When I was regenerated of God's divine life way back in December 31, 1997, I was flooded with the joy of salvation. Especially when all burdens and load of cares, burden of sins rolled away, and was washed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ, my joy knew no bound, even sleep was not reckoned; everything was bright and shining, it seemed as though there was no night, but only bright shining days. The word of God was so clear, prayer so sweet, fellowship so enjoyable..... The joy of my salvation was extremely marvelous, miraculous and mysterious, yet so subjective and real. And that joy was not just a "born again" matter only but a joy that indeed lasts forever. Now and then, the joy of the Lord is filling me in varying degrees.
Recently as me and my wife have experienced, the joy of salvation is not merely confined to personal experiences alone. In fact, these joy is shared commonly by all stakeholders; the saved ones, the one who is instrumental in this salvation, the angels in the heaven and the Lord Himself.
Last week, the Lord gave me and my wife, a new believer each to shepherd. In my time of shepherding with a new brother in the Lord, his relative of a native Gurgaon was introduced to me, which subsequently led to the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and him receiving the Lord. What a joy it was to witness a sinner being saved! It was not merely my own salvation that brought the joy of salvation, but the leading of man to the Savior commanded the same joy.
Sovereignly enough, the Lord also brought a new sister to my wife, and she started shepherding her, another decent educated lady of a native Gurgaon. In our night family prayer, my wife could not help but fellowshipped with me, with joy bubbling, how the Lord led her to shepherd this new sister with the word of God and prayer. We both shared the joy of salvation the Lord had blessed us. This joy is also 'shareable' in fellowship. Not just my own salvation joy, nor merely of leading others to Christ, but also of a fellow member in the Lord leading people to Christ. The joy of salvation is common in all cases. This joy is of the Lord and blessed are they whom He chooses to partake of it.
Such is the sweetness of the experience of salvation, the special visitation of the Lord, the joy of salvation. O how I wish this be all the believers' experience day by day when we are all fully mingled with the Lord in absolute oneness and lost in His presence. That day is coming soon...
O may, I partake of this joy now and forever!