James 5:19 - My brothers, if any one among you is led astray from the truth and someone turns him back,
James 5:20 - Let him know that he who turns a sinner back from the error of his way will save that one’s soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
Note on "sinner" from the Holy Bible, Recovery Version.
According to the context of these two verses, this is not an unbelieving sinner but a believing brother who has been led astray from the truth and is turned back from his error to the truth. Hence, the salvation of his soul does not refer to the eternal salvation of the person but to the dispensational salvation of his soul from the suffering of physical death under God’s discipline. James may also have considered all the virtues covered in vv. 7-20 to be aspects of practical Christian perfection.
The Lord has brought us to a brother who has indeed gone astray from the truth for the past thirteen years. Nevertheless, God's mercy never fails. We had no plan to come to him this time as our burden was on the ministry literature. But, due to present circumstances of the church here, though we considered to rescheduled it, the Lord still brought us here; our brother received us warmly.
As we fellowshipped, the Lord made it very clear to us why He brought us here; to recover His chosen ones, especially our brother. Our fellowship was so sweet and joyful as it was indeed the Lord's perfect plan. A couple of months ago he had called already and plans were made for fellowship, however nothing worked. Every attempt was thwarted by the enemy by various attacks. However, prayer and the Lord's mercy never ceases.
As we fellowshipped, brother has opened up all his past failures, his wandering in the wilderness, his experiences with different "Christian ministries and ministers", his experiences even with anti-Christian groups with persecutions, his family and personal health situation, and even how he never felt peace from the Lord for all the so called "Christian works" he has been engaged in all these years. The conclusion of all his experiences was to come back to God's heart's desire for the testimony of Jesus, the building up of the Body of Christ.
This was confirmed by the Lord's speaking yesterday concerning Ammi and Ruhamah; initially chosen but strayed away to be Lo-ammi and Lo-ruhamah, and finally restored back to be Ammi and Ruhamah: God's people who have obtained compassion from God.
Yesterday whole afternoon, evening and night he confessed and repented of all his past living and ministry apart from the Body, and we also fellowshipped with him concerning the Lord's word, His works and move even in India. And today morning as we walked and prayed, brother released his burden in prayer to be recovered and have a new beginning in Christ, to be fully in and with and for the Body of Christ. What a glorious and joyful moment indeed to experience the joy of the Lord's visitation and witness a brother willingly coming back in fellowship to serve together in the one work of the Lord for the building up of the one Body of Christ!
This morning, in my time with the Lord, the word confirmed what has transpired these days; "My brothers, if any one among you is led astray from the truth and someone turns him back, Let him know that he who turns a sinner back from the error of his way will save that one’s soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins".