Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Hymn: Thou Art My Vision

Amidst the persecution for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ, a renewed vision of God and a need for a revived living ensuing from the enemy’s outward attack on the churches in North India led me to pray and compose this hymn. It was composed over a period of time.
Time:3/4 D Major
Tune BF#360 “Be Thou My Vision”
 1.  Thou art my vision, O God of glory!
     Appear again that I see Thee clearly.
     Remove my veils, from darkness set me free.
     Till the end, faithfully, Lord, follow Thee.
     Ephesians 1:17-18
2Spirit of wisdom, Father of glory,
     Revelation, in full knowledge of Thee,
     Grant me grace, Thy glorious vision to see.
    The eyes of my heart, Lord, enlighten me.            
3. Should Thy will be this path, windy-stormy,
     Grace me to tread it, in Thee, with Thee.
     Paying the price, trusting in Thee fully.
     Looking away, Lord, unto Thee only.
     Psalms 23:4-6; Matthew 10:32-33
4.  Thy rod and Thy staff, Lord, they comfort me
     Walking through the shadow of death-valley.
     Before men, Thy name Lord, to confess in Thee
     Grace me ever Lord, never to deny Thee.
     John 16:33
5. In this world there are afflictions fiery
     Strange trials coming to me seemingly 
     Thou overcame them, gave peace to me
     Rejoicing, Thy sufferings I partake with Thee.
     Matthew 5:10-12; 1 Peter 4:12-16
6. In Thy name, Christ, should I reproach be
     Blessings mine! For the Spirit of glory 
     And God, as a Christian, rest upon me!
     Not ashamed, Lord, but give Thee all glory!
     Romans 8:28
7.  Together, all things work, Lord, good for me
     Whatever betide, Lord, I still love Thee.
     For Thy purpose, Lord, Thou has called me
     That In Thine image I conform fully.
     Acts 6:7; 12:24
8.  Thy word multiplies and grows steadfastly, 
     ‘Midst persecutions, fierce and heavy.
     Thy disciples true, multiply greatly,
     Albeit scattered far, across land and sea.  
     Acts 26:19
9. Lord, appear again, Thou, God of glory!
     Heavenly vision, to see clearly;
     The church, Thy Body, Thine economy
     To Thine vision, e'er obedient be.
10.Heavenly vision, O God of glory!
     Christ and the church, what a mystery!
     This vision, all my life, my living be.
     Grace me Lord, now, unto eternity.
11.Whatever betide, O Lord, abiding in Thee,
     Transform me  Lord, from glory to glory
     Prepare Thou Thy Bride, beautifully.
     Amen, Lord Jesus! O Come, Lord quickly!
12. For Thy grace and mercy, I bow my knee.
      As Thou love me Lord let me love Thee
      Captured by Thy love, attract by Thy beauty
      Gain me wholly, all for Thee.
      Luke 1:53; John 10:10; Col. 3:16
13. I come to Thee Lord, hungry and thirsty,
      Poor in spirit, my vessel I empty.
      With good things, Thy Spirit, O Lord, fill me,
      With Thy life, Thy word, Lord, abundantly.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Honoring Marriage

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and the bed undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. (Hebrews 13:4, RecVer)

Today, the Lord led us to have a special fellowship to cater to the need of the married couples in the church. In fact, of late I had received a report that some couples were not going on well as they ought to, in their marriage relationship. This was rather a shocking news to me. It even alarmed me and woke me up to cater to the need of the saints in the church. Though I have had experiences of trying to help married couples in their relationship in a way of fellowship, I took it for granted that the church in my locality need as much care as I rendered to the outsiders. As I would not handle this solemn matter in a light way, I brought the matter to fellowship with the brothers and also prayed concerning fellowshipping with the married couples and the ones on the next in line.

Yesterday, as we were fellowshipping with a brother who had come after a long long time, the matter of marriage was brought up as he was very concerned for His daughter who is forty and is not yet married. This initiated the burden to pursue an article on marriage with excerpts from the ministry. Then, we brothers realised that this was the timely speaking of the Lord and that we should lead the saints to this kind of fellowship.

Later in the night, I posted an exerpt and the link to the church group with a note:

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and the bed undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. (Hebrews 13:4, RecVer)

Dear Saints,

Since the Lord just blessed us with a marriage in the church, it is also important for all the married couples to have a proper view of marriage. Here is a link on "Holding Marriage in Honor", please read this article.

An excerpts from the same article is below:

Whether a church is sound and healthy or loses its element and essence is very much dependent upon the marriage life. Do not consider the matter of marriage to be a light thing. We must hold it in honor” (Life-study of Hebrews, 613). 

We should not treat marriage as common, as those in the world do; it is something of God’s ordinationWe should cultivate our relationship with our spouse as co-heirs of the grace of life and forsake the worldly view of marriage as being merely for self-gratification. In this way we can avoid the terrible damage of adultery and divorce, thus preserving ourselves and our spouse in a proper condition to participate in God’s move on the earth. May marriage be held in honor among all the saints in the Lord’s recovery for the strengthening of the churches and the fulfillment of God’s economy in the present age.
Today after the Lord’s Table Meeting and lovefeast, we had a special fellowship where all the married couples sat together, couple by couple, and the yet to be married ones in twos and threes, and we all pursued an article on honoring marriage. We began by pray-reading the verse, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and the bed undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge." (Hebrews 13:4, RecVer)

Then, we had mutual and organic fellowship where brothers and sisters shared their enjoyment of the truth concerning marriage relationship of loving one another with the love of God, one with one another in the oneness of God, and fellowshiping and doing things together in oneness. As married couples need to honor the marriage God ordained by not allowing the bed to be defile with fornication and adultery, we also emphasied on this point where our lust need to be dealt with thoroughly. Then, by having mutual honor and submission to one another, and by enjoying the grace of life together, we honor the marriage God blessed us with. 

I also used the verses below in 1 Peter 3:7 and Ephesians 5 to bring out some crucial points of truth concerning marriage relationship as written in the Scriptures. 
Husbands, in like manner dwell together with them according to knowledge, as with the weaker, female vessel, assigning honor to them as also to fellow heirs of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7, RecVer)

Being subject to one another in the fear of Christ: Wives, be subject to your own husbands as to the Lord; For a husband is head of the wife as also Christ is Head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the Body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be subject to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her That He might sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing of the water in the word, That He might present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without blemish. In the same way the husbands also ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his own wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ also the church, Because we are members of His Body. For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh. This mystery is great, but I speak with regard to Christ and the church. Nevertheless you also, each one of you, in the same way love your own wife as yourself; and the wife should fear her husband. (Ephesians 5:21-33, RecVer)
As a caution, I also warned the married couples to be open to another in fellowship and keeping nothing secret between them, and also not to, in fact, never to expose the hidden weaknesses of one's spouse. Of course, only with the exception that when one needs help and need to bring the matter to matured saints who can cover, pray fellowship, and help in resolve the marital issues. Then, we all prayed together and ended the meeting. Still, some couples wanted to fellowship their experiences and the fellowship went on and one for another hour. The fellowship on honoring marriage was with much testimony and edification for all. Hallelujah!

The Lord knows the timely need of the church and gave us His words at the right time. In fact, the critical situation of a couple concerned l has been also been resolved through the fellowship in the Body and the Lord coming into their relationship. The Lord sovereignly uses even the outward situation to deal with the inward being of the couple. Praise the Lord!

Lord, by Your grace and mercy, preserve the marriage life of all the married saints with the cooperation of the husbands and wives for the testimony of Your church in Gurugram.

Why Christians Suffer?

But according to the Holy One who called you, you yourselves also be holy in all your manner of life; Because it is written, “You shall be holy because I am holy.” And if you call as Father the One who without respect of persons judges according to each one’s work, pass the time of your sojourning in fear, (1 Peter 1:15-17, RecVer)

This week, the Lord has been speaking to me particularly as He also spoke to the whole church as we are pursuing the truth concerning the Christian life under the government of God. The Lord made it very clear to me that all that transpired in a believer's life is sovereignly under His government for the purpose of fulfilling His economy. Since we are the kingdom people to fulfill God’s purpose, God also carries our His work of judging, purifying His children to be made Holy as He is holy to clear up the entire universe and bring in the new heaven and new earth. 

The judging in 1 Peter is a daily judging under His government that His children go through for purification and this began from His house. Therfore, the sufferings in iur Christian life.

Beloved, do not think that the fiery ordeal among you, coming to you for a trial, is strange, as if it were a strange thing happening to you; But inasmuch as you share in the sufferings of Christ, rejoice, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice exultingly. (1 Peter 4:12-13, RecVer)

As the Lord judges, our experiences are like going through a fiery ordeal, as gold or silver is being smelted for purification. God has His divine purpose in allowing this fiery ordeals. 

First, we must remember that despite being saved and born into the kingdom of God, despite the Spirit being in our spirit, we are still in the old creation. Our soul and body are still in the process of transformation. The Lord uses "strange dealings" to deal with us. It could be health issues, financial crisis, relationship misunderstandings, job related, etc. But the wise God uses all these to deal with the old creation until He can clear them all for our good and for His divine purpose. So, we "suffer" under His government. 

Second, He uses all dealings as a means of disciplining His children as our loving Father.

And you have completely forgotten the exhortation which reasons with you as with sons, “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when reproved by Him; For whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives.” It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons. For what son is there whom the father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all sons have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore we have had the fathers of our flesh as discipliners and we respected them; shall we not much more be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined for a few days as it seemed good to them; but He, for what is profitable that we might partake of His holiness. Now no discipline at the present time seems to be a matter of joy, but of grief; but afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been exercised by it. (Hebrews 12:5-11, RecVer)

Third, as He disciplines us, by His mercy, we may turn to Him, learn to trust in Him, and live by the Spirit.

But I say, Walk by the Spirit and you shall by no means fulfill the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16, RecVer)

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. (Galatians 5:25, RecVer)

Fourth, in this way of being disciplined by the Holy Spirit and living by the Spirit, we will gain God, grow and be mature in the divine life.

Fifth, all these fiery ordeals that we go through under His sovereignty are our participating in the sufferings of Christ for the fulfillment of His divine purpose in gaining us for His Body to be builded up.

Since, we cannot escape the hands of God following us in His sovereignty, we need to have a proper attitude to receive everything as from the Lord for our own good and for the fulfillment of His divine purpose. The Lord Jesus Himself is a good pattern for us to follow, commiting all to the Father.

So then let those also who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls in well-doing to a faithful Creator. (1 Peter 4:19, RecVer)

We must pass the time of our daily living in the fear of God; the holy and reverential fear of God, knowing that He sees and knows all of our inner being and outward condition.

Pass the time of your sojourning in fear, (1 Peter 1:17, RecVer)

Therefore, let us humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God.

In like manner, younger men, be subject to elders; and all of you gird yourselves with humility toward one another, because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore be humbled under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time, (1 Peter 5:5-6, RecVer)

In this way, we live our Christian life under the government of God for the fulfillment of His divine economy. 

I enjoyed these words this week and was very much enlightened concerning the purpose of sufferings a Christian go through and the proper attitude required. Today, I released this burden and also my personal enjoyment and enlightenment of the word of God in the church meeting as the concluding word of the meeting. I believe, the saints also received the Lord’s timely speaking to the church and we all were richly fed today.

These are the answers to the million dollar question many Christians who presumed to have a dreamy "fairy tale spiritual life" by ends up suffering. The answer to the paradoxical question, "Why Christians suffer?"

Praise the Lord for His speaking! Praise the Lord for His dealings! Lord, gain us fully unto maturity for Your divine purpose.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Wedding Testimony Meeting

The church in Gurugram has finally conducted a proper marriage for the first time today! What a blessing it is to witness the Lord opening the door for many marriages to come. The church has indeed been blessed with many young working saints who love the Lord, faithful to the truth, enjoying the church life, and are of marriageable age. Though we had some hiccups in the past concerning marriages, this time the Lord led us through to witness a wonderful testimony of two saints getting married.

As a brother in the church, I have been involved from the initiation of this fellowship between a brother from Delhi and a sister from Gurugram. After months of waiting, fellowship between the two families under the covering of the church brothers in Delhi and Gurugram transpired twice. Then, a couple of practical fellowship followed, together with many meetings of prayers. Then, finally, the 14th of February 2025 was decided for the wedding testimony meeting.

I personally picked up the burden to accomplish whatever I need to to accomplish, especially in coordination with the sister's family. I also took the initiative to draft the meeting schedule with much consideration for the ministry of the word. As these points were brought to fellowship, with some adjustments, the brothers confirmed the schedule and the meeting direction was set.

Many saints also participated in the practical arrangement, especially, the young people. I was glad to witness what potential the young people have if channeled properly. They all were serving voluntarily with satisfaction. 

Besides all the background works, me and my wife had our portion in sharing testimony for the bride. My wife testified of all the good things she knew about the bride from the first time they met till today. I gave a future testimony for the couple from today going forward as married couple. I exhorted them to be one as in God's eyes a married couple is one flesh. To maintain this oneness, they must exercise to fellowship and pray together for every matter. As married couple, they must also love one another. Since our human love is fragile, the divine love is needed by which the husband and wife can love one another eternally. With these few words, I also participated in the prayer for the blessing of the newly married couple and declared the two as married, henceforth, husband and wife.

Later after the meeting, we; a brother, myself, and the elder brother of the bride, coordinated to drop the newly married couple to their new home in Delhi Dwarka. There too, we were privileged to have the first home meeting and prayer with the newly married couple. A responsible brother and his wife joined us too.

What a blessing to witness and participate in this wedding testimony meeting in Gurugram! As the church prayed and blessed the couple, the Lord will definitely bless the couple. I trust this is also a testimony to many young people who will be married.

May the Lord bless the couple!

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Lessons on Kindness

Since childhood I have been shown kindness and I have been taught to show kindness to all, especially to those who are in need. By the Lord’s mercy, I have been graced to show mercy and kindness to whoever I can, within my capacity.  Of late, I learned a lesson even in showing kindness.

I had given hospitality to a good number of brothers and sisters as I accommodated them to live with us as a family. In all possible ways, I treated them as my family members. But when theses ones were well off and could stand on their own, their reaction changed. They behaved as though they received nothing from us. Some even became negative and instead of appreciation, they started speaking negatively. Sometimes, I wonder if I did the right thing in giving them hospitality when they needed it. Though I did not expect any reward from them, at least, an act of humanity would require a word of appreciation or thanks as I did to others whoever gave hospitality to me. Based on these experiences, I learned a lesson. Give hospitality, show kindness to others, even show mercy and grace, but never expect anything in return.

At the same time, I also begin to consider if I should give hospitality or show kindness to all who asked. Should not I discern if I was led by the Lord to give hospitality or show kindness? Perhaps, I took it for granted that doing "good" to others is automatically of God. Sometimes, my natural goodness may be as bad as acting in the flesh. Perhaps, I need more discernment even before doing any "good" to anyone. This is the lesson I need to learn.

Because of such negative reactions from those whom I showed mercy, I have been thoroughly exposed of my natural man even in doing good. I was just natural. Now, I am very careful to act naturally even if it is for good, especially the good of others.

Recently, a fresh experience ignited a question within me of my "goodness" to others. I gave full free Dom to a brother to eat with lunch at no cost. I even gave him the freedom to consider my house as his own. For a good number of months, he has been eating lunch at his own time in iur house, completely free meal. I gave him this offer when I realized his wife was not around to cook for him and he had nothing to eat for lunch during office working days. But his act of kindness was not appreciated bynhim at all. Rather, he negatively spoke about the food and abruptly stopped eating with us even without informing me. Then, I realised, my act of kindness was taken for granted and was never even considered beneficial. I sincerely regret showing him the kindness of offering him a free meal with our family every working day. What a lesson! The same goes to another sister whom I thought needed help and did my best to help her. Yet, later she took it for granted and did things in her own way without any fellowship. Perhaps, she needed more help in fellowshipping with the saints. Despite her reaction, I still kept the door open for her to ask or request foe help anytime she needed.

These are few lessons I have been learning regarding kindness and giving hospitality. Yes, according to the Scriptures I must be hospitable irrespective of the reaction of the guests. It is just a responsibility. Yet, I must also discern and not act in my natural goodness. In fact, I must also learn to deny my soul life and follow the Spirit's leading even in showing kindness, giving hospitality, and doing good deeds to others. Thank God for these lessons!

Lessons on Shepherding

Since the second week of January I was not able to call the brothers I had been calling weekly for phone call prayer and shepehrding. In fact, I had been doing that for years altogether with the hope that they could be fully shepherded into the church life. But it did not turn out as I expected. On the one hand, a disappointment, yet on the other hand, a test of my faithful shepherding. 

In this situation, I did not force myself to somehow continue the shepherding when I practically cannot. I left them to the hands of God. If God wants to gain them for the church life, I felt, they should have been gained already. With so many calls over the years, I truly felt they should have been gained. If not, either my shepherding had flaws or the Lord wanted to train me further in shepherding or the Lord is preparing them for the right time. With this realization, I do not worry that much now. For I know, it is the Lord who can gain people for Himself, not out of my labor, but by His sovereign will.

Yesterday, we were supposed to have a regular group meeting but majority of the saints could not join due exams and health issues of the families. But two saints, one sister and one brother, who have been under our shepherding and yet not regular for the church life, turned up. So, I felt it best to change the meeting to a truth pursuing meeting that can meet their need in the best way.

Therefore, we pursued lessons 1 and 2 of the Shepherding Materials Vol. 6. The lessons were, A Great Mystery - Christ and the Church, and The Two Aspects of the Church. Then, we had a detailed fellowship on these two lessons. I was glad that the Lord led us and made things clear concerning Christ and the church. I believe, for this purpose of specific shepherding, the Lord arranged this special meeting with these two saints. 

Having done this, I still commit them to the Lord who can only bring them into the church life. I also have seen many others coming to the church life without much follow up as I did with these ones. Sometimes I wonder if I were trying in vain to bring people to the church life which the Lord might want to wait or has other plan. These are the areas where I need to learn to shepherd. 

May the Lord lead them in His way at His time. Let the will of the Lord be done.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Word of Love to the Young Ones

Furthermore, brothers, we ask and exhort you in the Lord Jesus that even as you received from us how you ought to walk and please God, even as indeed you do walk, that you abound still more. For you know what charges we gave you through the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from fornication; That each one of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, Not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God; That no one overstep and take advantage of his brother in the matter, because the Lord is the avenger concerning all these things, even as we also said before to you and solemnly charged. For God has not called us for uncleanness but in sanctification. (1 Thessalonians 4:1-7, RecVer)

On the Lord’s Day, on the 9th of February, the Lord gave me a strong burden to release to the young brothers and sisters concerning our Christian testimony as we live in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation. 
That you may be blameless and guileless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world, (Philippians 2:15, RecVer)
We had a time of fellowship for over an hour when we pray-read the verses in 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7, with an emphasis on verses 3 and 4 concerning our holy living for the church life. In love and with much burden, I exhorted the young people to take care of the basic and fundamental practices of a normal Christian living. A personal time with the Lord daily, a study of the Bible daily, maintaining spiritual dairy record and prayer book, and actively participating in the church life. Then, I released my burden on looking to the Lord for His grace and mercy, much more for His covering protection to live a sanctified life. This generation has been so corrupted that immorality, sensuality and sinning have become a fashion. But it must not be so with the sanctified children of God. There are certain practical steps one has to take. Being passive will not work. Sin is running in the blood of every fallen man, even though saved. Our spirit may be saved, but our soul is still on the process and the our body too. Therfore, there must be a willing effort from our side to turn away for the temptations and the lust of the eyes. The Lord will grace those who are willing to be graced. But without one's initiation, God will not interfere in the free will He has already bestowed upon man. Man's deed will determine God’s action upon him. One cannot be so foolish as to neglect his responsibility and trust everything to God. One cannot be so deceived to think that he tread the world and not be affected.
Can a man walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched? (Proverbs 6:28, RecVer)
So, I warned the young ones, not to give room to Satan. Especially in minute matter of contacting opposite sex. Lust is within everyone. It just takes a second to ignite it. For I have seen that many have fallen by disregarding this simple matter of contacting opposite gender. In this age of social media, contacting one another is so easy. Just a message "Hi" is sufficient to ignite the lust of the flesh which can further lead to the whole body being burned down.

I also encouraged the young ones to pray for their life, career, marriage, that, in every thing, the perfect will of the Lord be done. I even gave my own testimony of prayers and seeking the perfect will of the Lord. 

As I released the burden the Lord bestowed upon me, I was quite joyful. I could also sense that the young people have received the burden I released to them. This was a word of love to the young ones.

May the Lord preserve each one of them to have a sanctified living for the church life.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Power of Pressure

Last Monday, the 27th of January, I was so so touched by the ministry portion we pursued together in the morning at the office. It was indeed the timely speaking of the Lord. The message was perfectly titled, The Power of Pressure.

The Power of Pressure
Excerpt from The Present Testimony (3) CWWN, vol.10

In 2 Corinthians 4:8-10 he said, “We are pressed on every side but not constricted [this indicates the outward circumstances]; unable to find a way out but not utterly without a way out; persecuted but not abandoned; cast down but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the putting to death of Jesus that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.”

Where there is pressure, there is power. If a Christian does not know pressure, he cannot know power. Only those who have experienced the stress of pressure can understand power. The more pressure one experiences, the more power he has, and the more he understands power.

Whenever there is no pressure, there is no power. Only pressure can produce power.

A life that is pressured is a life that has power. A life without pressure is a life without power. A life with great pressure is a life with great power. A life with a little pressure is a life with little power.

At first we did not have the power to pray. But with pressure, we can pray. The stronger the pressure is from God, the more powerful our prayers will become. Therefore, let us learn the lesson that pressure produces power. The purpose of pressure is not to oppress us, but to afford us the opportunity to turn it into power. Now we can understand why God listens to some prayers, but not to others.

Day by day as you face more pressure, remember that pressure is power. You should not neglect pressure

In the end the greater the pressure you face, the greater the power you have, and you will find yourself overcoming everything and receiving more power.
The following week, this was exactly my experience. We had a back to back video messages all packed in two days. Then, I was busy fellowshipping and updating my brother who coordinates with me for official literature service. Point by point, all that were important for him to know, I updated them in detail. There were meetings held in Delhi and Gurugram for fellowshipping with the brothers who were just released from the prison. Besides, pending official works I completed them one by one. The last important one being the Board Meeting including the two new directors. I had to update them all the crucial functions that they needed to know as directors. In fact, this board meeting went on for about two hours. But it was worth it. We began with prayers and had the meeting smoothly in sweet coordination. Then, three pending Re-KYC were completed for three bank accounts as I had been awaitng for my co-director to be available. And finally, I had to restructure our coordination among the four directors by adding the directors and creating a new group for coordination purpose.  O how blessed I felt when I could official coordinate with four brothers. I flet like I was being shot in my arm, strengthening me very much. Foe the last four months, I was all alone handling official matters as my co-direction was unavailable and the two new directors weer not official brought in to function. Now, I rejoice in that we are like the four living creatures in the book of Ezekiel coordinating for the Lord’s move.

When I look back, I wonder how these things could be accomplished in just a week's time. Many important pending works in just a week! It surely was the grace of the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit. Where there was pressure, there the Lord gives power to meet the need!

Then, today morning, I was planning for a whole day, fully packed schedule. But the Lord knew what actually was needed. I needed rest. He led me to cancel the whole day's plan I made and I just took rest the whole day. I woke up to join the prayer meeting of the church, brothers fellowship, my personal Bible reading and prayer.

How the Lord changed my plan was rather critical. As I woke up early in the morning from a very little sleep as I have been suffering from bodyache, fever, cold and cough, the moment I made coffee, I felt I was going to faint. The same experience I had when I was bitten by a dog, lost a lot of blood and was inwardly troubled related to my housing. That day too, I fainted. Today morning, I fainted on my chair for a while. When I came to my sense, I heard my brothers calling upon the Lord’s name. Then, only I realised I had fainted. My brother were very concerned but I knew the reason. I needed more rest. So, after the morning fellowship, I took enough rest.

Pressure, pressure, pressure, every where pressure. But the Lord manifested His power out of this pressure. The pressures should be a reminder to turn to the Lord whole heartedly and experience the resurrection power. Without the Lord, pressure will lead only to pain. But with the Lord, pressure will lead to power!

O what an experience of pressure! O what an enjoyment of the resurrection life! Pressure produces power! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Rejoice in the Lord Always!

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. (Philippians 4:4, RecVer)
Today, as the church, we came together in the home of a brother who was just released after a hundred thirty two days of confinement in Mathura for the sake of the gospel on charge of false accusation when they were simply meeting as Christian brothers and sisters. Since then, it has been a trying time for the churches in North India. Nevertheless, the Lord has been faithfully shepherding all the churches in His way. O we have learned a lot of spiritual lessons and life lessons during these times of trials. Our prayers have been intensified and the way we live our church life has also been adjusted very much. As for me, I have learned some important lessons. Officially, spiritually, and personally my view of things have been adjusted greatly. I could see things in deeper and clearer ways which otherwise, I could never have seen. Even my view about India and its political atmosphere have changed. I could see things clearly; things of the present and things of the future. What a wakeup call! Lord Jesus!

After the brothers were released, we all entered into the video training in Delhi as it was on the weekend. On Monday, we had a time of fellowship with all the five brothers with their family members in Delhi. Some shared their spiritual learnings, some shared words of encouragement, some shared their experiences, and some shared what transpired in the prison. The conclusion of the matter was: God is sovereign, we are nothing, we can do nothing, God is everything and God can do everything. Therefore, commit yourself fully to the Lord. The Lord will do His work.
We have to walk the way of faith after entering into the gate of faith. Just trust and obey, the Lord will do His work as He led the children of Israel into victory over Jericho.
So then let those also who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls in well-doing to a faithful Creator. (1 Peter 4:19, RecVer)
Beloved, do not think that the fiery ordeal among you, coming to you for a trial, is strange, as if it were a strange thing happening to you; But inasmuch as you share in the sufferings of Christ, rejoice, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice exultingly. If you are reproached in the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. For let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler into others’ affairs; But if as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this name. For it is time for the judgment to begin from the house of God; and if first from us, what will be the end of those who disobey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:12-17, RecVer)

Today, the 4th of February, we had a time of fellowship, prayer, and thanksgiving. We began with a hymn on rejoicing.


O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore,
Though all things around us be trying,
Though floods of affliction like sea
billows roar,
It's better to sing than be sighing.

Then rejoice evermore, rejoice evermore,
It is better to sing than be sighing:
It is better to live than be dying;
So let us rejoice evermore.

O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore,
When the darts of the tempter are flying,
For Satan still dreads, as he oft did of yore,
Our singing much more than our sighing.

O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore,
When sickness upon us is stealing,
No cordial like gladness our strength can restore,
For joy is the fountain of healing.
Then, the saints prayed one by one followed by a brother sharing their experiences and enjoyment in the prison. Almost the entire church turned up and we all rejoiced together for all the things the Lord has done. Praise the Lord for all these experiences!

We enjoyed our dinner lovefeast. And read the word of God as warnings to pay heed to.
Therefore we ought to give heed more abundantly to the things which have been heard lest perhaps we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved firm and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense, How shall we escape if we have neglected so great a salvation, which, having had its beginning in being spoken by the Lord, has been confirmed to us by those who heard, God bearing witness with them both by signs and wonders and by various works of power and by distributions of the Holy Spirit according to His will? (Hebrews 2:1-4, RecVer)

Therefore, even as the Holy Spirit says, “Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the provocation, in the day of trial in the wilderness, (Hebrews 3:7-8, RecVer)

Let us fear therefore, lest, a promise being left of entering into His rest, any one of you may seem to have come short of it. (Hebrews 4:1, RecVer)

Therefore leaving the word of the beginning of Christ, let us be brought on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith in God, (Hebrews 6:1, RecVer)

Let us come forward to the Holy of Holies with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. (Hebrews 10:22, RecVer)

Therefore let us also, having so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, put away every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and run with endurance the race which is set before usLooking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down on the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2, RecVer)
With all these speakings and readings, we concluded our fellowship. Hallelujah!

Friday, 31 January 2025

Fifth Visit to Prison

Today morning, I received a call from a brother handling the case of our brothers in confinement, informing me to pick up the brothers who are due to release today afternoon. Together with another brother, we decided to go. Since the video training for the churches in North India started today, we took leave from the training and went to Mathura. On the way, we received another information that the release was due only for the evening. Nevertheless, we decided to wait until the evening. So, we had lunch out with the brothers handling the case. Then, spent time visiting a museum and a walk of fellowship at a park.

In fact, last Saturday evening, we also had a fellowship to give thanks to the Lord for finally granting bail to our brothers after four months in the confinement. There,  we shared our experiences of Christ through all these processes. Though the experiences were tough, the Lord’s grace was bountifully supplied to all the family members and the saints. I thanked the Lord for His sovereignty in working us through the environment and perfecting us for His testimony, especially in North India. What a grace! What a mercy! Thank You, Lord Jesus! Praise You, Lord Jesus!

I also shared my portion of experiencing Christ through this incident. Many things have changed since then, in my personal Christian life, corporate church life and family life, official life, and my view and understanding of the world situation especially in my country India. Everything has been a new chapter since then. In these four months, many things transpired inexplicably and that too, in a short span of time. Pressure, heat, and time with the flow of living water truly transform us to be living stones!

Today, finally, our brothers were released! Two in the morning and the remaining three in the evening! What a blessing that I could participate in receiving my brothers from the prison to bring them home!
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Because those whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brothers; (Romans 8:28-29, RecVer)
Looking at all that the Lord has done, all things indeed work together for good for us to be conformed to the image of His Son. To all these, I can only worship the Lord for His ways as well as for His deeds. Hallelujah!

One with the Father

Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak from Myself, but the Father who abides in Me does His works. (John 14:10, RecVer)

The greatest prayer the Lord prayed was for the oneness of the believers. This oneness is of the Triune God. As the Father and the Son are one, so must the believers be one with the Father and the Son. In this oneness, when the Son spoke, the Father did the works. In like manner, when we are one with the Triune God, the Father would do His works as we speak in oneness with Him. This should be our Christian living and testimony. 

In the second week of this month in Bengaluru, a brother fellowshiped on this point of being one with the Triune. Our Christian life and service should be in such a oneness that we speak what the Father would speak and the Father would do His work as.we speak what He intended to do. What a mingled life this! This is mysterious yet true.

By the Lord's mercy and grace, I enjoyed a little fortaste of this oneness with the Triune God. Following that fellowship, with prayer and fellowship of the Body, we, brothers serving in coordination for the distribution of the ministry literature, set out to twelve localities in Karnataka for the introduction and distribution of the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version. In this journey, we enjoyed the Lord’s presence so much. Wherever we went, the Lord gave us the word and He did His works. This is mysterious yet real. Praise the Lord for grace!

In all the localities the Lord led us to, His word was richly supplied to us. As we spoke His words, His hand followed His words. Since it was His speaking, there was nothing that we need to worry about. Therefore, since I personally entrusted with the ministry of the word, I exercised my spirit to always turn to Him and be one with Him. Even when I knew nothing about the the people I was to minister to, I knew the Lord would speak His words. I simply followed the inner anointing of the Spirit and spoke the words in all the meetings the Lord had arranged through the brothers. In so doing, I enjoyed the inner life supply that supplied me and also supplied the people ministered to. This is a fortaste of "the Father who abides in me and does His works."

May the Lord grace me all the days of my life that I abide in God the Father and be one with the Father in every matter of my life that He may do His works as He speaks through me.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Ministry of the Word to Shivamogga, Udupi, and Hubbali

Shivamogga welcomed us to a Pastors gathering of about 80-100 of them. This meeting was accessed through a brother who received the free Rhema booklets and was very much impressed by the ministry. 

In this meeting, we were given the first fifteen minutes after the introductory praise and worship. There again, I turned to my spirit and prayed for His speaking in my speaking. The Lord gave me the utterance and within fifteen minutes with translation into Kannada, I introduced the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version to all the Pastors present focusing on the accuracy of translation from the original Greek texts and the footnotes as a study tool with the principle of the Bible interpreting the Bible.

As we had to meet a few more people in the city, we took leave from the meeting and handed over the responsibility of distribution to the key brother through whom we came to this meeting in Shivamogga. Altogether, three full boxes of Bible were in this brother's responsibility for distribution in the city. In fact, most of them would be readily sold as the introduction was done.

Later, we met with a Christian bookstore manager, a seeking school teacher, and the Pastor of the mainline church. To all of them, we introduced the Recovery Version and the ministry literature. The Lord opened up the door in this city too. Then, we left of Udupi. Praise the Lord!

In Udupi, a brother who is also one of the ministry books translators in Kannada gave us hospitality. With him and another brother, we visited some key Christian leaders. All of them were very impressed with the ministry literature and purchased the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version. 

One Christian leader was note worthy. The moment I introduced myself and the ministry of Watchman Nee, his eyes flared up. He exclaimed that his life was changed by reading the books by Watchman Nee, The Normal Christian Life and Twelve Baskets Full. Then, as I introduced the ministry books and the Recovery Version Bible, he was so joyful and excited. He placed order for all the ministry books in Telugu, English Holy Bible Recovery Version  and ten Kannada New Testament Recovery Version! We spent over two hours fellowshipping with him. In fact, the Lord just burdened him for a systematic Bible study for his congregation and then, the Lord led us to introduce the Recovery Version to him. May the Lord shepherd him and the congregation with the riches of Christ through the ministry of the word!

In Udupi, our host took care of us so well. He also took us around for sightseeing of the city and sunset over the horizon on the Arabian Sea. This was also a kind of cherishing to us.

Then, we left for Hubbali the next day night and reached early morning the following day. In Hubbali, the brothers planned for a Pastor's gathering in the chapel of a mainline church. The key senior Pastors attended the meeting where I took over an hour, to, point by point, introduce the Recovery Version emphasizing on the manuscripts used, translation history, divine revelation God gave to His children in the church history, the need for accuracy of translation from the original Greek texts which the Recovery Version stands for, the need for interpreting the Bible with the Bible, the subjects and outlines of every book for systematic and in-depth study of the Bible, and so forth. 

After this introduction, the Pastors were so impressed that they wanted a much bigger platform to let all the Christian leaders aware of such a spiritually important material for the believers among Kannada speaking people. The local brothers were so happy that some Pastors who had a negative view about the ministry started appreciating the ministry through this one introduction. 

Later, over lunch, we has a time of fellowship with the local saints where I encouraged them to study the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version daily, be constituted with the truth, and speak the truth in a way of ministering Christ as life. We all prayed together, and then left the city for Belagavi.

Lord, bless Your move and Your testimony in Hubbali!

Ministry of the Word to Nayakanahatty, Chitradurga, and Challakere

Nayakanahatty is a locality in Chitradurga district where the Lord has His lampstand for many years. Though I heard about the testimony here, this was my first time to vist the local church. 

I attended the Lord Table Meeting with the saints. As the brothers requested, I ministered the word of God on "the word of God" using 2 Timothy 3:16, Colossians 3:16, and Ephesians 3:17, encouraging all the saints to be constituted with the word of God.

Then, the brothers took me to minister the word in a Christian congregation where the Lord led me to minister on the Christian life and the need and way to grow in our Christian lives. The believers there were so seeking that they drew the word of God out of my being. I just enjoyed ministering the word and the Lord’s anointing was very rich upon me. I also witnessed many believers taking notes of the Bible verses and the words I ministered. Once I released the burden the Lord gave me, I briefly introduced the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version. And the Pastor echoed the message and did the detailed introduction of the Recovery Version. Later, he purchased seven copies of the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version and we fellowshipped with him again on the two aspects of the church, universal and local. May the Lord gain him for this testimony one day.

In the afternoon, to a group of Pastors gathered together, I introduced the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version with special emphasis on the translation accuracy, footnotes, subject, outlines, charts and maps. I took time to carefully introduce this version with the burden to help the local saints to learn how to introduce to others by themselves. It was the first time for brothers to hear me speak and introduce the Recovery Version in a detailed way.

Later, we had an impromptu fellowship with all the key brothers on the need for oneness in practicality as we stand for the Lord’s testimony in a local church. This also requires the denying of the soul life, taking up the cross, losing the soul life, and following the Lord. Then, we all prayed together for ourselves and for the Lord’s move in Karnataka. 

Following this,  we had a series of home meetings and finally concluded the day with dinner at a brother's house and left for Chitradurga where I was given hospitality. 

In Chitradurga the following day, the local brother was not able to make any appointment with the Pastors. But I requested him that if he knew any one of the Christian leader's house, we could just visit by faith. So, we went to the house of the most senior Pastor in the city. It so happened that all the key leaders of the district had a meeting that morning when we visited. They somehow allowed us to introduce ourselves and the Recovery Version. As I did so, they asked me to read John 1 verse by verse from the Recovery Version and they checked with the King James Version. When I read verses 12, 13, and 14, there were some differences in the translations which I explained in detail using the Greek words and preposition used in the original Greek text. For example, believe into Jesus rather than believe in Jesus, from (with) God rather than of God, and tabernacle rather than dwell. These words explained with it's spiritual significances opened up a treasure of divine truth. Then, the Pastors immediately purchased the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version and those who knew English purchased the Holy Bible in English. 

Then, after lunch, we met a Pastor in Challakere for the introduction of the Recovery Version in Kannada. There too, local brothers came along, just to listen to all that I had to share. I shared on the apparent discrepancy recorded in Exodus and Hebrews 9 concerning the items in the Tabernacle, especially the place of the golden incense altar in the most holy place (Hebrews 9) and in the holy place in Exodus along with it's spiritual significances using the footnotes. It was such a light to all the brothers that their love for the word and eagerness to study the truth was strengthened. 

Then, we had a home meeting with a family on being an open vessel to the Lord using Romans 9:21, 23 and 2 Corinthians 4:7 and the need to be filled with the treasure, Christ, by calling upon His name day by day.

In the night, at the meeting hall where I was accommodated, two Pastors came to learn about the Kannada New Testament Recovery Version. As I introduced to them, the key Pastor thanked the Lord in prayer that finally the proper translation of the word of God has come in Kannada language! He was so joyful and purchased a copy for himself with the promise to read and further introduce it to others.

Praise the Lord for His move in Chitradurga!

The next day, along with a brother I left for the next destination, Shivamogga. 

Ministry of the Word Journey to Palamaner, Kadapa, Pulivendula, and Puttaparthi

This visit to the Rayalaseema region was a detour from the original distribution plan in Karnataka. It was initiated through the proposal of a Pastor from Ananthapuram in our previous ministry distribution journey for a Pastors' gathering. However, they postponed it to another time. But this turned out to be good for another round of visits to this area. We ended up visiting five localities.

In Palamaner, a Pastors' meeting was arranged where I was requested to ministry the word first. I had no idea what to minister. But I prayed along with the brothers and attended the meeting. As I was praying while the singing was going on, the Lord gave me a word to ministry, that is, "the word of God." Therefore, I ministered on "the word of God." Starting with 2 Timothy 3:16 and connecting with other verses, John 1:1, 6:63, Matthew 4:4, Deuteronomy 8:3, Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 3:17, etc. I just enjoyed the flow of life bountifully and so did the many brothers and sisters. Then, a brother introduced the Telugu New Testament Recovery Version. After the meeting, many Pastors came to greet me and thanked the Lord for the timely word. 

In the evening, we attended another Christian meeting ina nearby village where the Lord gave me the word to minister on God’s plan in creating man with three parts; body, soul, and spirit with the purpose of containing Him, expressing and representing Him based on Genesis 1:26; 2:7; Proverbs 20:27; and 1 Thessalonians 5:23. The believers there received the word with much hunger and thirst together with the Pastors. Then, a brother introduced the Telugu Recovery Version along with the ministry books. 

In the night, as a request from the host where I was hosted, I fellowshipped with the family on the importance of personal and family prayer time, thr need for seeking and doing the will of God in everything along with the need for reading the word of God daily.

The next day, two meetings were arranged in Kadapa where the Lord gave me the word to minister on the need to be watchful in life and faithful in service in the morning session. And in the afternoon session, the Lord led me to minister on loving the Lord with my personal testimony. Here, the attendees were mostly senior brothers and many seeking believers. This group of believers was more mature in life than all the other previous meetings. I could sense it from the way the Lord’s anointing was upon me. The word ministered was much more deep than in other places. I am just a vessel the Lord graced to fill and overflow to His chosen ones. In this very meeting hall I had come earlier and ministered on the qualifications of the Lord’s called ones. May the Lord shepherd these saints into the fellowship of the Body of Christ.
Then, the brothers led me to Pulivendula where we had a time of fellowship with the saints in coordination. Here, the Lord led me to minister on the need to live and walk in the spirit for the fulfillment of His divine purpose. In fact, the same burden was released later in the meeting with the saints in the church in Belagavi. There, the speaking was more solid and strong, a further development on the burden initiated here and blogged:

In the night, one of the leading brothers came for personal fellowship with me. Since he could not communicate in English, another brother joined him. And it turned out that the points of fellowship were exactly meant for the two of them, it was related to "serving God full time." Serving God is related to our inward being absolutely for the Lord rather than the outward act of serving "full time." In fact, our salvation is for serving the Lord. So, all saved believers are servants of God, some job-holding and some job-dropping. All saints are servants of God and must serve God. The two brothers were so supplied by the fellowship and they even testified that their doubt about serving God was cleared completely.

The next day, we had a prayer meeting at the new land purchase by the church. Then, we went to a new place called Puttaparthi, where the Lord gave me the word to minister on "calling upon the Lord’s name,"  Jesus Christ, the salvation of Jehovah, expounding Matthew 1:21, 23; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:12, 13, Genesis 4:26. As usual then, a brother introduced the Telugu Recovery Version and the ministry books.

Thus, the three-day detour to Rayalaseema was concluded. I was dropped by two brothers at the border town of Pennukonda. From there, I took a bus to Pavagada, and then to Chitradurga. 

O what a ministry journey! I thoroughly enjoyed the unsearchable riches of Christ! The water of life flowed and flowed as rivers of living water to His children including me as a channel. All that matters is the Lord’s presence in our service to Him. After all, it is the Lord’s ministry that He has pleased and graced to use me. Thank you, Lord Jesus!

Ministry of the Word in Vellore

Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore, Tamilnadu 
The Christian Medical College Vellore is one of the top-ranked educational, healthcare, and research institutes in India. It was established in the year 1900 and started as a single-bedded clinic, under the leadership of Dr. Ida Sophia Scudder, the only daughter of second-generation American missionaries. Now, it is a 3675-bedded multi-specialty medical institution of international repute. CMC Vellore is ranked as the second-best medical institute in India, attracting many brilliant doctors and students from across the country. It also serves as a significant destination for medical tourism.

As the Lord opens up this college for the spread of the ministry of the word over the past few months, I visited this college for the first time in my life to fellowship with the local brothers concerning the opening of a ministry books store in coordination with the local saints to cater to the needs of the many seekers among medical doctors, nurses, medical students, and patients from different parts of India. I was overwhelmed to hear of the wonderful deeds the Lord has been doing among the faculty members here. Despite the many years of struggling in the propagation of the truth in this city, the local church was yet to see the increase in numbers until recently when the Lord opened the door to this college through the introduction and distribution of the ministry books especially the Holy Bible Recovery Version. The brothers then discovered this new way! There were testimonies of many doctors and nurses being shephered by the truth through the regular weekly pursuing meeting. Therefore, the burden to make the ministry literature available to all the doctors, nurses, students, and staffs was conceived.

During my one day stay, the brother who himself and his wife are doctors serving in the hospital in different campuses gave me a tour of the two campuses while testifying how the Lord opened up the campuses for the gospel move. People from all parts of India were either working, studying, or under medical treatment. This makes the campus a gospel hub where many people can receive the real divine inward healing as they were being treated for the physical outward healing. 

In the afternoon, I had a time of fellowship with some saints and new ones on the need to be watchful in life and faithful in service. One new Pastor joined the fellowship and was so touched by the Lord’s timely speaking. He even testified that though he had been to many Christian denominations and even became one of the preachers, he found the purity of the Christian life, proper practice of the church life, and the real church in the Lord’s recovery of the local churches through the help of the ministry of Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Theses are his words I paraphrased. He was so joyful when I ministered the word. Therefore, he offered praises and thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ thereafter!

In the evening, a time of fellowship with MBBS students was held at the campus' chapel. The meeting began by singing "Shine Jesus Shine!" which set the tone for my ministering. So, I began ministering by emphasizing the need for the word of God to shine using 2 Timothy 3:16 and shared my experiences of the Lord shining in me through the word. 

I testified of how the Lord saved me. Then I ministered the word on being born anew, followed by the need and way to grow in the Christian life along with introducing the Holy Bible Recovery Version. The students received the ministry quite well with much seeking heart and concluded with prayer.

Later, I attended a group meeting where I shared the need for household salvation even as our host opened up to share his testimony of salvation and how he was shepherded into the church life. There, we had lovefeast and on our way back home, we visited a family whose mother missed my afternoon fellowship due to her mother's health condition. We encouraged them and prayed for them. 

The next day morning, the brother drove me to Palamaner. On the way, I was requested to share on how "Bible interprets Bible" using the Recovery Version footnotes as examples. The two leading brothers were so encouraged and strengthened by this one day visit with all the fellowship sessions we enjoyed together. Praise the Lord!

May the Lord continue to bless the church in Vellore and His move in the medical college campuses to gain many for Himself and His interest all over India.

Ministry of the Word Journey to Chikkamangaluru, Kadur, and Belur

Chikkamangaluru, a land of Coffee, teeming with lush green coffee gardens welcomed us to the Christian bookstore first, where we introduced the Recovery Version to the owner who was also a Pastor. This brother led us to a Pastor's meeting where we were given 15 minutes with translation in Kannada to introduce the Recovery Version. Within that time period, I introduced the Recovery Version. While doing so, I noticed the leader of the association video recording my introduction. I was little concerned but exercised my spirit to speak what the Spirit led me to speak faithfully. Once it was done, we left to meet some other Christian leaders in town. 

Then, we met one of the senior Pastors who received us warmly. Upon introduction of the Recovery Version, he was so excited and thanked the Lord that such a new translation has been made available in Kannada. 

Later in the evening the Pastor who took a video of my Recovery Version introduction came to vist us at our hotel room. For the first one hour, he was carefully listening to my detailed introduction of the Recovery Version emphasizing on accuracy of translation; the footnotes that explains crucial verses, phrases, and words by using various other Bible verses; subject of every book along with outlines; and maps and charts. Then, he was so impressed by the Bible as we presented the Kannada New translation from Greek to the Kannada speaking Christians, he took the initiative to call up some of his known Pastors and believers and introduced the Kannada New Testament on our behalf. He further requested each one who was interested to pay the amount right away. One entire box of 16 copies were left to him for the distribution. 

Beside, another Pastor took some copies for display in his Christian bookstore. 

Not too far from Chikkamangaluru, we also visited two localities, Kadur and Belur. In both the places we introduced the Recovery Version to the Christian leaders. They appreciated the new translation in Kannada and some of them purchased it right away. Though some wanted to wait and get the Bible later for which we have given the bookstore name and contact person.

In this way, the Lord led us to these places for the introduction and distribution of the Recovery Version for His move in Karnataka.