A local Gurugram brother was introduced to the church life a few months ago. He and his family had been members of a local independent Pentecostal group. But due to practical differences in their teachings and practices of a Christian life, they were left with no choice but to leave the group they used to attend for a decade and a half. Now that he came into the church life, everything is new. In teaching, in practices, and even in the way we relate to one another as fellow believers. He is observing and learning many new things. And he is happy about it.
The Lord in His sovereignty is recovering His chosen ones, one by one. As long as we stand one with the Lord in bearing His testimonies, the Lord will faithfully bring in His chosen ones. We must be faithful in ministering the healthy teaching of God's new testament economy and earnestly practice the God-ordained way, carrying out timely shepherding with a revived daily living, then the Lord will gain all these new ones and build them up into His Body.
This brother's coming into the church life is a great encouragement especially when we are so burdened for the local people to be shepherded and build up the church. Though he is relatively new in the church life, he has a considerable experiences with the Lord. He has a burden to bring his whole family to the church life as he now has been enjoying himself.
His family has been deceived by the Jehovah Witnesses with their cultic teachings. But this brother attended their meetings a couple of times and considered their teachings in the light of the Holy Bible. He now has come to discern the orthodox teaching of the Bible and the twisted teachings of the heretic group. When he came to the church the first time and then went to attend the Jehovah Witnesses' meeting, we did not stop him. As the church we prayed for this family steadfastly. The Lord, in His own time and wisdom, revealed the truth to him. He voluntary told them that he was leaving because of the wrong teaching, and left them to come into the church life.
Now, our responsibility is to continue to shepherd him with the healthy teaching of the word of God that he be reconstituted and be established in the faith to become a pillar and an useful vessel to the Lord. May the Lord grace him and his family for His testimony in Gurugram.