A brother whom the Lord graced me to recommend for a short-term training has just completed his one-month training and came to fellowship with me and the brothers in the churches in NCR. As a brother, I am always open for fellowship and look to the Lord what and how to fellowship. He came last Thursday morning and I have been graced to give hospitality to him.
In the backdrop of feeling so barren as far as fruit-bearing is concerned, this brother's coming was a consolation to me. When iI reckon I did not bear forth fruit of late, the Lord showed me that it is the result of my cooperation with him in shepherding a brother, and this can indeed be reckoned as spiritual fruit. I was especially glad to witness the transformation within this brother in his attitude towards the ministry, the brothers, the local churches, and very positive outward changes in his character. I marvel at what the Lord could do in a person's life. The Lord is the great Shepherd and the chief Shepherd of our souls. This brother is a testimony to the Lord's shepherding care.
In fact, this brother had met with a severe car crash at the beginning of this year but escaped the deadly accident unharmed. That was the Lord's sovereign calling to make him reconsider his life and service. This incident became a turning point in his life energizing him to consecrate his life to the Lord afresh, be trained, and learn to be blended with the saints in a local church. Thereby, after his short-term training, I took him to fellowship with the brothers in New Delhi. The outcome of the fellowship was that he may consider migrating to Gurugram and enjoy the church life there. This was a further confirmation of the Lord's word of blessing in the church here.
Coincidentally, another brother from the church in Miraj was also present in the fellowship as he came for a sister's wedding. In fellowship, though he knew nothing about this brother, he prophetically prophesied the need for being in a local where there is a church life for the sake of learning, blending, and building up. This word was also a confirmation for this brother's migration to Gurugram.
Now, through the fellowship, the leading of the Lord has become clearer. As the Lord leads on, he will find a medical doctor job in any hospital in Gurugram, migrate, and learn to serve and bear the Lord's testimony in this city.
Meanwhile, I have been graced to take care of his breakfast every morning and fellowship with him. He also joins the morning pursuing on the Life-study of James. In this way, we have been fellowshipping and blending with one another.
May the Lord fully gain this brother and his family to live a life fully and for God's economy.