Ephesians 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ.
This verse, perhaps, is the most difficult to fulfill among all the other prophecies in the Bible. The invasion of Christianity by religion and man-made organization adds to the deadening of the already weakened community. Only the truths of the Bible in all its purity and simplicity is the panacea for the spiritually diseased conglomeration of congregations. Thank God, the Lord has been using His words, time and again, to recover what is in His heart amidst the degradation. The perfecting of the saints is the way to build up the church; no other way.
The Lord has been speaking to me and the brothers in the locality where I am on this perfect panacea, "perfecting the saints." What I can do, I must perfect my other brothers to do the same thing. Lest I ended up being a "pastor" and repeat the degraded history of Christianity. All saints must be perfected, then and only then, that will be the work of the ministry unto the building up of the Body of Christ.
The notion of "ministry" for certain select few gifted or anointed brothers must be done away with. Such notion is the root of the clergy-laity system. The work of the ministry is for all and must be done by all. For some reason, the concept within many is, this is for select few. No, it's for all.
Since the beginning of this year, I have been burdened to bring more saints, in fact, all saints to their rightful functions. So far, the Lord graces me to directly or indirectly shepherd five brothers. The Lord is gracious enough to all of us to learn and learn.
Two brothers who are fathers too are gradually brought in to take the full responsibility for taking care of new families. Though initially, out of burden, I initiated the meetings. Now, I am bringing in the said brothers along with me to co-work together in shepherding the saints at the homes of the new ones. As we learn to shepherd, I would gradually withdraw myself so that the brothers can fully function in shepherding. So far, the meetings are all going well. One the one hand, we are shepherding the new ones, yet on the other hand, we are shepherding ourselves, as we are being perfected in the very act of shepherding.
Three young and unmarried brothers are also in the making. The Lord's merciful hand is much needed for the perfecting of the young brothers' functions. One of them has come up to the level of being able to travel places for the introduction and distribution of the ministry of the word, like I way I used to do and still am doing, in addition to all the other official, church, and family responsibility assigned to him. Another brother too is being graced by the Lord to bear responsibilities assigned to him; both domestic household daily chores and spiritual responsibilities. And yet another brother has been graciously revived by the Lord from his backslidden condition. On my invitation, he regularly comes for prayer and pursuit of the truths, and now he is learning some technical works; his function has come up marvelously.
All saints need to be perfected in a wise and timely manner. Else, the enemy will steal them away and even kill their spiritual functions. Keeping the Lord's word in mind, we must pray for all the saints, ask wisdom from God to discern in what way each can be best perfected. Then perfect them pratically by co-working with them and showing the pattern. In this way, they all will be perfected. Much prayer and shepherding is needed to really perfect the saints' function and for the fulfillment of the Ephesians 4;12.
Lord, fulfill Your prophecy of building up Your Body by perfecting all of us!