I and the sister were in fellowship when she opened up many of her concerns and the experiences she has been through. It was amazing how the Lord worked on her and how she has grown in life as manifested in the way she look at life and face issues of the day with the Lord in fellowship with the fellow members of the Body of Christ.

Though her concerns were genuine and the experiences she has been through are tough, the Lord's shepherding care was bountiful. Comparing and contrasting with how she was a year ago, there are a lot to praise the Lord for. The ministry of the word, the prayer of the saints and the fellowship of the Body is realistically powerful. The divine seed sown into her as the word is growing and bearing fruits. Praise the Lord!

Isaiah 58:9-11 Then you will call, and Jehovah will answer; / You will cry out, and He will say, Here I am.
If you remove the yoke from your midst, / The pointing of the finger and the speaking of wickedness,
And if you draw out your soul to the hungry / And satisfy the desires of the afflicted; / Then your light will rise in the darkness, / And your gloom will be like midday;
And Jehovah will guide you continually, / And satisfy your soul in the dry times, / And strengthen your bones; / And you will be like a watered garden, / And like a spring of water, / Whose waters do not deceive.   
As we pray-read these verses, the Lord enlightened us to deal with certain matters, especially prevalent among the weaker vessels; "if you remove your yoke from your midst, the pointing of fingers and the speaking of wickedness,"  then, the blessings will follow as in the aforementioned verses. All evil speaking and backbiting should be dealt with, giving no ground to the enemy. This is one of the frequent attack point of the enemy. Unconsciously, it is so easy to speak or comment loosely about another. This leaks life and stops the Lord's blessing. This may not seem to be a gross sin apparently but delving deep down, it is rooted on the indwelling sin undealt with, even many times, worse than manifested sins.

Many concerns brought out were all related to speaking, words not seasoned with salt.  Colossians 4:6, Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Another sister speaking words not according to the above Word is the main cause of trouble the said sister was undergoing. Nevertheless, this "mistake" was also used by the Lord to deal with a relationship tending to go beyond the boundary of being a sister in the Lord.

With whomever I am ministering to, my words should be seasoned with salt, always with grace, for the building up of one another. This is a lesson I am learning and still am learning. Our shepherding a sister in need was by just listening to whatever she had to pour out, the main cause of all the troubles were due to words spoken not in grace to her by some others. She had to release herself even with tears. After all the speakings and reading, we all prayed together. That's the best way we could shepherd; in listening, fellowship, reading the word of God and prayer. That was also a good experience for me and my wife, to coordinate in shepherding, as a couple. Otherwise, its not good for me to handle such case alone as a brother.

Looking forward to more shepherding together as a couple. 

Lord, continue to shepherd us to shepherd others.

Not Yet?

It was long since I have been burdened to upgrade my educational qualification. I thought this time I could make it as I applied for a research program in one of the most reputed universities in the country. But  since the time I received a call letter for exam and interview, I had ever been busy with my official responsibility, as I had been to the North East for the ministry of the word journey. Though I carried with me the text books for studying, in case I could find time, but I found myself engaged in the ministry of the word all the time. I dared not divert attention as I would handle first thing first, and not compromise on my priority. Thank God, I could fully discharged my burden fully for the ministry of word this time in the seventeen localities in four states the Lord led me to in the North East of India. In fact, the only time I could open up the text books for preparation was in the flight when I flew back from Imphal after mission accomplished.

Right from the time I landed in New Delhi, the difference of temperature was almost unbearable. On reaching home, my daughter was down with bacterial infection which I was not aware of. But she loved me so much and missed me during my absence, she came to hug me on my arrival. Later I got infected with the same bacterial infection. Though we both consulted different doctors, we ended up eating the same antibiotic. That laid me down to bed for days, and sovereignly it began on the night before I went for the exam. The two days before, were occupied with office matters which I could not lay aside either, finding myself with no time to study nor prepare for the exam.

Nevertheless, I went for the for the exam but my body was running high in temperature with headache and bodyache. I could not wait any further to rush back home and take rest. I simply reckon this as the Lord's hand tapping me to wait yet a little while for the upgradation. Initially, it was painful inside, but the Lord knows best. I simply submit myself to the Lord. Let His will be done.

The words of the Lord are loud and clear, but the timing, I still have to find out. I do not give up unless the Lord make it clear too, but still looking to the Lord for His further leading and proper timing. Besides, I will prepare myself thoroughly before I can venture into yet another training in life. 

Lord, lead and guide me at Your time.

Brotherly Fellowship

Since the Lord had called me to serve Him on 1st January 2003 from the Bible verse, "And now, O Israel, what does Jehovah your God ask of you except that you fear Jehovah your God so that you would walk in all His ways and love Him and serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul;" (Deuteronomy 10:12) I had told my parent in faith that the Lord was responsible for all my needs and that I would not burden them any longer, financially or otherwise, but should the Lord bless me, I would share the blessing of God with them. Since then, I determined not to receive anything from my family, be it financial or family inheritance, till date, by the Lord's grace.

When I had a time of fellowship with my brother and his wife, I made it very clear to them that all the family land and building belongs to them, and I would have no part in any inheritance. Instead, as the Lord blesses me I would help them to further construct the first floor of the building for them and for the use of the church in Imphal as a meeting hall. I also told them that the Lord has provided all my needs, and if need be, He will also provide our own building elsewhere in India or abroad. I would simple trust the Lord. This is the first time I have made it very clear to my brother, as the Lord had called me to serve Him, and that he would take care of our mom and dad in their old age.

I also fellowshipped with him about his living before God and man, and the need to exercise to live a God-man life to be a testimony to the heathen village we are in, besides emphasizing the need for a physical exercise too. In order to shepherd him, we also looked into his business and critically analysed its pros and cons; even calculating in minute detail if it was worth continuing. We also looked into his academic career and encourage him to finish his graduation and suggested a Master's degree program too. And also studied the loans and other financial matters, and warned him to be careful of loans; better is never to borrow, but work within the walls. Most importantly, we prayed together for the Lord's work in us, for our family, for his education, job, family life and also for God's purpose to be fulfilled even through us.

It was a sweet and long fellowship indeed. It was worth it, and my burden was released concerning him. That was my brotherly fellowship with my brother in the Lord and in blood.

Lord, gain us fully for You!

Family Fellowship

Last week, the Lord sovereignly arranged my step-mom and step-brother to visit me at our home in Imphal. Though I wanted to visit them, due to time constraint I could not. However, my burden to meet them was conveyed by my brother to them and they came.

It was eight years since I last my step-brother, when after preaching the gospel to him I and another brother baptised him. Now he has grown up so much; I spent quite a considerable length of time with him and with my step-mom too, fellowshipping about what the Lord has been doing in our lives, and encouraging them to love the Lord, eat the word and live a life of prayer daily.

To me, I consider them as my brother and sister in the Lord and treat them as such. The only law I applied to this matter of "step" is the law of the Spirit of life. I do not apply Moses' law or any man-made law, not even the denominational law of today's Christianity, but the leading of the Spirit within and without. And I dare not touch any outward matter, be it ethical or societal, but only as the Lord leads. To me, this is all that matters.

In my consideration of the family life, they are as dear as any other members. I treat them as my relative in spirit and in blood. Though certain uneasy matters still lingers around, all cloud of doubts have been cleared off as far as I am concerned. And I look to the Lord for more of His working in our family for His testimony.

Besides, as the church in Imphal went for an outing two weeks ago, our family was in the same car when all of us could blend together, even discussed family matters and plans ahead of us. It was a wonderful time together.

Even more so, when I came back to Gurgaon, I spend as much time as I could with my wife and my three children; at times telling stories, reading Bible together, helping them in their summer vacation home works, playing and praying together. So far, so good. The Lord is so good to us. 

Christ centered family life, bound by the cord of the divine love with the uniting bond of peace and the band of oneness, is our family prayer daily. 

Lord, bless our family for Your testimony!