I am beginning to under what the Lord meant when He said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God" in Mathew 5:9. These days the Lord is giving me opportunities to learn how to be "peace makers," not between enemies but even between saints. For reason known well to God, and of course to Satan too, why there are problem between saints? At the very first thought, it sounds like an enigma. But pondering over it, considering over it, the Lord's light shown on me and let me begin to understand the reason why. Why do saints have problems? That too, not against the unbelievers, but against another saint. Is this real sainthood?
Saints are all those who are redeemed and sanctified by the blood of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ. It does not imply specifically that saints are matured and overcoming believers. Even a new born spiritual babe is a saint!
On the one hand, the saints need to grow in life unto maturity, yet on the other hand, Satan is at constant war with the saints; a fight against God. In fact, there are only two opposite forces in the universe, God versus Satan. Satan does not fight with God directly, but definitely with the children of God, the saints. Therefore, he subtly creates problem among the immature yet growing saints. Generally, "fights" happen among only immature saints, just like children and kids do at home. That's a sign of immaturity.
I do not claim that I am mature, but in faith and by grace I do claim that I am maturing. As problems among the saints were brought to me, and as I in turn brought them before the Lord in prayer, the Lord impressed me with the urgency of the need for saints to transform and grow in life; the faster the better. This was exactly why saints had problems as mentioned.
Recently, two cases, serious as it may seem to be, were brought to me. I may not fully fathom the depth of the problem, but I do fathom the reason that caused the problems- satanic attack. To the two parties, I have fellowshipped the importance of exercising our spirits to turn to the Lord in prayer; and bind the enemy who caused all the problems. And I count it blessed to be able to fellowship with the opposite parties and minister the word of God. I don't know how much I have been instrumental in helping the saints, but I do know, I am learning some deep spiritual lessons of life. I even count it blessed that I can be a "peace maker." Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the sons of God.
To one party I have shared from the life of the Lord Jesus, how He was tempted with human necessity of food, with religion and with worldly glory. And how the Lord defeated Satan, the tempter, and such temptation was necessary to usher the Lord into His earthly ministry- a perfect man. Without trials how do one proves someone is perfect? So is the usefulness of trials; God allowed them.
Overall I shared three points to the saints when they came for a specific fellowship:
- Satan is our only enemy and not our brothers or sisters. He will do his best to create misunderstanding and problems among the saints. He hates the Lord Jesus who is the Head of the Body and does all he could to destroy the Body of Christ by attacking the immature members.
- Trials are also used by God to transform and perfect us. Without which how do we know one has progressed in life? Trials and temptations are the thermometers to read the degree of maturity of the saints.
- In our relationship with the saints, natural affection must be avoided by all means. Once our relationship with the saints goes beyond the "in Christ" realm, we give ourselves as prey to Satan, the ever roaring and ever roaming lions.
This fellowship helped them and despite the problems, they would rather pray and look to the Lord for more grace and growth in life. I reckon this as, "peace maker," making peace in the saints and among the saints by leading them to the word of God, the Spirit and prayer. To me, this is the real peace maker; bringing people to Christ through the Word, the Spirit and prayer.
Lord, make me Your peace maker.