Last week had been an intense attack subtly by Satan. How events unfolded were noteworthy; a life lesson for precaution. All attacks were very subtle and it went from one degree to another degree. This attacks were mostly to do with my "Onesimus."
Many temptations that befalls men are all planned out. It caught the believers unware if he or she is not living and walking by the Spirit and is not grounded and constituted with the word of God. Therefore, the basic failure of every Christian is do with the basic itself, which are very simple and easy.
It all began with my cousin brother who missed the morning revival time, which is our regular time with the Lord corporately. Than, he missed out on corporate pursuit of the truth and prayer. Then he even missed out on the regular office service. Finally, he missed out any any meeting, either official, church, or family. I know what he has been struggling with; he simply cannot handle finance. The moment there is cash in his hand he will misuse it to his own ruin. For this reason I did not let him have hard-cash the past few months. But as he requested that he would be able to handle this time, I gave him a chance. Few days later, he fell into the same trap of misusing it.
To help him, I have prayed with him, for him, and done all that I could. I literally am running out of option. I often have also been battling between physical restriction and spiritual solution. Often, I weigh the latter more, believing in the work of the Holy Spirit rather than my own natural help. But I discovered, this alone did not suffice. When the physical restriction are not imposed it is too easy for weaker vessel to fall into the tempter's snare. So I tried both the physical restriction and spiritual means of shepherding him. The two must go hand in hand. As much as we trust in the Lord, there must also be corresponding physical support. Blind trust in spirituality may not work all the time. This is what I have discovered, at least. Praise the Lord for all the spiritual lessons.
When he was fully in a defeated state, I quietly helped him by starving him with the physical abusive substances. Yet at the same time, I helped him to exercise his spirit and prayed together with him. This experience of reviving a weak brother has become my way of shepherding people these days.
As long as the Lord tarries His return and we are still alive on this earth, we have to face the world with all satanic attack. But thank God, Christ has overcame the world with its ruler, Satan. Our only responsibility now is to allow Christ to live in me and through me.
I have been facing the same spiritual attack upon me, my family, and the church at large too. But the Lord has taught me a lesson of turning to Him in prayer. So I emphasized the importance of the church prayer meeting, personal prayer life, and the basic spiritual exercises like Bible reading, morning revival, truth pursuit, and fellowship with fellow members of the Body of Christ.
Paradoxically, God allows many such attacks in our lives too; for if He wouldn't, it would never have happened. Since He allows in His sovereignty, there are lessons to learn. Not to let go the lessons is the best spiritual lesson to learn. Through such attacks, learn the lessons and we will be victoriously maturing in life.
Satan may and will subtly attack, for he exists for such, but we must simply take Christ as our lives and our living, and he will be, and simply, a defeated foe. Simple spiritual exercises are the best way to counter the subtle attacks of Satan. One need not be a spiritual giant to be an overcomer, a simple Christian with all the basic spiritual exercises suffice to live an overcoming life.