Monday, 15 February 2016

Greek on Wheels

Since the very beginning of learning biblical Greek online, it has been my desire to finish exercises well on time before the due date. This time I had to travel for the ministry of the word and decided to finish the lesson due before I started the literature journey. To that extent I requested the serving ones to open the exercise time a week before it's scheduled time. However, many unavoidable works needed my attention so urgently that I had to postpone my Greek until before the due date and not before I started my journey.

Even as I began the literature journey I had to find time whenever possible to study Greek. While travelling in the bus or train or in three wheelers, I had to study and do all the exercises due. I dared not sacrifice my official literature service for Greek, nor Greek for my official duty. Looking to the Lord for more grace I tried my best to do both with the best of my ability. And I believed it was possible. The Lord really did grace me, and I enjoyed a wonderful learning of Greek on the move, Greek on wheels.

Against all odds, of finding time to study and a system to work out the exercises online, it was a trying time indeed. As much as I struggled to find time, my laptop would not cooperate with me either; a technical snag again and again would bother me. Nevertheless, I turned to my smartphone to do the online exercises. Thanks to the phone that is really smart indeed, a well deserved praise for a laptop substitute, only if it were an organic thing possibly personified to acknowledge my gratitude.

This experience was deeply motivated by a couple of things. First, the desire to learn Greek at all cost. Second, the importance of learning Greek for God's economy, as translation of the Recovery Version Bible of the New Testament into Indian languages are so important and the need so urgent. It cannot be delayed or neglected at any cost. Third, the universal dictum, "where there is a will, there indeed is a way", come what may, came alive all the way.

This experience is so marvellous. Greek on wheels...

Sunday, 14 February 2016

The Lord's Speaking

Today morning as I coordinated with young brothers to clean the meeting hall campus here in the church in Guntur, a brother informed me of the need to minister the word in the meeting today. As I cleaned and looked to the Lord for His speaking I fellowshippwd with my brother the burden of releasing the truths of the Bible, the crucial points of the major items of the Lord's recovery today. These are the messages the Lord burdened me to dive into, get constituted with and minister. Every week in the local church in Gurgaon, I released the overview of the burden every week. Now in the final ninth week on the Holy Word for Morning Revival, I have covered and am somewhat constituted with the truths and the burdens. The Lord knows, this is the right time to release these burdens. And so He arranged this opportunity.

God's economy is the dispensing of the Triune God as life and life supply to the believers for the constitution and building up of the organic body of Christ that consummates the New Jerusalem. For this God the Father had planned, God the Son, Jesus Christ had accomplished the plan and God the Spirit applies to the believers the plan of God, in Christ Jesus as the consumated Spirit , dispensing the eternal and divine life of God to the believers for the producing of the church, the Body of Christ, standing on the ground of oneness and building up the organic Body of Christ to fullfil God's eternal purpose.

With the objective truth released, subjective experiences were also testified, ministering and dispensing life to the saints. The Lord's speaking was so subjective as the saints testified in the prophesy meeting of how much and on what points the Lord spoke to them. Praise the Lord!

Later, after the meeting and lovefeast, a serving brother fellowshipped with me to minister the word again in the young people meeting. The burden released was on the importance of clearance of the past according to the Holy Spirit's conviction and leading to clear any and every hindrances in the experience and growth in life. Then the burden on prayer as touching God in the Spirit was released, with subjective and practical help on scheduling specific time for prayer, receiving prayer burdens from the Lord and faithfully praying and living a prayer life. The saints enjoyed the Lord's speaking again and prayed in the end a corporate prayer for clearance of the past and prayer life. With the objective truths released, there were substantiation with subjective experiences as testimonies. Praise the Lord!

The Lord's speaking was so subjective, real and timely. Amen.

Lord, continue to speak...

Saturday, 13 February 2016

My Brother's Portion

As I have been travelling with my brother in coordination for the propagation of the ministry of the word, the Lord grace me to enjoy my brother's portion which the head Christ in his sovereign wisdom has apportioned to him. Wherever we went, whomever we met, the Lord's speaking has been so timely and apt, through whoever of us. When my brother ministers to the local people in Telugu though I do not know the language I amen his speaking and stand with him in one accord. In my spirit I enjoy the flow of life.

Not that I try to be one with him, doing my best to adjust with him, but we are just one inwardly and outwardly without any effort of "trying to be one." In everything that we do, there has been an inward harmony spontaneously. In the ministry of the word, the Spirit's speaking has been so sweet, we took turns at times and  just my brother at other times. No contention, no competition nor comparison, but just coordinating as co-workers. What a blessed experience this has been!

This is the deeper lesson I have been learning in coordination. I thank the Lord for this opportunity. Not neglecting my own portion nor despising my brother's portion, but accepting one another's portion, honoring it for the building up of one another. And ultimately, all our portions and functions are for the building up of the Body of Christ.

This is the body-life, this is the church life. What a blessing to learn this lesson; honoring my brother's portion. I am beginning to experience and enjoy Psalms 133.

Dew of Heaven: Note from the Holy Bible, Recovery Version 
Psa. 133:31a  dew  Prov. 19:12;  Micah 5:7  Signifying the fresh and refreshing grace of God, which comes to us through God’s fresh compassions (Lam. 3:22-23; cf. Prov. 19:12). This grace—the Triune God processed and consummated to be our life supply for our enjoyment (John 1:14, 16-17; 2 Cor. 13:14)—waters us. Hermon, a high mountain, signifies the heavens, the highest place, from which the dew descends. The anointing of the Spirit (v. 2) and the supply of grace make it possible for us to live in oneness

Gates of Hades: Odd to Translation

Matthew 16:18 b, "The gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
Since the very inception of the literature service in Telugu, especially, the translation service, there have been rampant attack on the serving ones. Our Hyderabad office was closed, and the serving ones went through a lot of crisis. Physical health issue, family problems, financial crisis and the likes. But somehow we managed to sail on despite the many hurdles. 

Last year we restructured the service responsibilities and it went on well. New serving ones have come in through fellowship. But soon, many of these saints have faced health issues that affected their services. For quite some time I have been wondering why it has to be so in this particular language. Beginning this year we started a Life-study project with two serving ones and some part timers joining in. No sooner than it began, one of them have serious health issue suddenly and the other serving one's father was hospitalised and is now in ICU. Last night, I with two brothers visited them.

As I have been on Ministry Literature Journey to select cities of Andhra Pradesh and Telengana, Telugu speaking region, I realised one important matter. There are thousands of seeker of the truth waiting for us to supply them the ministry of the word. I have heard testimonies of how seekers have read the ministry books and turned to take the way of the Bible in the practice of the church life, leaving religion and degraded Christianity, to enjoy and experience Christ in a new and living way for the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, and  Satan hates this. So is the attack.

When the ministry perfects the saints and builds up the Body of Christ as in Ephesians 4:12, which is the fulfillment of the Lord's prophesy in Matthew 16:18, Satan, the  gates of Hades, will not keep quite. No wonder the attack. But praise the Lord, he will not prevail against it. Hallelujah!

These are visible signs that the ministry is prevailing and it will fully prevail. Now I am so much strengthened for the service and function the Lord has entrusted me in the Body, in the literature service to build up the church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

Press On

Our recent training for the leading and responsible  brothers for the churches in India was on pressing on from the tabernacle church life to the temple church life as seen in the history of the journey of the Ark from being in the tabernacle till the transition into the temple in Jerusalem. In type, there is also the enlargement of the material, size, weight and number typifying the need to press on in our experiences of the Christ.

What the Lord touched my being was in the materials used in the building of the temple, especially that of gold, bronze and stone besides the Cyprus wood, Cedar wood and olive wood.

The Church as the Temple of God—The Goal of God's Eternal Economy, Message Three, The Intrinsic Significance of the Materials of the Temple (2)

IV. The major parts of the temple were made of wood overlaid with gold, signi-
fying man being overlaid—united, mingled, and incorporated—with God—
2 Chron. 3:7; 1 Kings 6:20-21, 30, 32, 35; 7:48-51:
A. The Lord’s recovery consists of God overlaying His recovered people with Him-
B. Oneness is a matter of sinking deeply into the Triune God until we are fully
overlaid with gold; the only way to be kept in the real oneness is to have an
adequate amount of the experienced God—Eph. 4:3; Col. 2:19.  
VI C. Those who are useful to God are constantly under God’s judgment (bronze), realizing that they are men in the flesh, worthy of nothing but death and burial— Psa. 51:5; Exo. 4:1-9; Rom. 7:18; Matt. 3:16-17:   
1. We must judge ourselves as nothing and as being qualified only to be crucified; whatever we are, we are by the grace of God, and it is not we who labor but the grace of God—1 Cor. 15:10; Gal. 2:20; 1 Pet. 5:5-7.   
2. The reason for both division and fruitlessness among believers is that there is no bronze, nothing of God’s judgment; instead, there is pride, self-boasting, self-vindication, self-justification, self-approval, self-excuse and self-righteousness and condemning and regulating others instead of shepherding and seeking them—Matt. 16:24; Luke 9:54-55.   
3. When we love the Lord and experience Him as the man of bronze (Ezek. 40:3), He will become our extraordinary love, boundless forbearance, unparalleled faithfulness, absolute humility, utmost purity, supreme holiness and righteousness, and our brightness and uprightness—Phil. 4:5-8. 
VII. The stones of the temple signify Christ’s humanity in transformation, the transformed Christ—1 Kings 5:15-18; 6:7, 36; 1 Chron. 29:2; 2 Chron. 3:6: 
D. The New Testament speaks of living stones (1 Pet. 2:5), and the Old Testament  speaks of cut stones (1 Kings 5:15, 17-18; 6:7); the stones used for the building up of the church must be living inwardly and cut (dealt with) outwardly (2 Cor. 4:16): 
1. In the church some brothers and sisters can be compared to “wild” stones, freshly cut from the quarry and full of sharp edges; when they are contacted, they cause people to be hurt and to have an uncomfortable feeling.  
2. They are not stable enough to be built upon, to coordinate and serve with
others, to fight the battle with others, or to bear the Ark with others.  
3. Every piece of stone used for the building of the temple was, in principle, already cut and dealt with in the mountains; thus, the sound of hammer, ax, and iron tool was not heard, and the temple was built quietly—1 Kings 5:15-18; 6:7; cf. Isa. 30:15a.  
4. The church should be built without any “noise” of the self; the only sound in the church that we should hear is the music, “the joyful noise,” of calling on the Lord, rejoicing, praising, praying, thanking, and singing—Psa. 100:1-5; Acts 4:10-12; Phil. 4:4; Heb. 13:15; 1 Thes. 5:16-18; Col. 3:16-17; 1 Chron. 6:31-32. 
The Lord's speaking was so apt. It reminds me to come to the Lord again and gain to gain Him as gold, to sink into Him and to be overlaid with Him; to be judged daily in my daily living, in my words, thoughts and deeds; and to be dealt with and be a transformed stone to fitly framed and joint with other members in the Body. All these are for the building up of the Body of Christ.

Lord, grace me to press on and on.

LITERATURE JOURNEY: Khamman & Vijawaya

In Khamman the Lord arranged an elderly sister for our hospitality. In this city the Lord led us to some very senior and elderly brothers to whom we introduced the ministry books. In spite of all the decades of spiritual experiences, they all seemed to get stuck at maintaining the status quo of a Christian life. A brother even confessed how he weeps before the Lord for being stagnant spiritually and wonder why revival of the old have not happened, and why believers lost their interest in the things of God? Spiritual deadness, barrenness, division are plaguing the Christian world today. Another brother acknowledged how the ministry books we are distributing are so helpful to him; even the basic of pray-reading and calling upon the Lord's name have helped him a lot. Many have been drugged by religiosity and superstition in the cloak of spirituality. Even as we released our burden of letting the ministry known to all these dear saints, deep within me I felt how blessed I am to be in the ministry of the age. Had I not been shown mercy to take the way of the recovery I would have as well sunk into the mire of religiosity.

Later in the evening the Lord opened up a Pastor referred to us by a brother from Warangal to whom local brothers ministered the word for about two hours. May the Lord have His way in this city.

Our visit to Vijayawada was very joyous as the local church here and our brothers gladly coordinated with us, leading us to different Christian leaders; some are very famous Christian leaders, some elderly and spiritual ones and some young ones. The sweet coordination of the brothers is the most precious thing here.

One significant meeting was with a well known brother, very gifted, and who was introduced to the ministry, decade ago. In fact, he had introduced the ministry books to some seekers many years ago and are now in the church life, but he himself have not fully taken the way of the Lord's recovery. The seed of the ministry was already sown into him. As we fellowshiped with him late into the night, till an hour and half past midnight, the Lord's speaking was so sweet, full of anointing, we all enjoyed the flow of life.

Our brother opened up to confess his lack for fellowship and expressed his need for regular fellowship with fellow members in the Body. As the Lord burdened us, we ministered on the ministry of the age of building up the Body of Christ and Lord's recovery of oneness, the preeminance of the all-inclusive Christ, the functioning of the members of the Body of Christ, the fellowship of and in the Body of Christ and the building up of the Body of Christ. He was so happy that we visited him and acknowledged that it was the Lord visiting him to recover him. May the Lord fully recover him too.

Later we met an elderly brother who opened up for more fellowship and our brothers ministered to him over an hour. Just before we left Vijayawada an impromtu appointment was made with a Pastor who also turned out to be very seeking for the truth concerning the Christian life and the church life. As we ministered the word he received it whole heartedly and there will be a follow up fellowship. All these are the Lord's leading to the right people at the right time within the few days of our stay here. May the Lord recover him and the believers with him too for the economy of God.

Thursday, 11 February 2016


An Answer to the Body's Prayer

Though we did not have any contact in this city despite being one of the target cities for propagation this year, as we came out of the train station we stood and prayed to the Lord to lead us. Meanwhile one sister's number was given to us by phone, later we met her, and she introduced us to a brother. 

As we introduced the ministry books to this brother, the Lord opened up his heart and he became very interested to fellowship with us. He gave us wonderful hospitality and directed us to different Christian leaders for the introduction of the books.

In the evening after dinner, we fellowship with this brother till midnight and also with his wife the following morning on various truths of the Bible. They were so happy and the brother exclaimed that we were the first people he met who knew the deep things of God  and ministered the high truths concerning the divinity and humanity of Christ, the organic oneness with Christ, the crucified and resurrected Christ and the subjective experiences therewith, the church as the Body of Christ, the corporate expression of Christ, the Body-Christ, mingling, blending, God's economy and the Lord's recovery. 

He was so joyful as many divine revelations he received from God in his time with the Lord, which he dared not reveal to anyone else before for lack of confirmation, were confirmed in our fellowship. He even said, "God has sent His angels as He visited Abraham of the Bible", "You are the first and only Christians I met who knows the truth...", "Deep calls unto deep", "I have been praying and seeking the Lord for years...", "I am not satisfied with routine Christianity full of religious things...", etc,.

Now he wants to dive into the ministry books as he avoided it for the past 20 some years because of false accusation against brother Watchman Nee. He regreted that he missed so much and confirmed that it was Satan who tried to hide the truths by evil speakings among Christians concerning the ministry books.

From now on, he wants to study the books and even the Holy Bible, Recovery Version with the notes and keep on fellowshiping with us for the Lord's further leading.

Pray for this brother and his family that they may be brought into the subjective enjoyment of Christ and into the reality and oneness, and the fellowship of the Body of Christ.

He is a well known Christian leader with believers spread all over AP & T, and his wife, a women Christian leader too.

Pray for the recovery of the testimony in Warangal and the follow up fellowship with this family.

A report posted on 9th February 2016.