It was indeed an urgent reminder for the need for prayer
with burden for the young ones in the church life. Though my burden has been
always on the new ones and saving people, still I cannot overlook the young
ones in my own backyard. When fighting the battle outside against Satanic
kingdom, the safeguarding of and within our own kingdom must be taken care as well. In subtlety, the enemy will for sure attack the vulnerable ones by all means.
The recent incident of a young brother’s disappearance for a
couple of days, creating scene at his home with emotion running high and
sending shock wave across acquaintances, was a tap on my shoulder to heed to
the growing juvenile amidst the glowing glitters and glamour of the tempestuous
world. My whole being was on intercessory prayer, prayer for the safety and protection
of the young man and the Lord’s covering against the attack of the enemy on the
Lord’s testimony in our locality. To me, it was a “spiritual warfare.” I do not
condemn anyone for this, but rather was convicted of my lack of shepherding. As
much as I shepherd “others” I must shepherd the ones within my vicinity and
closer proximity. Children and relatives of the serving ones of the Lord needs
much more shepherding and prayer.
On the contrary, this incident also was a litmus test for
our care of one another. Through thick and thin, we learn to stand together as
one family. Despite the enemy’s attempt to overturn us, we stood together more
firmly; in fact, I can testify, our care for one another grew much more.
Whatever humdrum the enemy managed to commemorate, our care, concern and prayer
was made more firm. Praise the Lord!
An insight to me through this incident: Teenagers cannot be caged in a family zoo,
they need to hangout often, not in the company of gentiles, but with those of the
same flock, the children of God. Herein is also a lesson for the need for the
young one’s outing and blending under the overseeing of the matured serving ones.
O Young man, may this be a reminder. Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil
days come and the years draw near when you will say, I have no pleasure in
them; Ecclesiastes 12:1.