A few moths ago, in our first board of directors meeting for this year, one of the brothers brought the matter of the other director who has not been able to function as director due to ill health and old age. We were considering to fellowship the matter with that director how he felt about his directorship. This was followed by months of prayer and consideration. After a couple of fellowships, it became clear that myself and my co-director functioning actively with me should visit and fellowship the matter with directly.
Yesterday, we came to Cochi to fellowship with our senior brother on his eighties how he feel about his directorship. We treat this matter as very sensitive and I personally would not dare to fellowship this matter, given a choice. But I had no choice. Therefore, I looked to the Lord for His wisdom how to handle this matter. After much prayer, the Lord gave me peace and spoke to me that everything will be alright. I must just go ahead as fellowshipped by the brothers. Afterall, I am not doing this on my own or out of my own initiation. It all came from the brothers. First, from a senior brother from USA with whom we have been coordinating for the literature for over a decade now. Then, the matter was brought to fellowship with the key brothers serving the work in India. Then, in oneness with the brothers' fellowship and trusting the Lord with much prayer, the fellowship to the concerned director was done.
When we asked our senior brother how he felt about his directorship, he replied in a very open and positive way. Paraphrasing his words, not verbatim:
I feel not to continue with my directorship due to my health and age. Some other brother can come in. But that brother must have been broken and thoroughly dealt with by the Lord.
This words from my senior brother confirmed the speaking of the Lord within me and also the brothers' fellowship. I deeply respect and honor this brother for such mature words. Deep within, I thank the Lord that He has truly worked on my brother's being. I was witnessing and fellowshiping with a brother who has been transformed and mature in life. O what a glorious fellowship we had! The matter that I thought would be the most difficult for me to handle actually became the easiest. For it was of the Lord and the Lord has gained a person!
Later, I fellowshipped with my co-functioning director that in all our Christian life and service, the most important matter is the person. Once a person is proper, everything is proper. Outward gifts, qualifications, and capabilities are all secondary. The right person is the right channel for the right work.
Later, this brother signed a resignation letter from directorship to give room to a new director whom the Lord will bring in. A smooth transition that we hoped for has become a reality! But this does in no way means the resignation from his function in translation. It only means the release from his official duty of being a director which is also practically difficult for him to function. His service in no way will be affected as he can serve as long as he can and wills to. The Lord is the Lord and He is sovereign over all matters, person, and things.
May His perfect will be done.