As I was in fellowship with some brothers in my dream, a midnight phone call woke me up one night last week, a call from America from an Indian brother with whom I have been in fellowship with for some time now. He called now and then when he needed a special fellowship or prayer. The late-night call was for a prayer as he strongly needed the support of a brother's prayer. We prayed together over the phone for the Lord's covering from the temptation of the flesh, to be preserved purely for the Lord's holy testimony.
Since he felt the divine connection with me, he preferred to call me for prayer or fellowship whenever the need arises. A couple of times in our prayers in the past, he wept over the phone. As he is still stuck up with a certain group of denominations with the bait of dollar support; nevertheless, he desired to be delivered fully from those clutches and be fully recovered for the Lord's testimony. The way of the Lord's recovery is pure; it is a recovery of life, in life, and by life. Whenever he called, my only burden was to minister life to him. It was such a ministry of life that kept our relationship strong and sweet thus far, since I met him in the beginning of this year. Though I am aware of the mixture he was and still is in, I consider him as a brother who needs life supply. And the ministry of the word is just for that! The ministry of the word for all! This is my banner and theme in my service to the Lord.
With another brother too, the Lord also granted a divine connection. He also called me up now and then, especially, in times of great and intense need, related to his marital affair and the likes. Every time, I was online with him, my only goal was to minister Christ as life to him. Only if the Lord burdened and anointed me a word or two, then I ministered just that. Else, we simply prayed together over the phone, no matter what time of the day it was. With such, our divine connection grew strong and stronger. And the Lord honored it too by instantly answering what we prayed for, most of the time.
Not to many, but only to few select saints, the Lord blessed me with such a divine connection. My responsibility is to be faithful to the Lord by faithfully ministering Christ as life through the ministry of the word through such divine connections. These divine connections are the Lord's special gifts and blessings bestowed unto me, and behooves my faithfulness in honoring such, as my service to God.
Lord, make me Your faithful slave in these divine connections.