A brother who is a tuition master for high school students of grades 9 and 10 came for the Lord's table meeting last lord's day. He was invited by the trainees who met one of his students during the propagation through whom he was introduced to the trainees. He also has been conducting coaching classes for students and along with it, he also shares the gospel. Now, he has gathered about 15 students on a regular basis for coaching in their academic subjects as well as in the biblical truth with prayer.
Last Lord;'s day evening I decided to attend the prayer meeting at his home. The trainees had shared the truth concerning Assurance, Security, and Joy of Salvation. I was just there to observe the group. But the tuition master requested and invited me to share the word. Since the truth of the Bible has already been preached I did not feel good to add more teachings. Instead, I felt led to echo the burden of the truth sharing by supplementing with my own testimonies of assurance, security, and joy of salvation.
As I started sharing, I felt such an anointing, peace, joy, and flow of life within, that words just flowed out like a river. All the students present received the word with rapt attention and joy in their faces. Then, as usual, they each shared something and the student leader of the day prayed. As a conclusion, I offered prayer at the end. They were all full of joy and testified that they were blessed by the testimony and the sharing of the word of God.
After the meeting, the tuition master wanted to speak to me in private. He took me out and opened up frankly his concern about a brother in the church whom he met when he came and with whom he had a misunderstanding, anger, and argument over his student's comment when this brother met with them after the Lord's day meeting. Right then, I sensed the attack of the enemy, and I encourage this brother to forgive and settle the matter once for all. In fact, I prayed with him and after which he testified that the problem with a brother has been solved. Meanwhile, I assured him that I would also talk to the brother who offended him, which I did. Then, they both reconciled over the phone and prayed together after a few days.
On the one hand, the Lord is blessing His church in Gurugram, yet on the other hand, the enemy is doing his best to attack the church. We are on a spiritual battle and we are not ignorant of the enemy's scheme. For the time being things have been sorted out, but the enemy may not keep quiet for long. Hence, the need for active prayer, fellowship, and blending was sensed all the more strongly.
May the Lord fully recover this brother who is a tuition master and also all the students whom he led to the Lord!