Luke22:15 And He said to them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer,22:16 For I tell you that I shall by no means eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.22:17 And He received a cup and gave thanks and said, Take this and divide it among yourselves;22:18 For I tell you, I shall by no means drink from now on of the product of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.22:19 And He took a loaf and gave thanks, and He broke it and gave it to them, saying, This is My body which is being given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.22:20 And similarly the cup after they had dined, saying, This cup is the new covenant established in My blood, which is being poured out for you.
The regular Life-study pursuit that I am graced to enjoy has been a great blessing to me; in my understanding of the word of God and in my experience of Christ as life. This particular reading on "the Lamb and the Loaf" is a new light dawned in my Christian life. I have never known, understood and enjoyed the truth of the Passover and the Lord's Table in such an enlightening way.
Luke 22: 7-18 is a record concerning the eating of the Passover Lamb. In the Passover, the main thing enjoyed by God’s chosen people was the lamb. The meat of the lamb was for them to eat. For redemption, the Lord was offered as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. As such a Lamb, He was an individual entity, shedding His blood, for redemption, and as such, there was no concept of feasting nor was their any way for man to participate in the accomplishment of redemption accomplished by the Lord Jesus alone at the cross as the fulfilment and reality of the Passover Lamb.
Luke 22: 19-20 is a record concerning the eating of the Lord's Table. In the Lord’s table, the main item for us to enjoy as New Testament believers is not a lamb; the main item for our enjoyment is the bread. An individual Lamb was offered for redemption, but the outcome is not the Lamb but the bread, a corporate entity, composed of many grains grounded into flour and baked into a loaf of bread. This loaf is for feasting and enjoyment. This is the issue of the Lord's death and resurrection. In the Old Testament feast of the Passover the enjoyment was of the lamb, but in the New Testament feast, the enjoyment is of the loaf. The Lamb has become a loaf through the process of death and resurrection.
Though the Bible has a complete record of all the detail, the divine revelation to understand, experience, and enjoy such a revealed word of God needs a proper interpretation by the enlightening of the Holy Spirit. God can definitely give a direct revelation to anyone who seeks and longs for a revelation of the word, but whether God will grant such absolutely depends on the Lord. In many cases, His Spirit will simply guide His seekers to those whom the Lord has already enlightened. The wheel was invented already, there is no need to reinvent another wheel. In the same manner, I humble myself and simply learn from the brothers who have received the enlightenment and revelation from God. And in this case, I am blessed to learn from brother Witness Lee.
Since this life-study pursuit, my appreciation of the Passover Lamb and the Lord's Table has been uplifted and I believe, my enjoyment of the Lord's Table will be sweeter than ever before.
Praise the Lord for the Life-study of the Bible! It makes me love to read the Bible much more...