As I have been travelling with my brother in coordination for the propagation of the ministry of the word, the Lord grace me to enjoy my brother's portion which the head Christ in his sovereign wisdom has apportioned to him. Wherever we went, whomever we met, the Lord's speaking has been so timely and apt, through whoever of us. When my brother ministers to the local people in Telugu though I do not know the language I amen his speaking and stand with him in one accord. In my spirit I enjoy the flow of life.
Not that I try to be one with him, doing my best to adjust with him, but we are just one inwardly and outwardly without any effort of "trying to be one." In everything that we do, there has been an inward harmony spontaneously. In the ministry of the word, the Spirit's speaking has been so sweet, we took turns at times and just my brother at other times. No contention, no competition nor comparison, but just coordinating as co-workers. What a blessed experience this has been!
This is the deeper lesson I have been learning in coordination. I thank the Lord for this opportunity. Not neglecting my own portion nor despising my brother's portion, but accepting one another's portion, honoring it for the building up of one another. And ultimately, all our portions and functions are for the building up of the Body of Christ.
This is the body-life, this is the church life. What a blessing to learn this lesson; honoring my brother's portion. I am beginning to experience and enjoy Psalms 133.
Dew of Heaven: Note from the Holy Bible, Recovery Version
Psa. 133:31a dew Prov. 19:12; Micah 5:7 Signifying the fresh and refreshing grace of God, which comes to us through God’s fresh compassions (Lam. 3:22-23; cf. Prov. 19:12). This grace—the Triune God processed and consummated to be our life supply for our enjoyment (John 1:14, 16-17; 2 Cor. 13:14)—waters us. Hermon, a high mountain, signifies the heavens, the highest place, from which the dew descends. The anointing of the Spirit (v. 2) and the supply of grace make it possible for us to live in oneness