In Khamman the Lord arranged an elderly sister for our hospitality. In this city the Lord led us to some very senior and elderly brothers to whom we introduced the ministry books. In spite of all the decades of spiritual experiences, they all seemed to get stuck at maintaining the status quo of a Christian life. A brother even confessed how he weeps before the Lord for being stagnant spiritually and wonder why revival of the old have not happened, and why believers lost their interest in the things of God? Spiritual deadness, barrenness, division are plaguing the Christian world today. Another brother acknowledged how the ministry books we are distributing are so helpful to him; even the basic of pray-reading and calling upon the Lord's name have helped him a lot. Many have been drugged by religiosity and superstition in the cloak of spirituality. Even as we released our burden of letting the ministry known to all these dear saints, deep within me I felt how blessed I am to be in the ministry of the age. Had I not been shown mercy to take the way of the recovery I would have as well sunk into the mire of religiosity.
Later in the evening the Lord opened up a Pastor referred to us by a brother from Warangal to whom local brothers ministered the word for about two hours. May the Lord have His way in this city.
Our visit to Vijayawada was very joyous as the local church here and our brothers gladly coordinated with us, leading us to different Christian leaders; some are very famous Christian leaders, some elderly and spiritual ones and some young ones. The sweet coordination of the brothers is the most precious thing here.
One significant meeting was with a well known brother, very gifted, and who was introduced to the ministry, decade ago. In fact, he had introduced the ministry books to some seekers many years ago and are now in the church life, but he himself have not fully taken the way of the Lord's recovery. The seed of the ministry was already sown into him. As we fellowshiped with him late into the night, till an hour and half past midnight, the Lord's speaking was so sweet, full of anointing, we all enjoyed the flow of life.
Our brother opened up to confess his lack for fellowship and expressed his need for regular fellowship with fellow members in the Body. As the Lord burdened us, we ministered on the ministry of the age of building up the Body of Christ and Lord's recovery of oneness, the preeminance of the all-inclusive Christ, the functioning of the members of the Body of Christ, the fellowship of and in the Body of Christ and the building up of the Body of Christ. He was so happy that we visited him and acknowledged that it was the Lord visiting him to recover him. May the Lord fully recover him too.
Later we met an elderly brother who opened up for more fellowship and our brothers ministered to him over an hour. Just before we left Vijayawada an impromtu appointment was made with a Pastor who also turned out to be very seeking for the truth concerning the Christian life and the church life. As we ministered the word he received it whole heartedly and there will be a follow up fellowship. All these are the Lord's leading to the right people at the right time within the few days of our stay here. May the Lord recover him and the believers with him too for the economy of God.