Since my childhood my grandparent taught me the importance of offering to the Lord for His move on the earth. Even when I grew up, the Lord has been gracing me to offer from all His blessings. And this has been one my covenants with my wife when we get married that we would offer in one accord from all the blessings we received from the Lord. And the Lord is faithfully blessing us and He also became our faithfulness in offering to Him in return. It has always been a joy to be able to offer.
Though the Old Testament speak about tithe (10% of every blessing) which many Christian religiously and sometimes superstitiously stick onto. I do not take this as a "bondage" but as a "law of life not in legality." And I do not subscribe to the 10% only doctrine either. To me, all comes from the Lord and all belongs to Him too. Not only in financial matter but also in all things including time, and energy. In fact, I rather regard this as a minimum weigh scale in principle rather than something to be bound by.
Of late, the Lord gave me a feeling to offer more, and in fact, to double it as the majority of Christian would have done. I seriously had been considering for a while and asked the Lord to increase my faith. Surprisingly, the Lord knew my heart and my burden and made a new arrangement in my service in such a way that I can actually offer what I had been burdened to offer, doubling the percentage of what I generally used to offer.
To me, to be able to offer more is a healthy sign of being blessed by God. What do I have which I do not receive? All comes from the Lord and all should belong to Him. The need met of my own is the Lord's need met, as I am not my own but the Lord's.
Doubling the offering is doubling in blessings.
Lord increase my faith even to offer more!