A brother called me up last week out of the blue. Though I was busy with my office work, I felt the need to receive his call. I obliged to the request he made for fellowship. So, he began to open up his personal matters and said that I was the one he felt free to open up to.
For the first half hour or so, he narrated his ordeals of his helplessness in many practical matters of his life. Despite being a medical doctor with Master's degree he could not find any job. In fact, he lost his job due to the pandemic. Since then, he has been jobless and became hopeless. He has been through verbal insult from his own father and opposition from his own wife in many aspects, just because he was jobless. He has been warned of the church life and the reading of the ministry books even by his own wife. On top of that, he also lost his mother during the pandemic. All these added to his woes and worries. So only he called me up for fellowship.
After listening patiently to all he had to say, I could sense his problem. Therefore, I fellowship with him of his need for a proper Christian living. He is a dear brother whom I have known for years. So, I told him to take my words seriously and as before the Lord. I told him, "You are the problem!" Initially, he was shocked to hear my frank statement. But then he realized the truth behind my statement. And I pointed out to him some basic points he neglected in his life. No wonder, he was in that helpless and hopeless state.
To start with, I charged him to first spend time with the Lord daily. Yes, even to set specific time to pray daily and count the length of time spent on prayer. Then, I also charged him to read the Bible every day without fail. And finally, I also charged him to pray with his wife daily. All these three practical points he agreed to do, and that he should report to me initially. In fact, he tried and reported to me the following days.
My only intention was to shepherd him for his own good. And I did so in his own initiation to call me up for help. I was just being responsible to help a brother in need. In fact, he also started joining the online meetings of the church in Gurugram as there has been no meeting since pandemic started in his locality. At least, in this way, my brother can be restored of his spiritual function and be recovered into the fellowship of the Body of Christ which he lost for many years.
That was an SOS call from a dear brother and my sincere and simply fellowship. May the Lord fully restore and recover him for His testimony in Ludhiana where the testimony of Jesus seems to have waned due to the unfaithfulness of certain leading ones and their impure hearts.