It was my first visit to a brother who has been a Christian for years but could not go on, despite holding important post in a system of Christianity, a Vice President of the denominational church he goes to, at the moment. At the first meeting the Lord led me to minister on life aspect. He strengthened my burden by himself asking how to grow in life. In response to his quest, I ministered on the four basic items of a Christian practice for growth in life, viz., breathing the Lord by calling upon the Name of the Lord Jesus in spirit all the time, drinking of the Spirit in prayer daily with specific time, reading and eating the word of God through pray-reading, and fellowship in homes or in group meetings.
Immediately after I released my burden, he asked me to repeat the whole thing again and he recorded them on his mobile, even taking notes on the major points and Bible verses. It was so encouraging to witness and feed the hungry and seeking ones. Besides, the Lord’s anointing was so rich in the fellowship.
After the meeting he invited us again as he wanted us to minister to his whole family and a group of seeking friends. When we went the next day, his wife, a seeking couple and a brother were there for receiving the ministry supply. I simply asked them, what was their actual need and what would they want me to minister? One of them requested for a fellowship on how to daily grow in life. Since it was their request and urgent need I ministered the same burdens what was ministered the day before, this time with much emphasis on practicality.
We even had some practical calling on the name of the Lord together, praying for one another's specific needs and some testimonies of the Lord's works in our lives. The couple who enjoyed the ministry invited us to visit them the next day. Since I was scheduled to visit Shillong I excused myself and asked the other brothers to go.
This experience was an eye opener to two major things. Positively, there is an immense thirst and hunger for the ministry of the word, and negatively, the system of Christianity has terribly failed in addressing the real need of the believers. Here comes the urgent need for the Lord's recovery of Christ as life for the believers' enjoyment of the Christian life, and the need for proper shepherding with the healthy spiritual food, the word of God.
Only if all Christians have proper vision of a Christian life and live a normal Christian life, the state of today's Christians would be much better and proper. This is also a direct evidence of the need for the Lord's recovery today in this city Guwahati.
Lord, gain Your strong testimony in Guwahati!