Friday, 24 June 2016

Peace Maker

I am beginning to under what the Lord meant when He said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God" in Mathew 5:9. These days the Lord is giving me opportunities to learn how to be "peace makers," not between enemies but even between saints. For reason known well to God, and of course to Satan too, why there are problem between saints? At the very first thought, it sounds like an enigma. But pondering over it, considering over it, the Lord's light shown on me and let me begin to understand the reason why. Why do saints have problems? That too, not against the unbelievers, but against another saint. Is this real sainthood?

Saints are all those who are redeemed and sanctified by the blood of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ. It does not imply specifically that saints are matured and overcoming believers. Even a new born spiritual babe is a saint!

On the one hand, the saints need to grow in life unto maturity, yet on the other hand, Satan is at constant war with the saints; a fight against God. In fact, there are only two opposite forces in the universe, God versus Satan. Satan does not fight with God directly, but definitely with the children of God, the saints. Therefore, he subtly creates problem among the immature yet growing saints. Generally, "fights" happen among only immature saints, just like children and kids do at home. That's a sign of immaturity.

I do not claim that I am mature, but in faith and by grace I do claim that I am maturing. As problems among the saints were brought to me,  and as I in turn brought them before the Lord in prayer, the Lord impressed me with the urgency of the need for saints to transform and grow in life; the faster the better. This was exactly why saints had problems as mentioned.

Recently, two cases, serious as it may seem to be, were brought to me. I may not fully fathom the depth of the problem, but I do fathom the reason that caused the problems- satanic attack. To the two parties, I have fellowshipped the importance of exercising our spirits to turn to the Lord in prayer; and bind the enemy who caused all the problems. And I count it blessed to be able to fellowship with the opposite parties and minister the word of God. I don't know how much I have been instrumental in helping the saints, but I do know, I am learning some deep spiritual lessons of life. I even count it blessed that I can be a "peace maker." Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the sons of God.

To one party I have shared from the life of the Lord Jesus, how He was tempted with human necessity of food, with religion and with worldly glory. And how the Lord defeated Satan, the tempter, and such temptation was necessary to usher the Lord into His earthly ministry- a perfect man. Without trials how do one proves someone is perfect? So is the usefulness of trials; God allowed them. 

Overall I shared three points to the saints when they came for a specific fellowship: 
  • Satan is our only enemy and not our brothers or sisters. He will do his best to create misunderstanding and problems among the saints. He hates the Lord Jesus who is the Head of the Body and does all he could to destroy the Body of Christ by attacking the immature members.
  • Trials are also used by God to transform and perfect us. Without which how do we know one has progressed in life? Trials and temptations are the thermometers to read the degree of maturity of the saints.
  • In our relationship with the saints, natural affection must be avoided by all means. Once our relationship with the saints goes beyond the "in Christ" realm, we give ourselves as prey to Satan, the ever roaring and ever roaming lions. 

This fellowship helped them and despite the problems, they would rather pray and look to the Lord for more grace and growth in life. I reckon this as, "peace maker," making peace in the saints and among the saints by leading them to the word of God, the Spirit and prayer. To me, this is the real peace maker; bringing people to Christ through the Word, the Spirit and prayer.

Lord, make me Your peace maker. 

Life Lessons in Service

For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox that is treading out the grain,” and, “The workman is worthy of his pay.” 1 Timothy 5:18   

It was indeed a great light to see the importance of feeding and enjoying what we have been treading upon. God prohibited the muzzling of an ox that treads the grain. Herein lies a deep and profound divine principle for those who serves Jehovah. We must enjoy what we do, and in fact, live from it.

My fellowship to my fellow serving ones in the literature service was that we all should, even if I may use the word "MUST", enjoy the ministry of the word. We are not here as "salesman" per se, but a distributor of the highest "goods" in the whole universe, the word of God; more precisely, the interpreted word of God. So each of us must pursue the ministry of the word daily, enjoy it, be constituted with it and then distribute it in a way of ministering life to the "seekers of the truths." 

My own experiences all these years in the literature service have proved time and again, the necessity of being constituted with the word and ministering the word as life and life-supply to the believers. Since I came to the literature service I have been travelling the length and breath of this country, India, for the distribution of the word of God. In most of my contact with people, I was ministering the word mostly. The result of which was, many of the seekers were so touched by the word that they all ended up buying the truths. I believe, the Lord must have blessed each reader with His divine revelation.

The ministry of the word is so wonderful.

In serving the Lord, He, the righteous Judge has affirmed, "The workman is worthy of his pay." All servants of the Lord have faithfully been taken care of. So we all must trust Him for all our needs, both physical and spiritual. Though serving the Lord is not a job, the Lord has been faithfully providing the needs of all His servants, including me. There are inexplicable ways in which He has been shepherding me all these while. He provided all my needs, and much more, blessed me in abundance, even in physical things. Beyond my comprehension, He faithfully supplies all my needs and even the need of the my brothers and sisters. Sometimes, I wonder how it all happened. Sometimes, I felt the Lord has provided me more than what I could have earned even if I were to take up jobs. I envy none, for I have heard the clarion call of my Jehovah-Jireh! I testify this, not as a boast, but as a declaration of the fact, the reality of things as it has been. The Lord is faith, and His word too, "the workman is worthy of his pay."

That fellowship we had was wonderful. It encouraged and strengthened all of us who serves in the distribution of the ministry of the word.

Lord, preserve me in the joy and enjoyment of serving You.

Faithful in Service

In one our literature fellowships few weeks ago the Lord led us to pray-read Mathew 25:14-29. The striking phrases are:
"to each according to his own ability"25:15 To one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability. And he went abroad. 
The Lord knows our capacity and He will only give us according to who we are and what we are. He knows how much we can handle and will never give us beyond or below our capacity. The one who receives more has more capacity, and likewise with the less. There is no need to envy over the less or the more. Honor the Lord's assignment and receive with thanksgiving all that the Lord has given us. He knows best.
"Immediately"25:16 Immediately he who had received the five talents went and traded with them and gained another five.
Our response after the Lord's apportioning should be, "immediately." Once the Lord has assigned some talents, we should not ponder over it, but take action. There is no further need to analyse or even to pray over, for the matter is already made know by the Lord. The talents have been given, and go trade with it.
Once the Lord called and revealed His plan, go ahead and just do it. Since it is from the Lord, His grace will follow to accomplish the tasks.
"gained another.."25:20  And he who had received the five talents came and brought another five talents, saying, Master, you delivered to me five talents; behold, I have gained another five talents.
We must be accountable to all that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Be it small or be it great, be faithful to carry out what the Lord has commissioned us to do. And with what the Lord has given, we must gain more in return, out from it. We must be profitable to the Lord. We cannot be idle, lazy or slothful. But be diligent and faithful to accomplish the Lord's burden.
"Well done" 25:21  His master said to him, Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful over a few things; I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your master. 
The Lord definitely rewards His children with what is righteously due. To the faithful, according to his work, and to the slothful, alike. None can escape the Lord's righteous judgement. To whatever the Lord has bestowed, we must labor on it faithfully. We even must sweat it out to get the best out of what the Lord has given. And therefore, reap the harvest of our labor.
In addition to the reward of entering into the joy of our Master, we will have the honorable degree, "Good and Faithful Salve."   
The Lord's light shown upon us as a result of our pray-reading the word of God. It was so helpful to all of us, serving ones, in the distribution of the ministry of the word. We all were renewed in our attitude towards our service and the way we carry out our service.

Later, I had to write to another serving one concerning his service; both as an encouragement and also as a chastisement. As this brother had been up and down in his service to the Lord, weighing between the service of the world and of the Lord, he needed such a timely speaking. Praise the Lord! Finally, the Lord showed him the vanity of his labor in the world, and further enlightened him of the grace and glory in the Lord's service.

Lord, make me Your good and faithful slave!

Shepherding in Humanity

I had been praying for a brother and waiting for the opportunity to shepherd him after he drifted away from the church-life. Though many years have elapsed since their first entrance into the church-life, in fact, even a decade, I did not give up on him. For I am confident that the Lord never give up on any one. In time, the Lord gave me the opportunity to shepherd this brother.

The Lord had attracted him again and he, one day, called me out of the blue and said that he wanted to come home. I replied on the affirmative with a welcome note and tone, even to join us for dinner or for lunch. When he came, we just dined together and I made him feel homely. That was how I shepherded him in humanity. But we did not neglect the praying together with few words of encouragement.

Since then, he regularly attended the Lord's table meeting, and now and then visited us for lunch or dinner; oftentimes, even without any prior information. That was a wonderful experience and lesson on shepherding. To me, I was doing my practical homework.

Few days after his recovery, more opportunities the Lord granted to shepherd him practically. His mother was admitted to a trauma center in Delhi, and was lodged in ICU since then till date. I visited them in the hospital and provided simple meal. Ever since, I also invited him to eat with us, as and when he feels so. Now and then, he would come for meal and our relationship grows all the more. All these physical things are not the main thing, but what is precious is the Lord's sovereignty in answering my prayer to shepherd him in humanity. The Lord knows the best, and does things at the best time.

Lord, thank you for this lesson of shepherding in humanity.

First Thing First

The beginning of this month was full of pressure as I had to finish many works before the due dates. One was writing a report to the brothers concerning the recent literature tour to the North East India, the other was a preparation for Greek final exam, and yet another one was to take care of my family's need. In the midst of all these,  I received a phone call informing me of a sister who met with an accident and was admitted to a private hospital in Gurgaon. Amidst such pressure and tide schedule, I could not multi-task, as each of them required my physical presence and personal attention. Only if I were omnipresent! But the fact was not.

The option I had was to choose the most important one at that moment; to attend to what was most urgent. So I visited a sister in need at the hospital, spent time with her and her son, and took care of them; even the following days in many practical matters. Then I took time to write a report, and also took care of my family's need. Then finally, before the due date, prepared well for my Greek final exam and took the exam, satisfactorily.  And after all that, visited the needy saints for shepherding almost every evening. 

Life is really worth the living. Thank God that I did not get bored of idleness. On the contrary, I wished if only I had more time.

As far as my responsibilities were concerned I was satisfied at least that the Lord graced me to accomplished what I need to. Praise the Lord!

First thing first, is a good principle to follow in life. None can predict what will happen next, but as one faces life, take care of the most important thing first, and still not neglecting the others on the list of "To Do". First thing first, in every work of life, in every walk of life.

How to discern what is first, is by the inner sense of life, by the Lord's leading, and the understanding and interpretation of things on priority basis by the renewed mind.

First thing first, and all will be well. That's an experience of life. 

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Light, Life and Love

1 John  1:5 And this is the message which we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.

God's divine light dispels darkness caused by Satan. Many have been blinded by Satan, including many believers who are supposed to be the sons of light. However, if by the Lord's mercy, God's light shines upon them, light will dawn in the one shined upon. The higher the intensity of the Light, the higher the life growth will be. Light produces life; the stronger the light, the higher the life. Lack or deficiency of light causes darkness and eventually to death.

We must always be open to the Lord's shining of the divine light. And even pray that the Lord will shine upon us each day, even brighter and brighter.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the way and the reality and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.

Life is the issue of light. Different degrees of light produces different level of life. The highest light produces the highest form of life. Our being must be under the shining of God's light that we be sons of light in reality.

1 John 4:8 He who does not love has not known God, because God is love.1 John 4:16 And we know and have believed the love which God has in us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God abides in him.

When we are in the light and life operates in us, we will indeed be the manifestation of the sons of light. God who is light and life, is also love. The divine life can flow in the sons of light. Light produces life, and life flows out love.   

God is light, God is life and God is love. This God is in Christ as the Spirit who is in our spirit. So we have light, life and love and we can also be light, life and love! The more God is constituted into us, the more His attributes becomes our virtues. Light, life and love is ours, and can even become us.

Praise the Lord! 

Lord, shine on me as light, flow into me as life, and fill me with You as love; 
That I can shine out Your light, minister life, and love all that You would love. 

Operation Spiritual

Words does not suffice to thank God enough for all His tender, fine and intimate care for His children. Especially in this age of the Body, Christ the Head operates through the members of His Body and operates in the members. A very fine and specific operation was done yesterday; I called it "Operation Spiritual."

For a healthy body, a normal and timely health check-up is needed. For spiritual health too, God carries this out in His sovereignty. Yesterday, a brother whom I treasure so much since the time I came to serve the Lord full-time, fellowshipped with us (a few brothers from both Delhi and Gurgaon) and "operated us spiritually." It was a great help and blessing to me personally; I believe the same happened with my fellow brothers too. Diagnosis from "God's operation theater" results in the following prescriptions:

The Word of God 
The Word of God must be eaten daily and digested normally. Any lack in the Word of God results in spiritual deficiency issuing in many minor and major problems. A balanced healthy intake of the Word of God must never be neglected or overlooked. The Word of God must become flesh in the believers. Our living must be the living out of the Word of God. 

Prayer and Pray-reading the Word
Personally and corporately, there must be regular prayer. Brothers serving in the church must come together regularly for prayer. We serve God by prayer. Before any work is carried out, there must be prayer. Brothers must learn to pray and pray and pray until the Lord breaks through in them and moves through them. With God, impossibilities become possibilities through prayer.

Accompanying prayer, there must also be the pray-reading of the Word of God. Only the digested Word in the believers can be the constitution and living out of the Word of God. Whenever brothers come together, there must be prayer and pray-reading the Word of God. This will change the inward being of the brothers.

Proper Person
Out person matters a lot in the Lord's work. The Lord's inward working in us is necessary to deal with all the negative hidden germs within. There are many blind spots which are veiled from us, but could be seen by others, especially by the more matured brothers in the Lord. When we are open to fellowship, the Lord will grace us to deal with all these negative elements and heal us. Only by such inward healing, we can become a proper person- a useful vessel to the Lord.

Not Playing Politics 
Brothers should never play politics in the church, especially in administrative affairs of the church. Everything should be done by prayer and fellowship in coordination. Self ambition, opinion, pride and preferences must all be put to the cross, and resurrection life should prevail. All that we do must be in resurrection, in the new man.

Not Perfectionist
While we desire that every work done must be the best as we serve the Lord, who is the best of all, and indeed, we must give our best to the Best of the best. But one danger must be avoided. Do not be a perfectionist. Though it is best to be perfect in all our works, we must also be flexible to be adjusted and meet the urgent need. Our desire for perfection should not hinder the progress of the Lord's work. We must be flexible to meet the need of the time even if the work is not hundred percent perfect.

No one can serve the Lord alone. In the age of the Body, we must serve the Lord in the Body in coordination. One who does not learn to coordinate does not know the Body and cannot serve the Lord in the Body. God is not after individualistic spirituality, but after a corporate-built-up Body. Only the Body can fulfill the desires of the Head. 

Legality Versus Looseness
There must be a balance between legality and looseness. On the one hand, we must not be legal, yet we must not be loose either. Whenever necessary, we must exercise discipline and chastisement, but at the same time, we must be flexible, supplying life to the saints. We must not be too loose either where things get out of control and become a mess. Strictness must be balanced, so also looseness, so that life may be ministered to the saints for the building up of the Body of Christ.