This time this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called Woman because out of Man this one was taken.Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:23-24
The Lord has sovereignly brought me and my wife together to be a helpmeet to one another. As our relationship grows, the reality of a marriage life also grows all the more. By the Lord's mercy, we are being blended and builded up much more than before. The Lord has made both of us perfect match to one another. This definitely is the Lord's mercy, and His blessing.
My wife is my perfect match and she is the woman the Lord has blessed me with. Two important incidents that happened recently opened my spiritual eyes to see and know some blind spots in me. My wife has the right eyes to see them, and she is the right person to adjust me. Such as a helpmeet is a sure blessing from the Lord. Both incidents have to do with the presentation of the truth in the church meeting.
The first one was a case of Mary in the Bible. Actually, there are six Marys in the Bible. At times, when one speaks of one of the six Marys its likely possible to mix up with another Mary. That what I actually did. Though many saints were not aware of the precise and minute detail, my wife helped me in verifying which Mary is who. It was an enlightening to me too. Some of the MArys stories too seem to intertwine. And I presented the Mary who anointed the Lord Jesus with a costly pure nard out of her love for the Lord and mentioned the reason for her love for the Lord. Somehow, the love of Mary Magdalene for the Lord, because the Lord had cast out seven demons from her, was also mentioned. But the two Mary's are not the same Mary. My wife has brought out this point to me. It was a perfecting lesson.
Another incident was in my presentation of the history of Israel, concerning the who Jeroboam was. The crucial essence of the truth was presented, but he who Jeroboam was not properly presented. I mistook him for one of the sons of Solomon's concubine. Later, my wife texted me and corrected me that there was no proof in the Bible that he had a family relation with Solomon. I also looked up the Bible and confirmed what my wife brought it out. What a grace and what a salvation! My wife has helped me be cautious and careful with the accuracy of the truth.
No wonder why the Bible says, my wife is my helpmeet; bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord for my perfect match!