Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Presentation of the Lord's Move in India

As was fellowshipped in the coworkers' fellowship to present the Lord's move in India, eight brothers were informed to prepared for the presentation and twenty six brother were selected to stand together for the presentation. Since then, we prepared ourselves and had pre-presentation.
After all the nine messages were released in the training for the elders and responsible ones, at the end of the last message, two twenty six brothers from India stood in front of all the brothers and eight of us presented eight important points. The Lord blessed the presentation and we could make the history and present situation of the Lord's move in India made know to all the brothers and to all the saints in His recovery as this presentation was recorded and would be sent to all the churches all over the earth.

Systematically, and point by point, we traced the ministry from brother Watchman Nee's time, of the mentioning of India, and how the first ministry book ever, The Normal Christian Life, was published in India, Mumbai, in 1957. Then, the raising up of the first local church in Trivandrum, Kerala, in December 1988. And then on, how it spread to different parts of India. The presentation also covered the social, economic, and political situation, with the demographic and religious percentage, and the statistics of the local churches with facts and figures. My portion was on the openness of the seeking believers to brother Watchman Nee and Witness Lee's ministry in India, and how a good number of churches have been raised up through the ministry books. The figure of trainees who graduated from the training since 1997 till 2019 and the number of full time serving ones was also highlighted. The presentation ended with six prayer burdens for all the saints to pray for, for the Lord's move in India.

This was a thirty minutes presentation in brief, yet to the main points. This painted a clear picture of what the Lord has been doing in India. It was indeed a glorious move of the Lord, and a glorious presentation too, as it was a presentation of the Lord's glorious move. Hallelujah!

God bless India! India for Christ and the Church! India for the Lord's recovery! 

Fellowship with the Coworkers

In every training of the elders' and responsible ones, the coworkers gathered together for a pre-fellowship. It was in such a fellowship that some of us, brothers serving the Lord in India, were invited to attend to present to all the coworkers, the history and present situation of the Lord's move in India. Six of us brothers were invited to fellowship with the coworkers. In turn, and in coordination we presented the history and present situation of the Lord's move in India.
Before we did the presentation, a senior brother who has been fellowshipping with us, introduced all of us, one by one, to all the coworkers. Brother introduced each of us briefly of our background and service. Though we are nothing, brother painted a very wonderful picture of each one of us to all the brothers. Deep within, I felt very unworthy and I felt I did not deserve such a good word. I personally do not feel that competent as was introduced. Nevertheless, I reckon it as how the Lord sees us. In my own eyes, I see myself much much lower. But brother has presented us in a very honorable manner. It was not an exaggeration, he presented the fact as he understood, and he covered our shortcomings as he knows us quite well, yet presented the best of all of us. What a cherishing and shepherding! 

My portion of presentation was on the distribution of the ministry of the word; how the country has been opened to the ministry of the word. I presented few testimonies of the acceptance of the ministry through the distribution in the South, North, and North East India. I also presented on how we prayed, planed, and executed the distribution state by state, city by city, town by town, and one on one. And I also tesitified of how the Lord raised up a good number of local churches through the ministry literature.

After all the presentation, the coworkers had a good feeling and proposed that we do the same presentation at the end of the last message in the training. One brother was so impressed by the testimonies he heard and pointed to me, asked my name and said, "You spoke India to me." The brothers were so glad that they could be briefed of what the Lord has been doing in India since the past thirty years. And on the thirtieth year, an international training could be held in India for the first time ever.

This is the Lord's work and all glory to Him. What a blessing to be in the fellowship of the Body! Much more, what a blessing to be able to fellowship with the coworkers from all over the earth! May the Lord continue to bless His testimony in India! 

Saturday, 5 October 2019

A Glorious Training

The International Training for the Elders and Responsible Ones has just been accomplished today at Bengaluru. This was the first time such an international event was held, and that too, after thirty years of the Lord's testimony shining through the 185 golden lampstand all over this country. This was mission impossible made possible through the Lord's answering of the Body's prayer and blessing the fellowship, coordination, and blending in the Body. Behind the scene of this training was the Lord's hand operating through various channels and the Lord's blessing many vessels who labored in oneness with Him and His Body! After all the meetings were over, my innate response was, "Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!"

The planning for this training started last November when I first received a call concerning the legality of conducting an international event in this country with the book room as a legal entity that can formally conduct such a training. Since then, a lot of fellowship and prayer and labor has transpired. At times, much concern, and yet other times, much faith. Teams have been formed to carry out the practical services, and prayer and fellowship covered the entire preparation. Praise the Lord for His sovereignty!

Though I never expected to be a part of the team laboring together in coordination, the Lord graced me to practically serve in the core item of fellowship and handling all the legal signing of documents and carrying out financial transactions for all the expenses incurred for the training. I felt blessed for such an opportunity, yet I also felt unworthy to be practically involved in such an important international event that happened for the first time in our country. All, surely is the Lord's mercy and grace. 

There had been apprehension about this training from different aspects in relation to health, food, transportation, accommodation, and even the ongoing political atmosphere. Despite all these, the Body stood together as one man and prayed in one accord. The Lord came in and did all that He needed to do. All apprehension just helped to prepare all the saints with much prayer. In fact, they were all prepared for the worst. That was a good preparation. And when they actually came for the training, they got the best. All the note of alarms served its purpose and the training was such a blessing.

The Lord's speaking on The One New Man Fulfilling God's Purpose in Creating Man was very apt and timely, especially in this country of multi-lingual, multi-dialect, multi-culture, and multi in almost everything. This country was just the best to release the vision of the one new man which Christ created.
Ephesians 215 Abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, that He might create the two in Himself into one new man, so making peace.
Ephesians 4:13 Until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
Colossians 3:10-11 And have put on the new man, which is being renewed unto full knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, where there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free man, but Christ is all and in all.
Having witnessed such a colossal deed of the Lord and heard such a timely speaking of the Lord, I was simply in awe, praising and glorifying God! To such, my response was, praying with thanksgiving to the God who is God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Praise the Lord for such a glorious training!

Monday, 30 September 2019

Truth Constitution: Training

Truth constitution is one of the main burdens the saints in the Lord’s recovery are carrying it out. Much of our constitution has been old, polluted with culture and religion, inherited by birth and accumulated along as we grew up in the society. Even after getting saved and came into the church life, still the old constitution remains as a baggage carried forward all along. This hinders the saints' growth in life and the building up into the one Body of Christ. Therefore there is the urgent need for reconstitution. For this, the brothers have taken some solid steps to help the saints reconstituted. One of the ways taken is in the form of training, diving into the truths released during the semi-annual training.

The church in Gurugram, the church in New Delhi, the full time trainees, and the saints from North India came together recently again to dive into the Lord's speaking. With the atmosphere provided by the training, we all could get into the depths of the word of God. Many saints have testified of how much their understanding of the word of God has been enriched, and how much they have been nourished by the word. Through the Lord's speaking, new lights and revelations have been brought out from the word. With the change of constitution is also the change of person. From old to new, of the self to the Spirit, and of the natural man, the I, to Christ. 

In this way, the Lord has a way to work out what He intends to work out. For this, we had two full weekends of video training and twelve weeks of daily studying the word in the form of morning revival. Gradually, the Lord is reconstitution us, and at the same time building us up into Him. 

May the Lord continue to grace all of us until we are fully reconstituted and are fully transformed to become the church, His Body, His Bride, to bring Him back. 

Shepherding: A Local Brother

A local Gurugram brother was introduced to the church life a few months ago. He and his family had been members of a local independent Pentecostal group. But due to practical differences in their teachings and practices of a Christian life, they were left with no choice but to leave the group they used to attend for a decade and a half. Now that he came into the church life, everything is new. In teaching, in practices, and even in the way we relate to one another as fellow believers. He is observing and learning many new things. And he is happy about it.

The Lord in His sovereignty is recovering His chosen ones, one by one. As long as we stand one with the Lord in bearing His testimonies, the Lord will faithfully bring in His chosen ones. We must be faithful in ministering the healthy teaching of God's new testament economy and earnestly practice the God-ordained way, carrying out timely shepherding with a revived daily living, then the Lord will gain all these new ones and build them up into His Body. 

This brother's coming into the church life is a great encouragement especially when we are so burdened for the local people to be shepherded and build up the church. Though he is relatively new in the church life, he has a considerable experiences with the Lord. He has a burden to bring his whole family to the church life as he now has been enjoying himself.

His family has been deceived by the Jehovah Witnesses with their cultic teachings. But this brother attended their meetings a couple of times and considered their teachings in the light of the Holy Bible. He now has come to discern the orthodox teaching of the Bible and the twisted teachings of the heretic group. When he came to the church the first time and then went to attend the Jehovah Witnesses' meeting, we did not stop him. As the church we prayed for this family steadfastly. The Lord, in His own time and wisdom, revealed the truth to him. He voluntary told them that he was leaving because of the wrong teaching, and left them to come into the church life. 

Now, our responsibility is to continue to shepherd him with the healthy teaching of the word of God that he be reconstituted and be established in the faith to become a pillar and an useful vessel to the Lord. May the Lord grace him and his family for His testimony in Gurugram.

Shepherding: A Brother from UP

A brother was introduced to the church by another brother who used to be colleagues in their work place. This brother came for the first time basically to get to know who we are. In his first meeting itself, the Lord caught him.

I got the opportunity to fellowship with him personally. To my surprise, it turned out that he is the son of a missionary who pioneered the gospel move to a remote village in Uttar Pradesh. Since his childhood he has been fed with the gospel and trained to be "missionary" in his capacity. When he met us and heard the burden for the God-man living with the practice of the God-ordained way, he was overwhelmed. He testified to me that he had been longing for such a fellowship. In fact, he left his hometown and came to Gurugram with the burden that the Lord would use him in the Lord's work. Now that he found the church, he is happy that he could practically begin to fulfill the purpose for which God has brought him to this city Gurugram.

I thought to wait a little while for him to fully enjoy the Lord and the church life until we bring him to coordinate in the church life, he himself requested to be brought into function and fellowship. He even requested for a membership in the church's WhatsApp group which I included him. Certain ones chosen by the Lord have easily been manifested. As for him, he has been prepared by the Lord already. Now, at the right time, the Lord has brought him in. 

May the Lord continue to shepherd him to enjoy the Lord's speaking and also make him become a remaining fruit, and a fruitfull member in the Body.

Shepherding: A Brother from Jammu

Two years ago we met a brother in our distribution trip to Jammu who had helped us in meeting a good number of Christian workers. This brother gave us hospitality for a week. In fact, his house became our center for distribution though it was in the village. He also happened to be the first and only Christian family in the entire village.

Two years later, his elder son got a job in Gurugram. He called me to contact his son and also spiritually take care of him, which I gladly did. Now, I have been in contact with his son and his son has started coming for the Lord's table meeting and other meetings of the church.

This brother from Jammu is the first one to come into the church life from his community. He has a burden to preach the gospel among the youth as he himself is one of them who are young working ones with money and good job living far away from home. The young generation are totally independent from their parents and most of them live a care free life. In fact, most of them are in the verge of moral decline and godlessness. For such youths, there is a need for the gospel preaching and shepherding. This brother has such a burden though he himself is in the midst of modern day urban culture. 

My first meeting with him was inviting him for a lovefeast dinner at my home. He was so happy and shepherded that he felt home once again, home far away from home. Though he has been busy the whole day throughout the week, we will do our best to meet up on weekends and make sure he has received the shepherding he needed.

May the Lord grace him to enjoy the Lord and the church life, and become functioning and useful members of the Body .