1 Corinthians 12:24But our comely members have no need. But God has blended the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member that lacked.
Our God is a flowing Triune God. He flows from the Head to the Body. In His flow the members of the Body are being blended together. Our church life is the enjoyment of the flow of the divine life in and through the members of the Body.
Being geographically located in the heart of India neighbouring the capital city New Delhi, our local church has been at the receiving end of all the benefits from the Body, especially when the saints travels and visits India. Team after team, saints came to visit us and we enjoyed blending with them.
Recently we have enjoyed the blending with the saints from Taiwan, Indonesia, USA, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and others. From our side it was a time of feasting spiritually and physically. For we enjoyed fellowshipping and sharing our enjoyment of Christ with one another, and we also feasted together partaking of the lovefeast prepared by the saints. I guess the cooking team was the most who laboured and also enjoyed. For, in cooking for the lovefeast meal, the saints get to coordinate and blend with one another. Such opportunity would not have happened if it were not for the visiting saints from abroad. Therefore, we always grasp the opportunity to blend with the saints in all possible ways.
Our talk of the church life will only be doctrinal if we really did not blend with one another practically by visiting one another. The letter to the church in Rome by the apostle Paul in chapter 16 is an orthodox proof of the care and concern for the saints. It also portrays the blending life among the saints at least through the epistles. For such a wonderful church life and blending in the Body, I can only echo brother Paul's final word to the church in Rome.
Romans 16:27To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.