Monday, 30 September 2019

Flow of Life: Blending in and with the Body

1 Corinthians 12:24But our comely members have no need. But God has blended the body together, giving more abundant honor to the member that lacked. 
Our God is a flowing Triune God. He flows from the Head to the Body. In His flow the members of the Body are being blended together. Our church life is the enjoyment of the flow of the divine life in and through the members of the Body.

Being geographically located in the heart of India neighbouring the capital city New Delhi, our local church has been at the receiving end of all the benefits from the Body, especially when the saints travels and visits India. Team after team, saints came to visit us and we enjoyed blending with them. 

Recently we have enjoyed the blending with the saints from Taiwan, Indonesia, USA, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and others. From our side it was a time of feasting spiritually and physically. For we enjoyed fellowshipping and sharing our enjoyment of Christ with one another, and we also feasted together partaking of the lovefeast prepared by the saints. I guess the cooking team was the most who laboured and also enjoyed. For, in cooking for the lovefeast meal, the saints get to coordinate and blend with one another. Such opportunity would not have happened if it were not for the visiting saints from abroad. Therefore, we always grasp the opportunity to blend with the saints in all possible ways.

Our talk of the church life will only be doctrinal if we really did not blend with one another practically by visiting one another. The letter to the church in Rome by the apostle Paul in chapter 16 is an orthodox proof of the care and concern for the saints. It also portrays the blending life among the saints at least through the epistles. For such a wonderful church life and blending in the Body, I can only echo brother Paul's final word to the church in Rome.
Romans 16:27To the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Flow of Life: An Elderly Brother

Leviticus 19:32  You shall rise up before the grayheaded and honor the face of the old man. And you shall fear your God; I am Jehovah.
This was the Lord's speaking concerning my burden to fellowship with a senior and elderly brother whom the Lord used as a pioneer for the ministry of the word to be brought to India and it was also through him the Lord's recovery in India has its beginning. He is one such faithful brother who has been serving since the very beginning of the literature service in India till date. He surely deserves the honor and respect, in the principle of incarnation.  Especially for me, I sincerely respect and honor him. My principle is simple, honor to whom honor is due and respect to whom respect is due. So, whenever I got the opportunity, I would visit him and fellowship with him.

As a part of my official trip, I went to visit this brother and his wife at Kochi. For one night and one day, I fellowshipped with him on the literature service. My responsibility was to listen to him and learn whatever needs to be learned from such an experienced and elderly brother. One night I listened to him, his testimony of how he got saved, how the Lord led him to North East India to work, and how the Lord led him to the ministry books, The Orthodoxy of the Chruch and The Glorious Church, which became a seed for the Lord's recovery in India. Thirty years have elapsed since the initiation of the Lord's testimony here. What a blessing to be able to serve and coordinate with such a precious brother!

Besides some official fellowship, I also fellowshipped with them my recent enjoyment of the Lord's speaking. As we fellowship, it just flowed out from my being, and I believe it was the Lord who led me to overflow the riches of the ministry. I shared my enjoyment of three messages, The All-inclusive Christ Being the Allotted Portion of the Saints, according to God’s Choice, as Their Divine Inheritance for Their Enjoyment; The Water for Impurity; and The Vision of the All-sufficient One—the Divine View of God’s People. 

As I started sharing, these messages were the outflow of my enjoyment of the Lord. I had no intention to speak these messages. The Lord knows what was the timely need of the brother and sister. Perhaps, the Lord had a special burden to release. In fact, as I fellowshipped with them I felt strongly the Lord's speaking and flow from deep within. They also enjoyed the flow of life and testified of how timely the Lord's speaking was and how rich the ministry was, and they still are and will ever be. The sister poured forth words of praises and thanks and the brother offered a strong prayer in thanksgiving after the sharing in a way of an overflow of life. We all enjoyed the sweet and wonderful fellowship.

After such a timely and sweet flow of life, my burden was released, and I flew back home. Praise the Lord for the ministry of the age, full of life and life supply!

Monday, 23 September 2019

Flow of Life: NE Brothers

The churches in North East India has been facing persecution from religion since the very beginning of the rasing of the lampstands. Nevertheless, the Lord has been gracing the saints to grow in life gradually. Till date, a good number of local churches have been raised up and the testimony of Jesus has been much strengthened with the growth in life of the saints and their increasing enjoyment of the church life with truth constitution. The churches are the Lord's, and the Lord as the Son of Man is walking among the midst of the lampstand is shepherding them, even "trimming the burned wick."

In the last full-timers training, a brother came to fellowship with me concerning his situation and the situation of certain serving ones in the NE; how some leading brothers had certain feeling concerning him which troubled him quite much. But since he came for a brotherly fellowship I gave my audience and mentioned to him that I would bring the matter to the concerned brothers who are taking the lead in the Lord's work. The brother came again the second time and fellowshipped further certain misunderstanding that subtly crept in among the brothers, especially the full-time serving ones. As he fellowshipped  I just realized that the enemy has always been behind the scene trying to bring discord among the brothers and destroy the building work of the Lord. A few weeks later, the same brother called me again over the phone expressing his concern over the situation there. In all the three cases of fellowship, my fellowship was consistent. I told him I would bring the matter to the brothers overseeing the Lord's move in India. 

Another senior brother came and stayed with me for two nights after the full-timers training. Initially, I thought he just came to take hospitality. But later he requested for fellowship and opened up his concerns about the situation there. To this brother too, I told the same thing I told to the other brother. In all the meetings above, I prayed together with the leading brothers for the Lord to cover and heal the situation. And if the Lord leads so, perhaps, I may visit with other brothers. In both the case, I also fellowship with them concerning my feeling. The Lord is blessing his move and the enemy is trying to destroy the building work. He tried using religion and other means to stop. But he could not succeed. Now he is subtly trying to break the oneness and one accord of the brothers. But the Lord's word is:
Matthew 16:18  And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
This matter of fellowshipping with the brothers taking the lead in the Lord's move here has been pending for a couple of months. A few weeks ago, under the Lord's sovereignty, one of the brothers and I stayed together in the same room for the churches in Kerala blending conference. There we could fellowship all the points in detail and decided to visit the brothers for fellowship in the coming months. This is the flow of life that I experience in fellowship with the brothers concerning His move in NE.

The Lord's divine life will flow and heal all the situation in NE.
Then said He to me, This water flows out toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah and goes to the sea; when it flows into the sea, the water of the sea is healed.
47:9   And every living creature which swarms in every place where the river goes shall live, and there will be very many fish when this water comes there. And the water of the sea shall be healed, and everything shall live wherever the river comes.
The flow of life will heal the situation and bless His testimony in NE!

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Flow of Life: Fellowship with the Brothers

In the blending conference of the churches in Kerala the brothers gave me forty-five minutes to fellowship with all the leading and responsible brothers, the official fellowship that needs to be conveyed to the churches. I fellowship the matter of change of service of the serving brothers for distribution of the ministry literature in Kerala, the release of the Gospel of Matthew Recovery Version in Malayalam, the need for prayer and support from the churches there for the translation of the Recovery Version Bible, the need for the saints to enter and dive into the present truth especially the Crystallization-study in the way of video training, and also for the churches coordination in the spread of the ministry all over Kerala. 

Later, we had a fellowship with few brothers for the practical coordination in translating the ministry speaking for the video training. Without my trying to suggest or propose anything, the brothers themselves voluntarily came forward and made all the necessary arrangement. Everything became so sweet and the transaction very smooth. This was the result of the Lord's move and His presence. My function was to simply confirm what the Lord had already done.

Even my fellowship with the two brothers who are directly serving in the literature service, whatever I had in mind to fellowship with them, without me trying to impose anything, the brothers themselves spoke out what I intended to fellowship. It all turned out that the Lord already spoke to them as well what He had spoken to me concerning the new arrangement in their official functions. My personal fellowship with the two of them separately and together were very sweet and we all were in one mind and one accord.

Personally, I dare not misrepresent God even in my official responsibility. Though the case at hand may be serious, the way to deal with it is, by life and by love. Moses' dealing with problems by deferring everything to God and representing God as a deputy authority has been a great lesson and blessing to me in my service. I learn from the Bible and the ministry speaking all these practical lessons of dealing with situations. And the result is full of life, peace, joy, and all done in the way of shepherding.

With the brother involving in the misappropriation of account, I spent hours together fellowshipping late into midnight, in a way of shepherding. Though it was an official fellowship, he is a dear brother too. I presented my feeling from both official and brotherly point of view. In all my fellowship, my burden was to shepherd him, so that he can become more useful to the Lord. The worldly way would be "firing an unfaithful employee," but the Lord's way is a way of shepherding to recover him and even make him more useful to the Lord. The Lord graced me to shepherd him in such a way. He has been shepherding me so much, and I am doing the same with the serving ones.

One morning, we three brothers were enjoying morning revival together. As we just finished pray-reading the word of God, I felt we all should kneel down and pray. So we all knelt down and prayed for the Lord's covering, and His blessing in our coordination and service. That was the conclusion of my brotherly fellowship with them. We all enjoyed the flow of life in all our fellowship and prayer. What the enemy did for bad, the Lord turned it to be for our good. Praise the Lord for the flow of life!

Flow of Life: Brotherly Fellowship

This month had started off with many busy schedules. I had no plan of traveling anywhere as many responsibilities are needed to be carried out this month as one of the international trainings is coming to India next month for which there are many official responsibilities assigned to me. On the church side, we were entering in the video training of the Crystallization-study of Numbers 2 for two weekends. On the family side, our three children have their half-yearly exam scheduled. 

With all these busy schedules, my initial intention was not to travel at all. But there has been a serious act of unrighteousness committed by one of the serving ones for which I need to take action. The matter has all been checked and verified, and an important fellowship has to be brought to the leading brothers of the churches in Kerala as this brother served the churches there. The churches there had their blending conference which was a good time for me to go and fellowship. Therefore, through the fellowship of my brother who coordinated with me, I decided to go, after thoroughly praying over the matter.

All these incidents have helped me to go before the Lord every night. Case by case, point by point, I brought the matters before the Lord. Even as I prayed, the Lord led me through in all the matters. Even before I actually met the brothers concerned, the Lord had already worked out His plan. When I went there, without me doing anything, all the matters had already been settled. Of course, my going still necessary. In fact, I was just there to confirm what the Lord has been doing. Though it was an official matter, I experienced the presence of the Lord very much. One key verse that kep ringing in my inner ear was Exodus 33:14  "And He said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."

The Lord's presence was all that I enjoyed in my official trip to fellowship with the leading brothers of the churches in Kerala, with three serving brothers, and also with a brother who coordinates for the Lord's move in India. All these fellowships were so full of life and light. And all these also are directly or indirectly related to the Lord's move and His testimony in India.

Praise the Lord for the flow of life through the brotherly fellowship!

A Sister's Baptism

A young girl who used to be the classmate of one of our sisters in the church was introduced to the church life a few years ago. A family of three, mother, daughter, and son gradually came into the church-life even as they have been going through many ups and downs in their family life and Christian life. The Lord has been very gracious in shepherding them through difficult times. The magnitude of the problem that they have been through is so severe that it affected their academic life, physical life, psychological life, and positively their spiritual life. In spite of all the hardships they have been through, the Lord shepherd them through the saints and their faith have been strengthened very much. Slow but steady, their progress has been very encouraging. Separation, divorce, and lawsuit were a few of the things the family has been through. Nevertheless, the Lord is the good shepherd shepherding them through and through.

The young girl has come of age and has a spiritual realisation of her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. She's been attending the church meetings and also the young people meetings, besides the home meeting in her home. Two weeks ago, she decided to seal her faith in obedience to the word of God by taking water baptism. Her faith has been very much strengthened through the church-life. A couple of times, sisters and brothers have shared the truth concerning salvation.  Therefore, she finally took the decision to be baptized. So, the church in Gurugram baptized her last week. Praise the Lord!

Right after her baptism, she came for fellowship. My wife and I fellowshipped with her the truth concerning the assurance, security, and joy of salvation. It was a perfecting time of helping her realize the significance of her salvation. It was also a time of laying a good foundation with the word of God that she would stand firm and strong all the days of her life. And it was also a time of watering her spiritually that she would enjoy the joy of salvation by exercising her spirit through pray-reading the word of God. We encouraged her to inculcate a daily practice of calling upon the Lord's name, reading the Bible, spending time in prayer personally and corporately, and also attend the meetings of the church. These are some basic practices which will serve as a good foundation in her Christian life and church-life.

This particular case is special as her family has been shattered with father and mother divorced, and her father filing a lawsuit against her mother, and her step-father threatening her mother, and her custody to her mother has been challenged. No matter what, the Lord gave her the strength to stand firm and took water baptism even as all these "clouds" were darkening her sky. 

Praise the Lord! It's an experience of resurrection out of the death trap of the enemy.

May our sister grow and become a shining testimony to all her relatives and friends, especially to her own father and sibling.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Doctorate Poet

A brother's family invited their neighbor for a gospel home meeting last Lord's day evening. And he wanted me to be there to preach the gospel to him. It was a double blessing for me to accept such a special invitation; firstly for the shepherding of the new ones, and secondly for the preaching of the gospel to the new one's neighbor. My wife and two other brothers joined me in the meeting.

But as we reach the brother's home, we were told that the neighbor they had invited was reluctant to come and made lame excuses. But we decided to pray for that neighbor. After we all prayed one by one, surprisingly the neighbor just showed up and joined us in the meeting.

This neighbor introduced himself as a doctorate degree holder in an engineering field but had taken early retirement to pursue his hobby of writing poems. He brought his new book, a collection of his poems and introduced to me. I took the book and flipped through the book randomly. Surprisingly I came across a poem which began with "Jesus Christ". As I read through the poem, he was discoursing about the temptation the Lord Jesus faced when He was on the earth. Perhaps, his thought was,  if Jesus Himself was tempted, who is man not to be tempted? His poetical thought was on how to overcome temptations in life. I read the paragraph out loud for all the ones present in the home of our brother. Immediately, I felt led to minister on the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4 since there were three other believers to address too.  

Using Matthew 4, I preached the gospel especially for the neighbor friend and gave him an opportunity to call upon the Lord's name and pray to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as His Savior. Then, the expounding of the three temptations with their spiritual significances followed suit. After over two hours of gospel preaching and home meeting, we all were full of joy! Especially, our host's family was so joyful that their neighbor finally came to their home to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and was shown the way to believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ! The joy of the neighbor was the joy of the new ones' family, which was also our joy. We all were filled with the joy of the Lord. The following day, that neighbor sent me an email expressing his joy and thanks for the gospel meeting. May the Lord save him fully.

Praise the Lord!