It was during the international training that some brothers from Indonesia heard about the situation in India. They found out the similarity between India and Indonesia in the aspect of the Lord's move and seeking for the increase. In fact, both countries have the same goal of raising up 500 local churches. With this burden that had been requesting for fellowship. Finally one evening we could visit them and enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship with them.
In terms of the age of the brothers, and the number of years, the churches in Indonesia have been in the recovery, we are the ones to learn from their experiences. The churches there have been raised up since the time of brother Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. And they have a thriving population of the saints in the church life. yet when they sought a fellowship from us, it was a humbling feeling indeed. I personally felt we should learn from them and not vice versa. Nevertheless, we all sat together and fellowshipped.
I began to share the little experiences I have been enjoying in the church life in Gurugram. It was all in the books that brother Witness Lee had spoken concerning the practice of the God-ordained way and the vital group. The vision brother Lee had seen many years ago has now been practiced and enjoyed in the church-life. The experiences of the basic matter of calling upon the name of the Lord, pray-reading the word of God, prayer, gospel preaching, prophesying, shepherding, home meetings and group meetings were very fresh and new. Even as I shared my experiences of these organic life practices, I was bubbling with joy. The Lord had already released the way for the churches to go on, and today we are reaping the benefit of those messages. There actually was nothing new in what I fellowshipped and shared with the brothers. But the experiences were indeed very fresh and new. The ways ordained by the Lord are always living and fresh.
Two other brothers also fellowshipped and echoed the same burden the churches in India have been carrying it out. Basically, our sharing was on two lines: fellowshipping with the Body and coordination with the Body. All that we have been practicing are what we have received from the fellowship of the Body, especially from the brothers from the churches in Taiwan. Besides, the saints from Taiwan came to coordinate with us for the Lord's move in India. Without the fellowship and coordination from the Body, I doubt we will ever have experienced and enjoyed such a wonderful church life. Praise the Lord for the Body! We learn from one another.
It was a wonderful time of blending and fellowship indeed. Brothers have invited us to visit the churches in Indonesia and we also extended our invitation to visit the churches in India. We fellowship and blend and learn from one another. In the Body of Christ, there is no bar on nationality nor race nor culture. We are all parts of the same one new man!
Praise the Lord for such a wonderful time of fellowship and blending!
Lord, bless the churches in Indonesia and India!