Since the Lord had called me to serve Him on 1st January 2003 from the Bible verse, "And now, O Israel, what does Jehovah your God ask of you except that you fear Jehovah your God so that you would walk in all His ways and love Him and serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul;" (Deuteronomy 10:12) I had told my parent in faith that the Lord was responsible for all my needs and that I would not burden them any longer, financially or otherwise, but should the Lord bless me, I would share the blessing of God with them. Since then, I determined not to receive anything from my family, be it financial or family inheritance, till date, by the Lord's grace.
When I had a time of fellowship with my brother and his wife, I made it very clear to them that all the family land and building belongs to them, and I would have no part in any inheritance. Instead, as the Lord blesses me I would help them to further construct the first floor of the building for them and for the use of the church in Imphal as a meeting hall. I also told them that the Lord has provided all my needs, and if need be, He will also provide our own building elsewhere in India or abroad. I would simple trust the Lord. This is the first time I have made it very clear to my brother, as the Lord had called me to serve Him, and that he would take care of our mom and dad in their old age.
I also fellowshipped with him about his living before God and man, and the need to exercise to live a God-man life to be a testimony to the heathen village we are in, besides emphasizing the need for a physical exercise too. In order to shepherd him, we also looked into his business and critically analysed its pros and cons; even calculating in minute detail if it was worth continuing. We also looked into his academic career and encourage him to finish his graduation and suggested a Master's degree program too. And also studied the loans and other financial matters, and warned him to be careful of loans; better is never to borrow, but work within the walls. Most importantly, we prayed together for the Lord's work in us, for our family, for his education, job, family life and also for God's purpose to be fulfilled even through us.
It was a sweet and long fellowship indeed. It was worth it, and my burden was released concerning him. That was my brotherly fellowship with my brother in the Lord and in blood.
Lord, gain us fully for You!