Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Saints' Perfecting

The Lord is gaining momentum in the church in our locality. Both brothers and sisters are growing in life and in function. Our burden is to perfect all the saints and make them all pillars for the Lord's testimony. So we would grasp every opportunity to learn and be perfected for the Lord's sake. Therefore, we are coordinating with the church in New Delhi for the perfecting training of the brothers.

This year, the Lord has sanctified nine brothers for the five months long perfecting training. I was especially glad for the reasons that many more young brothers are being perfected and I also got the opportunity to learn along with my fellow brothers. Besides, the young brothers are experiencing a drastic change in their lives; I believe the Lord is beginning to answer the prayers we have been offering for all the saints in the church. Things which seemed impossible few months ago are now taking shape. To cite a few of them:

The three brothers who are living with our family are functioning very well. From physical responsibility to spiritual responsibility they are growing up and picking up the burden to practice the God-ordained way of being revived through prayer and the word of God, preaching the gospel, shepherding the new ones, and functioning in the meetings. 

Another brother who stayed away from the church life for many years is beginning to experience a drastic change in his life. Once he was not even ready for any kind of fellowship, now he is coming daily for morning prayer and life-study pursuit. To help him, I also gave him some IT lessons to learn.

From the sisters' side too, they paired themselves up as prayer partners, formed sisters' group, prayed and pursued the truths together, and are actively functioning in the church's activities. In fact, in one of our gospel preachings, sisters met a Chinese businessman who was introduced to me, and who later received the Lord and got baptised!

These are still the very beginning. I better not count the chickens before it even hatched. Yet, I am being encouraged to love the Lord more; our labor in the Lord in prayer, in preaching, and in shepherding will never go in vain.

The Lord's burden in Ephesians 4:11-13 must be fulfilled, and this is our burden too. "And He Himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as shepherds and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ, until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."

Looking to the Lord for more perfecting.

Brothers' Visit

Last month I was especially graced with the honour of being able to fellowship with two brothers, one week after the other. Blending with the saints and enjoying mutual supply of life to one another.

The first one is from Taiwan, who used to co-worked with us here in India. As he came to take classes in the full-time training, I could fellowship with him in his free time. The most joyful part was our visit to a family. In fact, this family happened to be the family whose first contact with us in the church in Gurgaon was through this Taiwan brother who distributed tract almost a decade ago in HUDA Sector 56 market. Later that tract, The Mystery of Human Life, became the key for him to meet the saints, study the truths, and eventually come into the church life, though it took him at least two years. In this family, brother shared about his testimony of salvation from Buddhism and also a particular testimony of his wife who from her childhood had been praying for about twenty years to marry a temple's owner son with a burden to turn the idol temple into a meeting hall of the church in his locality. That girls' prayer was fulfilled as she married this brother, and later, the temple was used for church meeting hall.

Another brother was from the church in Fremont, California, USA. He was on his business tour to India, and on his flight transit, he could visit us for group meeting and fellowship. I was with him all the while and enjoyed the joy of hospitality, though I am still learning to give hospitality. This brother, though a businessman, is burdened for the gospel. When he visited us few years ago, we went preaching the gospel together one Saturday in a park where we could lead about three people to salvation. He has the heart of a serving one and the fire of the gospel too. 

The speciality about these brothers' visit was that I could take them to the families that need shepherding. Visitation from different part of the world and fellowshipping on the word of God with the same vision and burden brings about the experience of the one new man in a sweeter and practical way. This is one reason why I would catch every opportunity to fellowship with whoever the Lord would bring to our locality.

Looking forward to the Lord to send more saints to visit the local church in our locality.

Prayer and Prayer

Prayer and prayer is my burden these days. Prayer, not merely to ask God or intercede for matters, but much more to fellowship with the Lord and be one spirit with Him. Of course, there are many burdens within me that I would pour out in prayer. And for this reason, I spent time with my family morning and evening for family prayer, with the serving ones every morning before the day's office works, besides my own personal prayer. There are many things the Lord burdened me for, and most of which I can only pray for, therefore, I am burdened just to pray and pray, and I enjoyed prayer so much, especially the corporate prayer.

The Lord is faithful and merciful in that He started answering the prayers one by one. In fact, the first beneficiary is my family and myself as we have the privilege to pray. The very act of prayer is the benefit of prayer. Though we are thankful to the Lord for the answered prayers too, the best part of it is the very act of prayer. And much more, we enjoyed being man of prayer. It is even my wish and prayer for my parent and the senior saints that they would be graced to pray and pray, carrying out the most important ministry- the ministry of prayer, especially at the latter part of their lives. 

If the Lord would grace me long life, I wish that in the latter part of my life, I would fully resort to the prayer ministry of the church; praying for the Lord's move, praying for the saints, seekers, and sinners, and much more for the Lord's purpose to be fulfilled on this earth and for Him to come back soon! In fact, every night in our family prayer, this is our prayer for our parents.

O the joy of prayer! Grace me Lord, to pray and pray and pray... Not merely for answers but much more for prayer itself.

Perfect Match

This time this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called Woman because out of Man this one was taken.Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:23-24
The Lord has sovereignly brought me and my wife together to be a helpmeet to one another. As our relationship grows, the reality of a marriage life also grows all the more. By the Lord's mercy, we are being blended and builded up much more than before. The Lord has made both of us perfect match to one another. This definitely is the Lord's mercy, and His blessing.

My wife is my perfect match and she is the woman the Lord has blessed me with. Two important incidents that happened recently opened my spiritual eyes to see and know some blind spots in me. My wife has the right eyes to see them, and she is the right person to adjust me. Such as a helpmeet is a sure blessing from the Lord. Both incidents have to do with the presentation of the truth in the church meeting. 

The first one was a case of Mary in the Bible. Actually, there are six Marys in the Bible. At times, when one speaks of one of the six Marys its likely possible to mix up with another Mary. That what I actually did. Though many saints were not aware of the precise and  minute detail, my wife helped me in verifying which Mary is who. It was an enlightening to me too. Some of the MArys stories too seem to intertwine. And I presented the Mary who anointed the Lord Jesus with a costly pure nard out of her love for the Lord and mentioned the reason for her love for the Lord. Somehow, the love of Mary Magdalene for the Lord, because the Lord had cast out seven demons from her, was also mentioned. But the two Mary's are not the same Mary. My wife has brought out this point to me. It was a perfecting lesson. 

Another incident was in my presentation of the history of Israel, concerning the who Jeroboam was. The crucial essence of the truth was presented, but he who Jeroboam was not properly presented. I mistook him for one of the sons of Solomon's concubine. Later, my wife texted me and corrected me that there was no proof in the Bible that he had a family relation with Solomon. I also looked up the Bible and confirmed what my wife brought it out. What a grace and what a salvation! My wife has helped me be cautious and careful with the accuracy of the truth.

No wonder why the Bible says, my wife is my helpmeet; bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. Praise the Lord! 

Praise the Lord for my perfect match!

Monday, 26 February 2018

Character: Be Exact

Few months ago, a brother from USA emailed me about his possible visit to India and perhaps, a church visit to our locality. I replied him in a way of invitation to make sure that he does visit the church for blending. Last month he mailed me again of his flight itinerary, and the day before yesterday, he mailed me a confirmation mail of his imminent coming with flight schedule. My reply was very ambiguous in that I did not mention specifically if I should pick him up from the Airport or he should take a cab to come to the Google location I sent him. I assumed that he would call me and then I would decide if I should pick him or let him take a cab. For I was not too sure, if the flight will land in time, or if I would be engaged in church activities since the day being the Lord's day when I generally am spending time with the saints and new ones. 

Yesterday, about four thirty in the afternoon, his flight arrival time, I happened to be free. So I decided to pick him up with another brother, and mailed him of my decision. We did go to the Airport to pick him up, but we vainly waited for over an hour. Though I kept checking my mail, I did not receive any reply as such. Finally, to make things clear, I went online to find out his possible contact number through which we communicated over the phone. Yes, only to learn that he had taken a cab when we went to pick him up. He forgot to check his mail, and so my ambiguity taught me a lesson: Be exact!

As I drove back, I kept thinking to myself how absurd I was. Had I been precise and exact in my words I would not have wasted time, energy, and money. I kept chastening myself and laugh at my own silly-folly blunder. But it was a precious lesson to me. Yes, I did make a mistake, and Lord used it to teach me a lesson: Be exact! 

What a lesson! I think I will never forget this in my life. Yes, this precious lesson on character: Be exact!

By the way, I could enjoy a time of personal and sweet fellowship with a brother who recently has been revived and recovered by the Lord. Save for this absurdity, I would not have time to fellowship with a dear brother as we rode together to and fro from home to Airport for about an hour, and also led him to come with me for a Life-study meeting, and also encouraged him to come for fellowship every morning. The Lord even used such silly stupidity to gain something good out of it.

Lord, grace me to be exact!

Experience: Stack Overflow

In computer science, a stack overflow is an undesirable condition in which a particular computer program tries to use more memory space than the call stack has available. In my experience of life too, this has been my experiences these days. Generally, I maintain a record of some specific experiences of Christ in my blog. But these days there are too many experiences, every day new experiences of Christ noteworthy, and very busy with the church life to the extent that I could hardly find time to note them down. It's a good news, as the experiences are much more than what I can really record. A spiritual "stack overflow!"

The Lord is so good to us as the church, and to me as His child. My days are now filled with many experiences of Christ as life. The church life is becoming very enjoyable and busy for me. New ones are being brought in, new homes opened, new believers and new contacts pouring in, and the word of God is being proclaimed actively through meetings, and over social media platform. I feel I am beginning to realise that I need more time to serve the Lord by serving the church in serving the saints and seekers. Besides, my official duty of at least eight hours a day, and also some time for family, now time has become much more precious.

Not to boast nor to take pride in, but an honest testimony of facts, the Lord been blessing my family with much more time with Him in family morning revival and prayer, in office prayer and life-study pursuit, Bible readings, home meetings with new ones and saints' homes, church meetings, and family night prayer. To me, these are not religious duties, but blessings from the Lord, privileges untold, we are blessed with. To quantify the quality time spent with the Lord, it is now on the average of three to five hours a day out of the twenty-four hours the Lord gave us every day. Though we may still have our own weaknesses and shortcomings, I focus not on them any longer, but on the feeding on the word of God and prayer time; life ultimately will overcome all weaknesses and shortcomings. And I am beginning to see changes in me, in my family, and in all the saints who are with me. Life meets every need! Stack overflow is a good spiritual sign for it is synonymous to "Life Overflow!"

Lord, grace us ever, to be overflowing with Your divine life. Outwardly, it may be "stack overflow", but inwardly, it is "life overflow!"

Salvation: Stranger to Brother!

As usual, as the church, we go out to preach the gospel regularly on Saturdays. It was on the 17th of this month that we preached the gospel in a park again. On the average, we could preach the gospel to about 10 to 15 people within a span of one and a half to two hours. We were so glad that the Lord reserved some of His remnants to listen to our gospel preaching and even opened up their hearts to believe into the Lord Jesus Christ. 

We were driving back after the gospel preaching when two sisters told me about their contact whom they met at the park. From the description of the contact, I felt deep within my being that we should try to meet him again. One of the sisters took an appointment to meet him over WhatsApp and we went to his hotel.

Our initial introduction was more of an investigation as our new one is a foreigner who was on his business trip to India. All his queries were clarified, and I began with the importance of man in the sight of God. As I began to explain the mystery of human life he was so interested that he changed his position of sitting opposite me to just beside me, to pay a closer heed. His facial expression all proved that he was very seeking and wanted to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ. Even as I spoke, the other sisters and a brother were praying inwardly. The more I spoke, the more he became excited and interested. Then I also shared from the gospel of Mathew 13, the parable of the Sower with my personal testimony of salvation. After all the gospel preaching and sharing of testimony, he was so open that I requested him if he would like to receive the Lord in prayer. To this, he replied in the affirmative, in fact, with my willingness to the tune of indicating "why not?"

Right there in the hotel lobby, not caring for who were watching at us- other guests, receptionists, and perhaps, the CCTVs, and much more, angels in heaven watching over one sinner receiving the Lord Jesus Christ, I led him to pray. Sentence by sentence, he followed me in prayer in English as I led him to pray the sinners' prayer of repentance, confession, believing and receiving the Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour, Lord, and God from thence. After the resounding amen, he was all smile and happiness. I further enquired if he would like to join us for the Lord's day meeting the following day, to which also he replied in the affirmative. Then I promised to pick him up the next day and we left.

As we drove back we simply praised and thanked the Lord with rejoicing. He has been faithful to lead us to His chosen ones. It was a great encouragement to the sisters too. Praise the Lord!

The next day, I picked him up, he joined the meeting in the church in Gurugram, enjoyed fellowshipping with us over lunch, and also participated in the brothers' fellowship. As we just wind up the meeting, the Lord led me again to speak to him specifically on baptism. We read Bible verses on baptism and explained what it is and why it is needed, with all relevant Bible verses. The Lord still kept him open, and he even wanted to take baptism! Later, as the church we gave him baptism. We met him first as a foreigner, a stranger, and now he has become a brother!

He was so happy that he finally found the true and living God in Jesus Christ. By the way, he has been seeking for God by pursuing and studying Buddhism for decade but could not really find God experientially. Here, God has brought him to India, and met the church in Gurugram in the gospel preaching. Praise the Lord!

The whole day and the following day, he was with me; we read Bible together and prayed together. I also gifted him the New Testament, Recovery Version and Life Lessons showing him how to pursue the Lord in the truth. He was with me until he left for his home country, China. Even when he reached home we are in touch. Thanks to the latest technology- distance no bar. He has been asking questions from the Bible he read, especially on Mathew 5. My reply was to lead him to the ministry materials online for his continual feeding. May the Lord make him grow unto maturity and save his entire family!