The day in Dubai was indeed a memorable day. Besides the baptism of a new sister on the first visit to Dubai on my first Lord's Table Meeting, the saints also took me for an outing to the biggest mall in the UAE, a view of the tallest building, and a love feast dinner. As we went out for outdoor blending, in a van I got to fellowship with all the saints as we drove, walk around the mall, and dined together. In all these, the Lord had planned a specific speaking for a brother.
A young brother has just came to Dubai for job about two weeks ago and has been with his uncle who is also a leading brother in the church. As we fellowshipped, the matter of full-time training came up. I released the general burden that has been in the church life for all the young people to be trained in truth, life, character, gospel, and ministry for two years as a preparation of our vessels for the Lord to fill, contain, and gain, and perhaps, become a dispensational instrument to be an overcomer to turn this age and bring the Lord back. The young brother got so touched and exclaimed in awe that the Lord's speaking was so sudden and he would definitely consider and pray. He confessed that he never thought about attending the training as he was fully geared up to get a job and start his career. Nevertheless, he was open to the Lord's leading.
As we all were taking a walk at the Dubai Mall, he kept enquiring more detail about the training. By the time we ate dinner, he became more clear that he should definitely consider to join the training. He began to understand that the Lord brought him and me to Dubai to let him know his need to join the training. And as we drove back after dinner, he opened up more, expressing his willingness to join the training. He began to consider the practical matters involved; first of all, what would his uncle feel. To that, my innate reply was, his uncle would be very happy to learn of young brother joining the training. On the family side, he also considered who would support him financially. To this, I told him, as long as he is willing to follow the Lord's leading, the Lord will take care of all the needs. And finally he confessed that he was shy to let his uncle know about his desire to join the training, to this I replied I would speak to his uncle. The next day, when his uncle and aunty dropped us to the Airport I mentioned the matter; we all prayed together for him.
Two young brothers, two young sisters, two middle age sisters, and an elderly sister, were my companion for the time together in Dubai city tour. During our snack and dinner time, we all enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship. Especially for the young brothers and sisters, I encouraged them to learn the basic lesson of following the Lord's leading in every matter; be it their career, marriage, or whatever, the definite and specific leading of the Lord must be their guiding factor in their Christian life. As they all wanted to know my testimony, I also shared how the Lord led me step by step in every stage of my life. We all enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship.
After the wonderful evening of blending as they dropped me back to my hotel accommodation, they requested that I should visit them again in Dubai. Though my reply was, "Sure!" it's all in the Lord’s hand. May His will be done.
On the following day of our departure, a brother and his wife drove us to the Airport. On the way, they expressed their thankfulness in visiting the church, and that it was very timely and the Lord’s speaking through all the fellowship was what they needed, especially with the young brothers and sisters. Then, we all prayed together for the church, for the new sister who got baptised, for the young brother who wanted to join the training, and also for the Lord to gain the local Arabs for his testimony.
Lord, bless the church in Dubai. Lord, save and bless the Arabs.