The beginning of this month was full of pressure as I had to finish many works before the due dates. One was writing a report to the brothers concerning the recent literature tour to the North East India, the other was a preparation for Greek final exam, and yet another one was to take care of my family's need. In the midst of all these, I received a phone call informing me of a sister who met with an accident and was admitted to a private hospital in Gurgaon. Amidst such pressure and tide schedule, I could not multi-task, as each of them required my physical presence and personal attention. Only if I were omnipresent! But the fact was not.
The option I had was to choose the most important one at that moment; to attend to what was most urgent. So I visited a sister in need at the hospital, spent time with her and her son, and took care of them; even the following days in many practical matters. Then I took time to write a report, and also took care of my family's need. Then finally, before the due date, prepared well for my Greek final exam and took the exam, satisfactorily. And after all that, visited the needy saints for shepherding almost every evening.
Life is really worth the living. Thank God that I did not get bored of idleness. On the contrary, I wished if only I had more time.
As far as my responsibilities were concerned I was satisfied at least that the Lord graced me to accomplished what I need to. Praise the Lord!
First thing first, is a good principle to follow in life. None can predict what will happen next, but as one faces life, take care of the most important thing first, and still not neglecting the others on the list of "To Do". First thing first, in every work of life, in every walk of life.
How to discern what is first, is by the inner sense of life, by the Lord's leading, and the understanding and interpretation of things on priority basis by the renewed mind.
First thing first, and all will be well. That's an experience of life.