Four days of training for the full-timers in India was held in Gurgaon. These four days were a real perfecting training to all of us. The nature and content of the training were very subjective and practical. I can testify that the Lord has been perfecting, blending and building up the full-timers and co-workers in India.
The most striking matter is the oneness among all of us, which is also the key for us to go on in His service. Besides, there were perfecting sessions on dealing with our persons to be proper God-men. It even touched our being on matters such as money, relationship, and ambition. These are the three gophers that eat away many servants of the Lord. These were negative warnings and very timely too.
There were practical sessions on morning revival, calling upon the Lord's name, pray-reading the word of God, using the morning revivals, prophesying, gospel preaching, PSRP, shepherding in home meeting and group meeting. Though these items are common and basic, it is the basic that has to be set right for further progress.
All these sessions were taught by an experienced brother from Taiwan who has a proven testimony and track record, both academically and in the Lord's service. I felt very blessed to be under the perfecting of such senior and matured brother.
Above all, I could also testify of the oneness and one accord the Lord has been gaining among us in His recovery in India. Though we no longer have any "spiritual giants" with some senior coworkers taking the lead, the Lord gracefully blend some young brothers to serve in coordination. This is a wonderful testimony. In spirit and in reality, we all could feel and testify that we are truly one.
The recent burden on purchasing a property in Chennai for blending center has practically touched our inward being and blend us all together; breaking us all away from the fallen concept of regions, races, cultures, and languages. Despite the land being in Chennai, all the saints in India offered as one man for the one Body of Christ! The same goes with the offering for the One Recovery Version Translation Project. The Lord also blends the publication and propagation work too, much sweeter and stronger than before. All these are the blessings we received through the Lord's training and perfecting.
May the Lord continue to bless His move in India.