These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He may go. Rev. 14:4b
The result of experiencing the Altar of Burnt Offering and the Golden Incense Altar is that we become ashes and are acceptable to God, and become one with God in His move on this earth for His testimony.
It was Saturday afternoon, 12th March 2016, when I had my personal time with the Lord, experiencing the golden incense altar, the Lord spoke to me about Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
As I interceded for the Lord's move, the burden within me grew stronger and stronger to visit the Islands. I prayed and prayed and considered all the practical aspect including time and money. At one point I was about to give up. But the Lord confirmed within me that I can reschedule my time and need not worry about the finance even though the expenses incurred would be heavy according my standard at the moment. The more I prayed and considered the visit, the more I had the peace to go ahead. Nevertheless, I would not depend upon my own feeling, however strong it may be. I could still be wrong, for I am just a man; I need the Body's confirmation too.
Later, as I brought the matter to fellowship, the Lord confirmed it even through the Body. Still I fellowshipped with the brother in Port Blair and waited for him to confirm too, since he would be my host. A day after he confirmed, and still I fellowshipped with another brother to coordinate with me, and after all the necessary fellowships the flight tickets were booked. Then I finally visited the Islands on the 16th March 2016.
The visit was purely the following of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus, wherever He led. It was a surprise and impromptu decision to all who were involved. But it was the grace of God that I could follow the Lamb wherever He led. When the Lord, the Head of the Body leads, He confirms with His Body too. And the issue is His anointing and blessing. That's the blessing of following the Lamb. What an enjoyment!
During all the five days of our stay in Port Blair, the Lord's presence was so rich and His anointing was with us with whomever we fellowshipped. I firmly believe that the Lord has His heart's desire in this Islands, especially in the capital city, Port Blair and will fulfill His economy in His recovery for His testimony.
Hasten that day Lord! Yes, even through the ministry of the word!
Follow the Lamb wherever He may go.