The redemption the Lord Jesus accomplished at the cross judicially by the shedding of His blood, and the salvation He freely and graciously bestowed unto us organically by the flowing of the water from His wounded side as the resurrected life-giving Spirit supplying us the divine life is to all those believed into Him. Though Christians in ignorance are religiously, if not superstitiously, blinded by the system of Christianity, the fact that we are all redeemed by the blood of Jesus and made sons of God, indisputable truth and our eternal bliss.
Satan have subtly used religious divides even among the children of God, the Christians. But in the eyes of God, we all are one in Christ, equally members to one another of His one unique Body, manifested wherever the believers are as the church in that locality. If only all the children of God sees and knows and lives this fact, Satan would have been ashamed openly today, though he was already openly defeated at the cross of Christ. It does take revelation of the the divine Word in the light of the Holy Spirit to see things as God sees and be in brotherly fellowship beyond petty non-essential divisive items.
By the Lord's mercy, with this vision and burden, I visited certain Christian brothers especially those who blindly opposes the living and practices of a normal Christian life in a normal church-life. Not with view of defense nor offense, but with the proper spirit of brotherly fellowship in Christ. To all whom I have visited and fellowshipped with, the outcome was brotherly love being developed and negative veils of misunderstanding, misconception and misaiming dealt with. In every visit, my prayer to the Lord was for the Lord's presence in conduct and in word with a proper attitude and never to get into any debates, theological or whatsoever. In fact, I have reminded myself and the brothers with me that we were not for debating but for brotherly fellowship. After every fellowship, we had wonderful time prayer together for more brotherly fellowships, to build up one another. Having thus fellowshipped with some already, spanning two states and fours cities, the bonds of brotherhood was established even with once opposers, now beloved brothers.
Satan and his tactic of spreading false propaganda and lies about fellow believers need to be exposed and condemned. His subtle divisive tools of dividing the Body of Christ must be annihilated through the positive preaching of the truths of the Bible. And Christians must identify Satan as the common enemy, and corporately as the church, fight against him, the defeated foe; not fight our fellow brothers in Christ. Today, we are at the end times, and Satan is getting busier to carry out his destructive work of the church, but he will not prevail. For Matthew 16:18 says, "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it".
The gates of Hades will not prevail against it! Why is there the need to insert this phrase? For the Lord certainly know that Satan will fight against the church which Christ builds, but he, Satan, will not prevail against it. No wonder, there are lot of the works of Satan manifested among Christians today. But Christ will build up His church and Satan will not prevail against it. Hallelujah!
For this, brotherly fellowship is very necessary to expose the Satanic lies. And this is the reason the Lord burdened me to extend a fellowshipping hand to fellow Christians who misunderstood us for some reasons.
Brotherly fellowship heals the wounds of Satanic attacks. So lets be in fellowship. Yes, brotherly fellowship in Christ Jesus.